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Everything posted by transam

  1. Do they call themselves "Nazi's", please do tell....😉
  2. Like I said, it is those who do not have the gumption to get acquire one to make life easier regarding providing address details at no cost or travel, that will spout that sort of stuff. 😉 But you carry on, I am sure your posts on the subject amuse many here..🤭
  3. Weeeell, I suppose those who haven't the gumption to acquire either would say that, as they would probably have never seen a farangy's yellow book or ID card......🥴............🤭
  4. Weeeeeeeeeell, I have a yellow book and a pink ID card, my Thai lingo is abysmal, even after living here many years, but I can assure you I am not one of the well off brigade and have no visions of grandeur. As for weird, I have no idea about that, that is for others to decide, but I do have a singing voice that folk long to hear..........................😘.................🤭
  5. Correct, posts, questions and replies are.............😉
  6. Nothing to do with Nazi's, that is just a name of a German Party. Putin just wants to clear the way for his continuous reign, with land grab intensions, using his communist thoughts, that he cannot shake off. Did you miss the mysterious deaths of a zillion wealth Russians, and of course the death of the favourite future Russian leader.....🤔 Nazi's............😂
  7. Indeed, I do wonder if these "go home" farangy members have a thing about other farangy's in LOS, perhaps a superiority complex.....🧐
  8. Oh, no, not a go home member.............😬
  9. "Orderly now, no jumping the queue, thank you".....................
  10. Indeed...................😉..............🤭
  11. No doubt just a translation that 99.9% of farangy's understand...........🥴
  12. I have never been asked, are you sure you never had a nightmare..........🤭
  13. So, you support him on one far away issue without looking at his homeland stuff which matters to those living there........Gawd.............
  14. That is just your opinion, keep it to yourself, has nothing to do with the thread....
  15. Perhaps folk thought the same during 1939/45...........
  16. Looks like the Wai, which he probably never uses, didn't work in this case...... Now why would this creep kick a bird sitting on beach steps.......... I hope he is not rich, which could brush aside a fine, give him a week in the slammer and pay the lady damages...........
  17. Try starting your own thread on that topic.....🙄 On-topic, try walking around a few council estates, try watching a few UK Police in action video's, oh, I forgot, you don't watch video's.......😏
  18. You speak for yourself, Robin..........................😂
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