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Everything posted by transam

  1. For the hose ends, not the gun...?
  2. VRH, a bit more expensive but are the best, my stainless VRH is now 14 years old, though I did have a hose fail, but not bad for 14 years and counting...????
  3. Big Bike doesn't come into it, two wheels, speed and a bad decision will kill on any bike of any size... Reminds me a bit of my younger days on bikes, I can still see a couple of near ones in front of me now.........???? R.I.P, young man.....
  4. 500bht a month pension, is that creditable...? Show us the social security and unemployment cash tables...?
  5. Your observations are lacking a few key points regarding money in LOS. LOS does not have a social security system, unemployment benefits or a credible pension scheme, and you wonder why LOS folk think about money and where to get it from... If you spend your days in Pattaya on a bar stool watching the world go by, then perhaps I can understand your view of LOS...????
  6. Depends on the area you live, my yellow book does everything. The problem is, some departments seem to do what they want and not what they should be doing..
  7. You would have a different view if it were your dead wife on the table.......Or would you....????
  8. How many times have you been in a queue at an ATM where folk get out something to read the PIN number off.....? If the nurse was looking after him and his stuff, no doubt numbers had been found in this case...
  9. Depends on how they work the freebie costs out, up to the dealer. The main thing is, folk usually buy a particular car because that is what they have their heart set on, think a dealer knows that, but the dealer also knows what finances he has to play with. I personally would not be thinking about freebies if I was positive I was going to buy a particular ride, I would be working out the cost bottom line. ???? PS. The only new ride I have bought here had a few freebies, but no insurance, though I got 25,000bht off, so it worked out OK. ???? PPS. I would have bought the ride, whatever.????
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