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Everything posted by transam

  1. It will lose its value as it will not be numbers matching, that's if it is collectable. Other than that, I cannot see it being expensive getting the book altered, l see many cars/sheds on the road with colour changes..????
  2. "Darling, the vacuum cleaner has stopped sucking".....???? "Oh, it must have got married when we were out"......????
  3. Where I come from electric sockets in a bathroom are a no-no, except a low volt shaver outlet, I think the reason is obvious, nor even a light switch, the switch must be outside the room or have a ceiling pull cord......
  4. Am I to assume you have electricity involved in your toilet......????........???? PS. I think most of us clean bathroom utensils on a regular basis, what you do is up to you.....????
  5. Depends on her NI payment records..... I sorted paperwork out for 3 widows here, 2 got nothing, one from 12 years back got a couple of thousand quid because she was under 45 years old.. Remember, now, male and females are dealt with by their own records which are dealt with at the age of retirement., women 65. You can go online UK pensions, to fill in a questionnaire on it, or even phone them, l did that with one, they sent the forms, she got a letter back saying sorry. She doesn't talk to me anymore.....????
  6. No. Her NI number is given to here if you were getting a pension allowance for being married, that has all gone, pensions are now based on individuals. If she "paid" NI for, I think, a minimum of 7 years, she can claim a % of the 35 years yo must pay into for a full pension, but only when she becomes 65. Payments for having a foreign wife stopped in 2010 for new pensions, stopped completely for all in 2020....
  7. Not difficult for me to accept, probably many like that who can't "make it" in their own country..????
  8. You are an expert on the subject then, I look forward to reading your links on the subject..???? PS. No bar stool recordings, please.....????
  9. Why do you think that, is it because you think the Brits are more toilet hygienic than where you come from...? ????
  10. You "perhaps" is wrong. Thai folk stick together, that's how it's always been, they feed each other or use their heads, Mrs.Trans for instance, as a kid on her way home from school had to scan the hedgerows for edible stuff. The west probably has more crime than LOS, and the crimes are from people with money, no money but don't want to work and basic ass_oles...... As I was mini-cab driver in London from 50 years back, I know....????
  11. My VRH has not leaked in 14 years, it's all about design....????
  12. The problem with bum guns is that if the hose fails, which they do, there is nowhere for the water to go unless you have had it built into the toilet/shower room floor.
  13. You should have bought a VRH gun, they are 100% stainless steel except the water seal/seat..????
  14. Yes, one should use one of those to adjust the gun pressure, cos if it's too high you will have water coming out yer ears.....????
  15. Don't think my knees would be up for that....Plus, the valve is inside my looooo...????
  16. Which reminds me of my fridge/freezer, it has an ice dispenser, put your glass up against its trigger and hey presto, ice in the glass. One day had a load of folk at our house getting sloshed, next day I went for ice to see the "trigger" hanging down, the mechanism was obviously broken. I never fixed it, l thought, what's the point.....???? Sorry off topic...????
  17. All the guns I have had, can pull them apart, clean the components, put them back together again. I did do that once with the VRH, as water can have sand etc in it...
  18. He should have waived a plastic bag whilst making that quote, would have spoken a thousand words and created a lot of "gulps" from the naughty folk.....????
  19. There is always a rubber seal between the gun and hose, unless you have hose that has the seal incorporated in the hose end, which many have. ????
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