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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. Ayutthaya, Chon Buri and Petchburi are shortlisted
    Ayutthaya is ranked No.1, followed by Chon Buri and Chiang Mai.

    Chiang Mai isn't even short listed and it's still ranked ahead of Petchaburi.

    Has Thailand already been selected to host World Expo in 2020? If not, then I would suggest that the 3 cities have been short listed to be put forward as Thai candidates to host World Expo 2020.

    Another absolutely CRAP piece of journalism from The Notion........... 55555. What are these f8king guys up tooo. Seriously.

    Where in the hel_l did they get Petchaburi from!

  2. The army is for killing invading armies at the border. They have no role in crowd control unless you want to kill people. That's what armies do. Crowd control is police work.

    The army needs to be under civilian control for military purposes only and stay out of politics and police work.

    Very few understand that irrelevant of the allegiances to elected or non elected persons in high places, without the above being the first rule of a constitution AND adhered to, Thailand is going nowhere fast. JR

  3. I can understand there are some reasons why people cant work , but for me this girl has no excuse , and if she intends to live with my friend and marry him she should get her finger out her arse and start helping him now before he ends up six feet under !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with you fully. The girl is a lazy sod. Your friend is stupid to the same degree. She should work. Even if she works for 4000 baht serving food, that is almost as half as much as your friend is sending her.

    If her room rent and expenses to live in Pattaya (which is my guess) are 3000 rent, 1500 food, the at least she would only be short 500 baht, in which case your mate would not have to send near as much. Not working just means she has a lot more time to spend money. The lazy sod doesnt even have her daughter with her. This reeks of a very unconventionally lazy Thai person.

  4. You can read my post going back 5 years or more. This is the reason Thailand will not develop past it's existing level of distribution of wealth. What the army wants the army will get. Only a true civil war will change this. In the mean time, I think the country runs ok, just ok, not great. Do I personally like it, well, it's livable, and does offer freedoms that the west suppress. But, don't for a minute try to convince me the Democrats, PAD are any better than Thaksin or the Reds. As for Thaksin having to share the blame for the Army reentering politics, rubbish to the author. They never left, however, it was the first time in 20 years THEY felt threatened.

  5. Not thinking about credit ratings, which I don't think are well organised in Thailand, this whole saga gives me a business idea.

    I could pay a deposit on 10 houses. Get nice ones like your neighborhood. Pay first month rent on each property then nothing else. Collect rent on 9 houses, live in one house but pay the mortage properly on the money made on renting the other nine houses. In five years time, loose 9 houses, have a nice has paid off and probably quite a bit of money in the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice guys don't always finish first!

    sounds like you really thought it through.

    The debts will be all on your name... houses will probably sold for less so yu loose the last house too.

    Also as a farang you cant buy a house (more the land)

    A Thai cant have more then 1 house on his / her name. So it will be hard to have 10 on your name.

    fortunately there is enough leeway in the Thai business code, none the less NOT following letter of the law, to be able to processes the above system. Houses in company name etc.

  6. Not thinking about credit ratings, which I don't think are well organised in Thailand, this whole saga gives me a business idea.

    I could pay a deposit on 10 houses. Get nice ones like your neighborhood. Pay first month rent on each property then nothing else. Collect rent on 9 houses, live in one house but pay the mortage properly on the money made on renting the other nine houses. In five years time, loose 9 houses, have a nice has paid off and probably quite a bit of money in the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice guys don't always finish first!

  7. To be fair, they don't tend to french kiss each other either.

    I assume by your language from another post that you are writing from England. How do you know about Thais French Kissing and other things sexual?

    Because I've committed no end of truly appalling acts with them. Happy now?

    I really believe the vast majority of farang don't understand the nature of their relationships. 99.99% start out as financial arrangement. 95% end as a financial arrangement. That is it.

    It was a 26 hour flight. I was tired when I got to Bangkok. I checked into the Nana Plaza hotel and went across the street to the busiest go go I could find. It had been 35 years since I had been to Thailand and my Thai language abilities were long forgotten.

    I sat down on a stool and looked up at the stage. A dancer reached down and grabbed me by the neck and planted a minute long French kiss on my mouth.

    Of course since then I have stopped going to those kinds of places and have entered into a relationship with a hi so Chinese/Thai PhD. Whose parents are highly placed in the current administration.

    But to say that working ladies don't French kiss is just wrong and implies you have never visited the shores of this country.

    So does the so called Chinese/Thai PHD do it. Might get me one of those!

  8. This is a farce. How many Thai's have ever been to the Temple. I have tried, but because of this childish behavior could not get any closer that the army road block 6 km back...... I wonder how many of these so passionate Dems, Reds, Yellows, or so called academic experts have even made the effort to visit the temple. There has been years and years of opportunity. Idiots, the bloody lot of 'em.

  9. In my opinion, regardless of the origin of the word "farang", the current use of the word can sometimes be meant as an insulting derogatory term, but is most generally used as a simple convenient identification term much in the same sense that the word "caucasian" is used. Is there an alternate term that's better?

    How can it be a derogatory work or term?

    If a Thai says "Farang keenok", the Thai is not being nice for sure. ie. "you bird shit farang". But, Farang is still not a derogatory word, the bird shit adjective is! The use of farang was identifying a or the person.

    Can someone enlighten me as to where in the Thai language it is used as a derogatory word?????????????????????

    Even if you don't speak Thai, farang bad, farang smelly, farang bad month, farang whatever, it still is only in reference to a person being identified by looks, nothing else. An in these cases is used in place of better knowledge of country of origin or the individuals name!

