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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. Perhaps if there was less corruption people would learn to drive safely

    Perhaps if there was less corruption the roads would be built better; safer layouts, less pot-holes, better visibility of signage...


    Yes, perhaps.

    And perhaps there would be no naughty nightlife, no choice but to surrender your drivers license and take a ticket when committing a violation, no street vendors selling delicious food, and no chance to buy your way out of trouble if you really got into a jam, etc., etc.

    I wonder how many expats would honestly make that sacrifice to rid the land of corruption, if it came down to a choice? I would have to give it a long, hard think.

    Have read through most of this thread. I m in between the UK and Bangkok often, and have lived in Bangkok for long spells, however, being in the West now shows me that being Thailand is much more desirable, and when I have been in Thailand its always felt more relaxed and less intrusive. I think a lot of the posters should come back to the West to get some perspective. I m kind of on Richards argument here...The UK , and from what I can gather from US friends, and in the EU is becoming an evermore bureaucratic night mare.

    The place feels sterile, boring, there are new rules and regulations coming out every day designed to govern and interfere in every little nook and cranny of our lives. What business is it of some politician who I probably never endorsed in any election tells me that I must pay 70% tax on a bottle of wine, that I must not take too much salt, what type of light bulb I need to put in my house. There is this attempt here to micromanage every aspect of an individuals life.

    I have listened to the stories of some small business owners who are in agreement. A cafe in a town wants to put a few small tables and chairs out the front of the shop, and the nice man from the council comes a long and says you need to pay a yearly fee for that...or he will be sent to court and to pay a £3000 fine.

    A local hairdresser to ease the boredom for waiting customers wants to put a TV on the wall. She has to buy a TV license, which she expected, but now someone calls in to tell her to buy a music license.

    And all the stories are coming out from all the corruption in the councils and politicians expenses. Councils have been spending millions of tax payers money on credit card and now refuse to give over details of what it was spent on. For me this is corruption under the guise of socialism. The money might not go to a policeman, but it goes to some bureaucrat to waste and spend on his house, travel, food. Have you seen the food bill for some of these guys for a year?

    The bank bailouts also. A complete and utter corruption of the system, with government and corporations and the banks all in bed together. We might paint it in nice language in the West, and under the guise of social good, and necessary for the good of society and the economy.Total rubbish. Politicians have spent so much that the West is now bankrupt. And now want to to tax citizens who are already highly taxed even more. For me, a government that takes 50% of your income tax, add 20% VAT, has a monopoly over alcohol pricing, and charges you 70% tax on petrol through force and coercion is corruption., The government call it TAX. For me that is real corruption, that politicians spend other peoples money, and squandered their savings without the means of production to pay it back...

    Nice piece.

  2. Doesn't the OP realise it is pointless living and/or working in Asia unless you are going to accept bribes being solicted from time to time. Live with it. Your not going to change the mind of a policeman who had to pay his superior XX baht in 1985 for his first promotion (ie. pay or your going nowhere). That same policeman has continued to pay and continued to solict from his subordinates for the same path to the top. Only his final payout is considered cashing in the chips. That is a 35 year long program. It is ingrained in every public servant. The only exceptions have power and influence. That's the way it works, Live with it. As Saman said, you can avoid it most of the time in daily life. The other side of the coin is paying 20,000 baht equivalent fines every time you go 5km/hour over the speed limit back in your home country.

  3. http://en.wikipedia...._worlds_map.svg

    Per this map Thailand is 3rd world....:whistling:

    Or if you wish to define it along ecomomic terms..then developing country...

    Up to you...

    Isn't Wiki wonderful. As long as it stays this way, we will be left alone. I don't think the author has left his Canadian armchair. He might have, only to go as far as primary school. Vietnam and China second world, Thailand third..... scoff

  4. I know aeration is needed for fish and to keep water from getting stagnant. But how on earth do they think pumping air into the water will help take care of the sugar that has desolved in the water.

    Because the aerobic bacteria in the water will digest the sugar which is organic. It is the same principle we use in designing sewage plants to treat sewage, and the same principle used in aeration lagoons. The aerobic bacteria will digest the sugar rapidly.

    If "Salvation" of the barge was not enough to confuse one as to what is really going on, I would beg to ask, what is melted sugar doing underwater?

    "Officials have ceased to use heavy machinery to take the sugar out but are using a water pump to suck melted sugar from the sunken barge to another boat instead."

  5. "It's our nature. We are wired to defeat other men who are not part of our tribe. (family) If your not part of my family, your competition for resources ie women and food.

    Food to survive and women to perpetuate."

    - What planet did you say you you were living on?

    "Your trying to solve your problems and in typical academic/liberal behaviour..."

    - Can I assume that you didn't go to college? Who needs it? Who needs science? Facts?

    "Most of us don't suffer from your affliction. Were not troubled about "what" we're supposed to be, because we're to busy being ourselves."

