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Everything posted by transam

  1. Now come on, BN, perhaps because you are everywhere, near 50 posts a day....
  2. Baaaaaaah, baaaaaaah......
  3. You will be first..........
  4. Welcoming airport commissionaire for Chinese folk........
  5. Sadly, it is long been passed on....
  6. Spanish......
  7. Way back in 2007 I joined TVF to find something out, never thinking I would still be here in 2023, so I just quickly put in an off the top of my head username, which was "transam", after a car that I owned for 23 years, a Trans Am.....
  8. So do the millions that died at the hands of aggressors, well don't they..?
  9. And bignok isn't....?
  10. 1. Really............. 2. Correct.......
  11. I see the route of the protesters are taking does not go near the Cenotaph. Let's see what happens......... A pound to a penny some sh_t heads will divert and hopefully get arrested....
  12. Gawd 'elp us................
  13. Loser resort to the trolling thing when there has been none...........
  14. A sad day for our fallen, a day when we Brits show respect for those who gave their lives for our country. The Israel conflict has nothing to do with Remembrance Day.. They could have done their march at any other time, but no, they are just showing disrespect for our Military Fallen......... Bloody shameful, and bloody shameful that our Government doesn't show some balls.......In a way I hope the lads get out on the streets in case this rabble gets out of hand.....
  15. Perhaps you should have instructed your Hamas team not to go to war then. Plus, I see you have no sympathy for Thai folk who were murdered by them.
  16. He won't do that, 10,500 posts in 8 months, he's on a troll roll.....
  17. You're a liar, end of, you know nothing...........
  18. Don't be ridiculous..................
  19. Who brings it up, certainly not me, just those who were hoodwinked are still sulking.. I do recall he/she was actually traced to an island, can't remember which. But, you carry on, your issue, not mine...
  20. Of course, but in the Yinn case, which has been confirmed by a member of staff here, she was actually a he, posing as a she. But he didn't get removed for that, think I recall it was continuously having a go at farangy's, baitng etc, when she/he joined to improve English skills. More or less the same happened at another forum, got removed after the being tracked as a girlie imposter and troll.....
  21. No dodgy link then to get removed........
  22. It was a he, and there was no trophy, it was a Christmas fun thread, and you seem to know very little about it, think I won it in 2017.........
  23. Israel has warned civilians to move away from target areas, yet I am still waiting for your comment on wars that warned civilians they were going to be bombed by aggressors, because I cannot think of any.......
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