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Everything posted by transam

  1. You can call me a liar if you like, you have my permission this one time as you know all the facts out there....???? My chum was caught out being overpaid, he paid the extra back, his pension was not stopped but it was reduced to the time he came to LOS...That is fact....???? Was sickness not OAP "You can call me a liar if you like, you have my permission this one time"....how about for all time? So, you still have nothing then..................😂
  2. She is, what, not Vice President any more......?
  3. After thinking about your post, you should not be getting pension upgrades if you are living in Thailand, let me explain my thoughts. YOU, must tell DWP of any change of address in the UK or another other country, even if in hospital in the UK. If abroad, you get a life certificate, in the UK you do not. In France, you will get the upgrades, same as the UK, but if you set foot into Thailand, your increases will stop, until you set foot into a reciprocal agreement country, again, so if your pension has been upgraded whilst in Thailand, you have been overpaid. If it were that easy 'legally', we would all be doing it......😋 This is a print from DWP living abroad pamphlet..
  4. My videos are videos from different sources on pension changes saying the same things. You must use Google if you want your questions answered. Again, state pension is a benefit, here's your starter for 10........................😋 https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/121267
  5. You would be suicidal losing ALL THAT money...............🤣 Blimey, you must be on the bread line...........😱................😂
  6. I don't think anyone trusts a Western Putin supporter........😬
  7. Perhaps I don't understand your story, but, your old history has nothing to do with the changes put forward in the videos I posted. Watch the videos on how things are going to change for you to receive payments in the future...
  8. Have I got this right, so you have been committing benefit fraud for a very long time. It would seem you are in good company with a few on here...😜 I am making no assumptions, you are, all I have done is shown vids of the new pension payment plans and how they are going to do it next year, your story will be history. I am surprised you don't understand why the Gov is going to close the gaps, in the very near future....🤗 Good luck.......
  9. Having fun is wrong........? 🤭
  10. I think you are another guesser, who has no idea............🤒 After WWI the victors failed to keep an eye on Germany, look what happened, a lesson was learned. Plus, all knew Russia could not be trusted, even though they and the west were fighting the same foe. Now, Russia or should I say, Putin, has come to the fore doing a Hitler, got away with it in 2014, but the West has made big steps to stop Russian incursion into another country without boots on the ground. Now if Russia hasn't got the message yet, then it will face the consequences, the Russia/N.Korea alliance will pay dearly, no matter where I am sitting. Remember, Germany was stopped at great cost, if Russia/N.Korea wants to be the modern day tyrant, up to them, their gamble......😋
  11. Can you explain this post, as racism from me hasn't occurred.........🤔
  12. Posts like this seem to show a worried person. Now, I would have thought that if you get a life certificate at a Thai address, you have a locked pension, as they send them to the pension registered address. But, If you do get a full pension in LOS then why not tell readers why and how, instead of having a pop at me for just showing the UK Gov's plans via various sites. "You can't imagine", so, because you think that the various sources I supplied are all talking nonsense, and if they are, then YOU post evidence that it is the case........🤗 This could be interesting, go for it.......🤔
  13. Yes, I know, our 'luxury' member.......🤭
  14. But he is right...............🤔
  15. I see a few hi-so (luxury) perfect farangy's are out on this one........🥴
  16. Didn't you ever need help from someone.......? 🤔
  17. Oh, I better die than embarrass myself to that Mr.Perfect bloke on AN..........
  18. More guessery, how tiresome some of you are..........

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