    Thanks for the correction. You're quite right. The word "farang" can be used in conjunction with other words aimed at being an insult. But the word itself is simply a word generally used to identify caucasions, which was the point I made. I've been referred to as a farang, usually by people who don't know me. I can't speak for anyone else, but in my own experience, once Thais do get to know me and know where I'm from, then I'm usually considered as a "khon amerigan". Even then it's not unusual for those who know me refer to me as a farang when speaking to other Thais. I think the word "farang" is just easier for Thais to use because it's a lot more common. I've never come across any Thais who thought the word is an insult. Interestingly though, I can't say I've ever heard of a similar identifying word used to generally describe Asians. The exception being if they know the individual or there are some other characteristics, then a specific Asian may well be called "khon jeen", "khon yippon", "khon gowlee", "khon lao", etc. (as examples), or whatever country they're originally from or descended from.

    Like you, I'm not at all clear as to why some people consider the word "farang" to be an insulting word. Maybe they just don't like being characterized. Or maybe they just don't like the way Thais do things. You've heard people who regularly complain about Thais. Then too, it may be a lack of understanding or interest. As I also stated, is there an alternate term that's better to use? Maybe "khon peu khao"? I'm not so sure that would necessarily be satisfactory to some people either. :lol:

    We are on the same page AmeriThai, or should that be Khun AmeriThai. You have pointed out the main point, and that is Thais of all social strata will use the word farang in place of having a better knowledge of who you are at the time. Those at a service center may address you on entering their business premises as "Khun" only. But once they go out to the back office, someone might be asked to address the problem with a given customer, in reference to you they would say "the farang". Purely because it identifies which of the customers behind the counter. Surprisingly enough, Chinese get called jeen without the "khun" prefix quite often, as do the other Asian persons. The one that I know myself is not derogatory is Kaak for Indian. However, I risk being racist in saying a large percentage of Thais don't like Indian people perse, not something I approve off, but that does not make Kaak a derogatory word anymore than farang is. There is possibly a derogatory connotation with Luk Jeck, "Chines kid", but I can not justify this not knowing the background. Someones investigation would be interesting, however I think it just falls into the same catagory as farang, jeen, yipoon, kaak, etc.

    More so than the misunderstanding with being addressed as farang, the one I find funny is "you, you". Many westerners find this offensive, but in fact it is an attempt at being quite polite. Those with little English skills are trying to say, "khun, khun" which in Thai is very polite. The simple grade 4 English translation is "you, you" which does not go down so good.

    Good to see you understanding and appreciating the Thai language, one that we have much to learn from.

  10. In my opinion, regardless of the origin of the word "farang", the current use of the word can sometimes be meant as an insulting derogatory term, but is most generally used as a simple convenient identification term much in the same sense that the word "caucasian" is used. Is there an alternate term that's better?

    How can it be a derogatory work or term?

    If a Thai says "Farang keenok", the Thai is not being nice for sure. ie. "you bird shit farang". But, Farang is still not a derogatory word, the bird shit adjective is! The use of farang was identifying a or the person.

    Can someone enlighten me as to where in the Thai language it is used as a derogatory word?????????????????????

    Even if you don't speak Thai, farang bad, farang smelly, farang bad month, farang whatever, it still is only in reference to a person being identified by looks, nothing else. An in these cases is used in place of better knowledge of country of origin or the individuals name!

  11. I am in 100% agreement with 473Geo on the getting to know people in the fact that I am not a stand-offish person. As a Program Manager/Mfg Transfer coordinator 100% of my job is interpersonal engagement. So I introduce myself and we exchange names. I am always called by my name and we exchange courtesy's as applicable. I speak enough Thai to be polite and do not behave in a way that seems to be the belief Thai people have of "Farang's". After hour activities I am usually always with my girlfriend and Thai workers/colleagues and we do many various social things together. I will say that in further discussions with my friends that the name "Farang" clearly has deeper derogatory connotations in areas like Pattaya, Phuket and BKK. In my nearly 3 years I have not been to Pattaya nor Phuket and have no desire too. In the very beginning I stayed in BKK as the company set me up there but I quickly rented an apartment way outside there and closer to the company and I only to go into BKK for various needs and supplies but never down in the heart on Wireless Road, NaNa, Suhkamvit etc.

    My final take on this is that it still appears to me to be a racial term to a great degree but your personal behavior depicts how your are perceived. I do not like the word and will not use even in jokingly manner out of respect for the Thai people and the foreigner colleague I might interact with. I will learn their name and "Farang" becomes moot.

    I am sorry for all the folks that had to read "Another Thread" about this subject so maybe this one should be pinned or a link attached to it. There has been some very good content in the varying reply posts. I would have read that long before I would have posted.

    Carry on.......

    What a load of crap...... I made my first post based on your nieve first post, this second one is much straighter..... Farang is NOT a derogatory or racist term. You say that Farang clearly has deeper derogatory connotatinos in areas like Pattaya..... Rubbish. Farang is a word, it is a term to describe a group of homosapiens that are generally of Anglo-Saxan background. What an unusually high number of these persons do in Pattaya is unacceptable behavior due to the average tourist point of view, the fact they are farang or called farang has nothing to do with the term being derogatory. If someone calls you a farang there honestly is nothing to it, so dont create something from it.

  12. sounds like your condo is too close to Nana Plaza. Attracting the very atypical farang that spends there life well stolen fortunes bumming off in the land of smiles. Maybe the one that does turn up is the better tenant. He might pay on-time!!!!!

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