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Posts posted by transam

  1. its a late 2007 model and has been lowered etc. 18" alloys, bull / roll bars and front spoiler, cd player, recently serviced and well maintained. very good condition all round inside and out , call only 082 20 20 100 do not send email please.!!


    Do l remember you had problems with it. :)

  2. Think you must understand ANYTHING is money in LOS. Whether police, army personnel, what ever, if can make money, then so be it. Corruption in this nation has no bounds, No law, only how can make money. It is so obvious but the high ranks are in on the money making. Sooner the government start to REALLY work and eliminate the hi-so army and police corruption the better.

  3. Like I said have not had much success explaining to anyone, just have to prove on the track or the road but the latter is nay on impossible to do so as it takes so long so I just let people remain stuck in their misguided ways. But have to point out the failure in the logic when they pass on the misguided info and let the concerned party discern for themselves.....

    Keep reading your post and cannot make head nor tail of it. NOT being negative but perhaps you can try again just for me. Really interested. :)

  4. Don't know your starter motor setup, but is the starter near anything that gets really hot. I had the same problem on my Pontiac cos the exhaust hedders run close to the starter and transferd heat.

    The fix was to wrap asbestos (substitute) cloth around the starter/solenoid held with twists of copper wire and made a heat shield from alloy sheet. Bought a remote solenoid, bridging terminals on the stock one, and fixed that away from heat Problem solved. Just a thought :). In other words the solenoid was heat effected.

  5. I'm afraid there will be many more hijackings because part of the US fleet, patrolling the waters off Somalia, is now steaming towards Libya in the Mediterranean, including the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) as well as many other naval ships from other EU countries.....

    The pirates themselves are poor b@stards and their lives are worth next to nothing to the lords who organise the hijackings and who are/became filthy rich.

    Take those lords out and the problems will fade away......... but the bitter poverty will stay in this misarable corner of the world where the average GDP/capita is $ 600.-- per year...and that's $ 1.64 per day to survive...


    The world is full of poor starving people but they on the whole are not equipped with military hardware to take hostage the innocent for cash. NO excuses, rich or poor.

  6. So, the big question that's bothering me is........................ do I fit a new original unit from Mitsubishi or do I buy a reconditioned unit from any one of the many "shop house" places scattered along the Sukhumvit Road in Pattaya. A new unit is about twice the price of a reconditioned one but I have to consider a number of factors, such as:

    1. The cost, obviously
    2. The quality of the work
    3. The expected life of a new unit vs a reconditioned one
    4. Comparison of warranties
    5. Can I be sure that a "shop house" reconditioned replacement is just that
    6. My car is 9 years old and I am 70 years old. It will surely be my last car so, should a new original unit be my choice?

    Please help me to decide guys, I trust your judgement and advice. Transam and Semper, what do you think? Thank you.

    To be honest there is little to go wrong in an alternator. They replace a couple of troublesome bits, test and sell. Recon OK. Little money and away you go. :D

  7. I thought the lady was angry that he called her a bad name and the glass was no big deal. I think he said she brought in 10 employees to attest to the fact that he called her a bad name.

    I was trying to figure out where in Thailand would bar girls be upset at being called a bad name and the only place I can think of is Chiang Mai.

    In my experience all of the people that go to bars in Chiang Mai are very polite drunks. I imagine the shock of a Chiang Mai ex pat using bad language would have freaked out the woman.

    Maybe the OP could explain to the judge that he called the lady a butch and not what he actually called her.

    Good idea. :D

    '' Butch '' meaning, not acting as a lady.

  8. I notice that in this incident, 13 pirates were detained .

    In my opinion, there should have been no survivors, all should have been killed in the action !

    Back in the 50's i was on a naval ship ( will not disclose which navy) we departed Mogadishu, Somalia bnd for Colombo, then Ceylon. At sea 2 days we were informed that there might be 2 dhows in the area bound for the Persian Gulf from Zanzibar, which we were to stop and search as they were suspected of running slaves. We subsequently found and tracked 2 dhows for some time. As we closed on them in the early evening they proceeded to throw a number of persons overboard who were attacked by large sharks. We were unable to rescue these persons, all young boys and girls as the sharks had killed them . We were all incensed by the crew of the 2 dhows who just stood and grinned at our boarding parties. They told us that we had no right to board them as they had no slaves on board, the few girls they had ( about 14 yrs old) were wives of the crew. We subsequently took the girls away, eventually finding out that they were the choice slaves for the arab market. As we steamed away the arab crews turned their backs to us shouting and exposing their backsides. Our captain was so angry as we all were that we opened fire with our light AA guns and sank them. they soon found out about the sharks. I have never regretted this ocurrence but have no doubt that the "do gooders" would condemn us all to the gallows if they could. If this was done to these pirates a bit more often then things might be different.

    Please do not ask me for more particulars as i am not going to say more. I am now in my mid 70's and still at peace with it when i think of what those animals did with those kids.

    It was agreed that nothing more be said and to my knowledge nothing has.