    - How would you know if you did?

    It's not the majority of our definition of "manliness" but doesn't make it wrong. For you.

    - See my second reply.

    I presented the idea that men can benefit from self examination. I presented some statistics to support my claim that dysfunctional men are damaging themselves and others. Many of you have demonstrated my point.

    thank you

    Great responses. Your group really helped your inter-personal relationship skills.

    Attack and attempt to discredit anyone who disagrees with you.

    Your responses where childish insults designed to deflect the issues. Typical of the clever.

    To answer your questions/responses.

    1.I am from the planet Earth.

    2. I have a BS in Management studies, and your not using science or facts, just assumptions. You cherry-pick "facts" from google, and discard anything that counters.

    3. I am my own best friend so I would pretty much know if there was a problem.

    4. I saw your 2nd reply. Not sure how my education level pertains to your "manliness" I pretty much said it's OK. For you. Do you insist it must be universal?

    No one has even mentioned that self-examination is detrimental. I think everyone does it.

    Your 2nd sentence is word sausage. Of course dysfunctional men are damaging... Thats the definition. Good filler though.

    Good closing attack, leave with an insult.

    You started this thread as a tender man who is coping with himself through life. I countered that your American culture has made you a professional victim.

    I can assume that during your feminization they disclosed their arguing techniques to you. You have mastered them.

    In the end it's working for you, and thats the important part.

    I grew up in a culture that demands that men edit themselves. Its hard to lead from the front when your in tears.

    Predators or prey. Whats it going to be?

    Eloquent... :clap2:

  6. The continuous use of the word "gay" by trisailor leads me to believe he needs to go a little further with his search into his sexuality!!

    He might as well just admit the truth to himself and stop all the equivocating.


  7. All of my childhood friends who suffered abuse have had difficulty managing their lives. It confirms the science.


    Actually I'm glad I left the masturbation comment in. It generated the exact kinds of comments that is the basis of the reason that men would rather kill themselves than talk about whatever issues are troubling them.

    You come across as WEAK.

    You are a weak man, who comes by your own admission, from a family of weak men.

    I'm sure loads of other weak men will agree with you, that's what weak men do.

    Some people describe weak man as a 'pansy'.

    You have totally been convinced by the feminist BS to try and subdue and control men.

    Seems you have never had a relationship with a Thai lady, just as well, they have little mercy for the weak.

    Ouch :rolleyes:

    The continuous use of the word "gay" by trisailor leads me to believe he needs to go a little further with his search into his sexuality!! Everything else then falls into place, hated of his fathers so called beatings, little talk of his mother, group therapy with the boys, belief that a leather belt on the ass is a beating (ridiculous), the list goes on.

    PS. I have many homosexual friends, my gf's brother/sister is a very beautiful ladyboy and I admire gay people of live there lives in the open.

  8. I am replying direct regarding the accusation my father is a bad man for taking to me with a leather belt. This could not be further from the truth. He was and still is, at 73yrs a model father. I would not have changed a moment on this earth with him. I do not have to ask my children what it is like for me to punish them. I have my own methods, and a leather belt ain't used. But that is the point. I still grew up normal. I passed nothing on as you obviously are challenged with. Entirely false statement on your part, actually utter BS. I still know that I deserved the punishment I got. I was a rat-bag. I was naughty and copped the consequences. I did however choose my own path as to how to punish my daughters. Now, if I had a son, there is a good chance a leather belt might have been used. Then again, maybe not. The point is. I am normal and can deal with my own lot, where for some reason you can't. I guess you've just got a couple of screws loose. I suggest tighten them up without pharmaceuticals, therapy or groups. This is a path exercising your own brain training it to become a decision maker with the doubts you live with. I love my dad, you hate yours. I feel sorry for you..

    As for suicide, it's for wimps. My best friend did so, and he is an utter f8king asshol_e for doing so. It was real fun dealing with his father, wife, brother, 25 staff and 7 year old daughter. I am happy for as many to go and do this as they want. If they are so stupid to leave responsibility to other that have to sweep up the mess them good riddance. Enough of your statistical crap and I feel sorry I live in a society on the brink. Go jump!

  9. ian, that was the easy answer, though admittedly my first thought.

    OP, you were there, was it credible? did you believe?

    the catholic church still performs excorcisms

    there are more things on heaven and earth....

    I was there...what was fascinating was that all family members regarded the whole thing with a calm and 'seen that before' attitude...Apparently in some rural locations there are group gatherings were spirits are challenged to folkes...But I have only seen that on TV. Mostly Thai people believe these phenomena...My problem is, I try to explain it logically but cannot.

    Ask any reasonably devout Christian about speaking in tongues. Really no different than this. There is no need for exorcism as this is not possession, it is as you've said, she is a medium. I witnessed speaking in tongues many times. I never got used to it, nor really cared for it. There are those that will speak in tongues, then there are others that without know a second language can understand/interpret/translate what is being spoken. Thailand/Australia/Japan/Russia/UK, no matter where you are it happens. Freaky, yes, unique, no!

