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Everything posted by transam

  1. I don't think remembering the use of one word is high on folk's agenda, except yours...????
  2. Depends on if it's an "English, English" speaker or an English speaker wiv a problem.....????
  3. I knew a bloke, a 60's Mod, sat pillion on a Vespa, wearing a parka, as we all did, hands in parka pockets, his chum pulled away quick, he fell off the back, could not do anything about it cos his hands were in his pockets, sadly he died, head trauma....????
  4. About time, but he must get his head in gear to get boots on the streets and boots to chase fine non-payments. The theory at the mo is police fines are linked to road tax renewal, if fine not paid you cannot tax your ride. The police office folk must get on with it to pass on the info to LTO. Of course there will be those who don't give a toss about paying fines, road tax, insurance or even a vehicle test because there are rarely boots on the street to worry about..????
  5. No, there was no helmet law back then, I never wore one until I bought a motorcycle, a thing I really needed one for, though looking back, I was lucky, never came off the thing...????
  6. I don't think that would have come into my head, when I was young, or the young of today...
  7. But, but, but, I was young once, and have not forgotten what us young folk got up too.....????
  8. What ever floats your boat.....???? Now there's another use of the word boat, amazing isn't it............????
  9. My grandfather, a Londoner, was also referred to as Pop. In London, we also say, "Just pop down the shops". If you have a nasty spot on your face, we pop it, you see, there are many uses for a simple word. ????
  10. I never said popping, and this may help your Sedan thingy......???? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedan_(automobile)
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