    My congratulations to you and your Captain.


    Is there anyone reading these pages that thinks this scum should NOT be blown out of the water so as not to harras the innocent in the future. ?

  9. This discussion is generating a lot more heat than light - but as many of the contributors can't spell were/where, they're/their, Canadian's/Canadians or to/too, then this hardly surprises me.

    What are you trying to say with this? That if English is not our first language and we do not spell perfectly, then we should not post?

    Or if one does not spell perfectly, then it says something about his/hers intelligence?

    Agree, l am English and flunked English Exam way back then. It really is impolite to bring the spelling card out purporting you are a superior being.

    Suppose l better go and hang myself now eh. :huh:

  10. Blimey, that's cheap. How do they do it. Good piece of info chum. :)

    as I thought the only part needed is the steering wheel switch for cruise. The question is to Transam, does your 2007? have a lid to be removed and install cruise switch, or does it fit from late 2008 only?

    oh wait I will check later on the 2006 Fortuner a friend has parked in my garage

    Just had a look, there is NO removable blanking plug on either side of the control arm plastic casing on my late 2007. ;)

    have a look at the steering wheel lower right side

    Nothing. The steering wheel does have small holes either side for access to fasteners inside which are a couple of centimetres deep inside. Looking on their site there is a photo of a Vigo setup.Looks like you have to cut the whole yourself.

  11. This shop installs cruise control system on vigo or fortuner for 1500 baht only. Can use with A/T D4D engine model only. ECU in other models are not supported.


    Blimey, that's cheap. How do they do it. Good piece of info chum. :)

    as I thought the only part needed is the steering wheel switch for cruise. The question is to Transam, does your 2007? have a lid to be removed and install cruise switch, or does it fit from late 2008 only?

    oh wait I will check later on the 2006 Fortuner a friend has parked in my garage

    Just had a look, there is NO removable blanking plug on either side of the control arm plastic casing on my late 2007. ;)

  12. Firstly, there is no way the police would file criminal charges against anyone for calling someone a name, especially if not in the public domain.

    Second, if I had been the OP, I would have offered to pay 50 baht for the broken glass and denied calling the Bargirl a bitch or any other names.

    As one poster has already suggested, there probably more to this than the OP is letting on.

    Ok lets clear some things up

    1.) I offered to pay for the broken glass but anything less than 5000 baht was not accpetable to her which is why the argument ensued and got to the point of me calling her a name.after she was demanding 5000 baht for a 20 baht glass even the Lawyer today told her that was not a reasonable request.

    2.) I spent this afternoon in the Police station and the charges I am told are already filed by HER, (not the Police) I received a registered summons to the Police station and the meeting today was to try and clear it however my apologies were not accepted and she refused to withdraw the charge and it will now proceed to the next step whatever that is. I specifically asked what is it for and was told for calling her a F bitch and the lady lawyer that works at the Police station told me the charges are already laid and will now go forward to be processed since she did not accept my apolgies.

    3.) there is more to the story but nothing juicy or anything that I did other than I break a glass and then after her calling me a Kwai and demanding 5000 baht that is when I called her a Bitch nothing else to it although I realize it sounds strange LOL the whole thing is strange to me lol

    I also cant beleive that charges would be filed just for calling her a name but I was not imagining being in the Police station several time and being specifically told its for calling her a Bitch


    Make up your mind a "Bitch or a F-Bitch"!

    We could have a poll. :D

  13. It`s all a big bluff. They are playing on your fears.

    The nice policeman is probably her pimp or a relative.

    You actually put yourself on the hook by admitting that you swore at the bargirl. Your best defence is to not admit or say anything.

    I would just offer to pay for the broken glass and if they are not content with that, tell them to do they`re worst. Believe me this will never go to court.

    My first thought was the bar is owned or co owned by a BiB.

    If they come up with '' witnesses '' that you were throwing chairs around then a problem. ;)

    Nope no chairs were thrown LOL and she bought the whole bargirls with her to the Police station must of been 10 of them there as her witnesses that I called her a name the glass really is not the problem she is more pissed that I called her a bitch

    OH, faced with reality was a problem for her. English must have been good to understand the word, probably been called it a few times eh. :)

  14. It`s all a big bluff. They are playing on your fears.

    The nice policeman is probably her pimp or a relative.

    You actually put yourself on the hook by admitting that you swore at the bargirl. Your best defence is to not admit or say anything.

    I would just offer to pay for the broken glass and if they are not content with that, tell them to do they`re worst. Believe me this will never go to court.

    My first thought was the bar is owned or co owned by a BiB.

    If they come up with '' witnesses '' that you were throwing chairs around then a problem. ;)

  15. More proof that crime is spiralling out of control under this government.

    Rubbish, daft post.

    Do you know who ALSO make money from dust and don't want to lose their income. ?

    Can you post your response in English instead of gibberish so I can respond properly?

    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry if you can't read between the lines without me writing what cannot be put into words here. Try again, l live where l know how things work regarding big incomes for ''some ''.Nothing to do with government.

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