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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. My Thai husband told me he'd bought a fish that, after not 'going off' after 5 whole days, threw it out. Thailand vendors' best friend - formaldehyde. I can smell the stench of it in my local market after the fish I'd seen the day before or even before that, had still been unsold. Oh, and ALL their revolting booze is laced with it also.

    formaldehyde was take OFF the prohibited food preparations list in the US in 1998! Believe it or not!

  2. If you have no money and your overweight then your doomed :D

    My gf's cute as anything friend, dates a Thai guys who's her senior, no money 5' 10" and 150 kgs. Go figure.

    It's not about how you look when you come out of the gym. That's for gays. Gay guys want you looking sweaty and sweet.

    With girls, it how you make them laugh.

  3. somebody has moved my topic? to where? and why?

    Everything seems to be being moved into the Farang Pub forum and leaving the serious stuff to be discussed on the general forum. I believe the idea is to keep all us fun and debaters in one place... and leaves the boring crap on the main forum.

    only the gods know. it is a very strange process and policy. dont question it theyll cut you off at the knees

    Welcome to my web blog then can comment whatever lol i dont mind! coz i am open minded :P

    Blog Locked for distent!

  4. somebody has moved my topic? to where? and why?

    Everything seems to be being moved into the Farang Pub forum and leaving the serious stuff to be discussed on the general forum. I believe the idea is to keep all us fun and debaters in one place... and leaves the boring crap on the main forum.

    only the gods know. it is a very strange process and policy. dont question it theyll cut you off at the knees

  5. Quite likely that was an aftershock.

    One bad bit of news is that you can only determine preshocks, main event, and aftershocks after the main event has happened. With the recent big earthquake in Japan there was a series of quakes leading up to a 7.0 two days before the major quake. As the 7.0 quake was followed by 3 smaller quakes (6.0) the same day these were presumed to be aftershocks. Only now do we know that they were just part of the build up to the main event.

    This is not meant to be alarmist and if you check out the seismicity map on the USGS website you can see that while this area of Asia has had quite a few quakes since 1990, most are pretty small ones. So unless you are unlucky enough to be sitting on top of one or are living on poorly filled reclaimed land (like the Marina district in San Francisco in 1989, even though it was 100kms from the epicentre), there should be little to worry about.

    Here's the USGS map:

    My link

    You don't need reclaimed land to be alarmed. The entire city of Bangkok is sitting on land 10 times worse than the Marina. A 9 plus 10 km under Bangkok would result in only tall well founded skyscraper standing. The rest would be underground due to liquification!!!!

  6. Didn't seem that strong, but this is the first one I've experienced.

    Anybody know why a 7.0 can kill so many in Haiti but only a couple people die in this one? I don't know much about quakes.

    Depth is the first variation between 2 rated 7 earthquakes, the second is building design. Haiti was all low grade cement and brick. In this area of Myanmar there will be a lot of wooden structures, much much safer in an earthquake.

  7. It is still shakin.

    Bottles and windows rattled, nothing more than a sway.

    5 minutes past and nothing on:



    MAP 7.0 2011/03/24 13:55:36 20.898 99.883 229.4 MYANMAR

    It was quite a gentle roll in Chiangmai. A few whistles were heard as they cleared high rise buildings. A friend called to say the 10th floor Rim Ping Condo was swaying quite a bit. At ground level it was not significant shake.

    Hope those around the epicenter are OK, that must have been some shake.


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