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Everything posted by transam

  1. Interesting video.......
  2. Glad to hear it Gotty....................
  3. Not surprised, soon be another country with the same, given them a hand then get kicked in the nuts.......... Send them all back home, where they are used to that type of thing............
  4. Did you forget about Hamas supporters in the region supplying, sending rockets etc....?
  5. Sorry chummy, not interested, show me a conflict where that stuff didn't happen. I class you as a Corbynite, make any excuses to cover atrocities by terrorists, which you have.........
  6. Fruitcakes.........
  7. After reading a lot of your stuff, I don't think very few care what you think or write........
  8. I think it's a Big Mac, back-to-front ball cap brigade thingy.................😂
  9. Not for all, unfortunately...............
  10. I thought GB (UK) did exactly that.............😉
  11. Binoculars...
  12. I thought you told us you were, if not, sorry about that, but you can still give us Brits your money......
  13. 90 days on a farangy licence, after that you must take the test for a Thai licence. It is advised by the R.A.C. to get an IDP to save any hassle in LOS .... 😉
  14. I know...............🙄
  15. I never said you or all ask where the bog is, I am stating a fact about the term "Bog" relating to a WC...😋
  16. Ever.........
  17. Us posh Brits call it a WC (Water Closet), the riff-raff Brits, call it the bog..............................🤭
  18. Aaaah, a Trump supporter, supporting a loser, an embarrassment to the USA.....😬
  19. In that case, send us Brits some of Gotty's German cash, which will be gratefully received, eh chaps......
  20. None of your business, chap...............😉
  21. .........with the Ticks............
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