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Everything posted by transam

  1. No, that was his cover to sell, doing here what he did in Blighty......😉
  2. Well, he won't be putting towels on all the sun loungers after this embarrassment....... Though he might need a job renting them.........
  3. Where did you get that from...........? We have a zillion scrotes like this bloke in the UK......🙄 Are you Australian by any chance, there are a few like you here from Australia...
  4. I stand by my thoughts, you can stand by your continuous whacky baccy thing..........
  5. But you don't discuss, you are infatuated with the word "mob" and dismissing the actual crime facts because you were in the UK and didn't see any crime, weeell, WOW, CH never saw any crime on his hols, work, whatever........You can't make this stuff up..........😂
  6. 😱......................I don't think I am wrong..................😉 But let's get back to the thread and your "visit" to the UK showed the UK is mob free of crime.........😂
  7. Thought you were in the UK recently, I thought your hols, sorry, but if it was just your soup kitchen, you didn't get out much to check on UK crime, eh.......🙄
  8. You can dismiss my observances if you like, but it still doesn't change the fact you go by your UK holiday and not the easily available facts regarding crime in the UK. You do know many read your posts, not just me..........🤭
  9. I had the same, so I put in "their" date of next report, that worked...
  10. I have come to the conclusion you are "Trolling", you are too obvious, try a different tack next time...😉....🤭
  11. I guess you're one of those hi-so well off farangy's then...........🧐.........🤭
  12. I would suggest you go back to the bigging of the thread, read a look at everything........🙄
  13. I was going to say, as he is a Brit he let the side down not wearing socks..........😱
  14. You will all then starve, perhaps a little more thought, eh........
  15. The info is out there, sunbeam................
  16. Rubbish, I don't think you talk to Brits, you run them down at every opportunity here.........
  17. I have years of your stuff to go bye, and you know it.......... Word juggling again as usual, go catch up on crime statistics in the UK, not your holidays.........🤣 Besides, I have provided evidence for you, but you would rather go bye your 2 week hols,probably staffing your soup kitchen, which you told us about..............😂
  18. Oh sorry, I forgot you may have forgotten I have read your stuff for many years........😉 So you have been on hols, out and about on UK streets, and saw no crime, so there is none...................Bwaaaaaaaah..........🤣 So you never look at crime statistics via the Internet from credible sources on UK crime......Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, you go by your hols in the UK......Bwaaaaaaah.....🤣
  19. Oh, dear a guesser, strange isn't it that I drove heavy goods vehicles on unlit roads half a century ago in the UK. Now back to your knitting........😉
  20. They don't like a hooter...........😱.................😂
  21. The country is being taken over by crime, The Mob, as I said, you go talk to the various UK's police departments, instead of from your orange box, plus, the problems are the growing UK's low-life, that you protect, the low-life of foreigner crims, that you protect...... You should get out of that soup kitchen to really see what's going on in the UK on the streets......😒
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