  10. I didn't have high expectations for serious discussion around this topic, but I figured that it could at least get beyond the kindergarten level.

    I obviously overestimated peoples ability to read and understand what they have read. Feel free to return to your bar stool.

    Try looking at what you have written from another perspective. The majority of men here, including myself, know who we are and are comfortable with that. Having to be part of a 12 man group to find yourselves is perplexing enough for the majority to comes to grip with. Your statement about "Most men live in isolation from other men because....." is totally ridiculous, so how can it develop into an intellectual conversation.

    Personally I think you have too many issues because you are so self absorbed. If you focused on just being a husband and father you wouldn't need all theisAmerican shrink crap. That's what is screwing you up more than anything. My father took to me with a leather belt, but i certainly deserved it. So Fking what! Get over it. I did 10 minutes later when mum asked me to clean up the mess i made. . Why can't you? Still to self absorbed? So why not just get over it?????????

  11. Real men don't drink through straws.

    Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

    Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

    Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

    Real men fart in front of their girlfriends.

    Real men pee on the seat.

    Real men don't take showers.

    Real men open the door for their ladies

    Real men don't do dishes

    Real men can't iron

    Real men put the bacon on the table

  12. I wonder how many members here work/socialise with what is Bangkoks "Middle Class".

    We aren't talking movie starts and actresses - but regular Thai people with a degree and a good job.

    These are not the 'elitists' said to be running Thailand. Most I know are regular folk and a large percentage of them have parents that scrimped and saved to put them through school for a better life.

    These people are absolutely NOT the problem.

    True, the middle class are the ones actually paying the taxes that end up used for populist schemes that so often fail to deliver anything meaningful.

    The "elite" however are not centralized in BKK, and if you look at regional power structures it appears that THEY (and less so the "BKK elite") that are keeping the problems alive upcountry. They skim off all the cream and trickle down some thin milk to the people that they keep paying to keep them in power in the region.

    What rubbish.

    "The middle class are the ones actually paying taxes" Sorry but every single person across the country pays. Every time jnr walks into a 7/11 he pays the cumulative 7% for VAT. Every single farmers products are taxed and he pays taxes on chemicals and fertilizers contributing to it's output. Every single person with a motorbike pays tax at the pump. No middle class person pays any more in share of taxes than any other citizen in the country. This type of thought is what causes the true evil of the elite to think they are so much better. You really need to travel out to a village sometime. Your misleading statement is as ridiculous at the 5000 post you've posted pro-PAD.

    The elite, the Amataya are based in Bangkok. Those close to the powers above all power are bkk based, Military whom are part of this elite are Bkk based, the large percentage of academics in this elite are bkk based. There is very little of the true elite upcountry. The Chidchobs and Shinawatra's may be rich and upcountry, but they are not part of the elite. Get you story straight.

  13. Bring on that happy lovely little caldersack in Melbourne they call "Neighbours" 6150 episodes(20 years) launched Kyle Minogue or Coronation Street, 7525 episodes(40 years). It is funny that Thailand has a completely different type of soap opera, 3 months and it's gone. They do not develop a story or the characters. My guess it the TV shows want to keep control over actors not allowing anyone to develop into a likeable character where they can then press for better wage deals. At the same time, all they do is end up with hysterical aggressive and pointless story lines that really don't challenge the daily lifestyle of the average Thai. Not that Neighbours or Coronation street do, but I dare say it is a lot closer than any recent Thai soap.

    Most Western countries have police based series. Whether it follows general police life, homicide detectives, CSI or even the Miami Vice type scenario.

    Can someone offer a storyline for "The Men in Brown" a soap about Thai cops!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. ~snip edit for space~

    Of course, meeting Noi from Nakhon Nowhere in a Beer Bar in Pattaya and giving her family 500,000 Baht may bring different results.

    My Wifes younger Sister won't be going anywhere until at least 500,000 is shown, I've offered 450.000 and was turned down flat !! smile.gif

    I'll lend you the other 50k. Hell I'd give it too you just to see how this goes down! lol 555

  15. I would advise your friend to do this. Buy the best packaged mango slices he can find. When at Customs he MUST declare them. Aussie customs treat food and class 1 drugs in a similar way. Customs will take a look at the declared goods, and possibly allow them to take it in. My guess is as a dried product there is a small chance it will pass. No promises here, but it is fully legal to carry it to Australia providing it is declared properly at customs with appropriate forms filled out.

  16. There's something in Thai on the True Visions website about a problem with the satellite.

    All Thai channels are out as well as satellite networks.

    Thai channels are all fine. Wife is watching them over the normal antenna. Just a satellite glitch.

    Satellite out for sure. Was about to get on the roof!

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