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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. It's still gonna be real slow to get to Bangkok. Think how many places it is going to stop in Issan. There are 19 provinces, I would imagine it would have to stop in at least 7-8 of these to make it viable. Can not imagine the dozen or so Laos that jump the border to head to BKK everyday are going to keep a high speed train viable. Why NongKhai to BKK. Why not BKK-Pattaya or BKK-Chiangmai? Strange

  2. Meanwhile, Chulalongkorn University's Civil Engineering Faculty Assistant Professor Dr. Anat Ruangrasamee asserted that based on the tsunami waves that struck Sendai Japan, it could reach Thai waters, but will be too weak to cause any damage on its coasts.

    Another expert talking through his arse.

    The tsunami seldom goes round corners - and it would have to go round several corners to reach any part of Thailand.

    The quake was approx. 90km off the Japanese coast. The most likely effect, as shown over the weekend on various news programmes, was for the initial surge to be reinforced out to sea by the reflected surge from the wave hitting the mainland shallows. The main force therefore went off towards Columbia/Peru area, by which time the force had largely dissipated. I understand that there was a 30cm (one foot) wave around the California coast, probably quite a bit more in Hawaii and Guam. But I don't have figures.

    But nowt in Thailand. Who appoints these pillocks to teach the kids all this nonsense?

    The journo of this article is a real idiot:

    "According to studies, if tsunami waves are triggered in the Gulf of Thailand, the Philippines will be severely hit by dangerous waves due to its location along tectonic plates, while it could take more than 10 hours for the waves to travel to Thai coasts, given its favorable ocean floor terrain"

    First, if the wave are triggered in the Gulf of Thailand then it aint going to take 10 hours to get to Thailand. It is here already!!! If the said wave generated in Gulf of Thailand goes all the way to Philippines then what the hell does this have to do with the Philippines being on the ring of fire fault line. Nothing. So it have nothing to do with how severely Philippines could or would be hit!

    Basically TAN Network is full of idiots.

    Thailand has ONE huge danger which every Bangkok resident, Thai and farang should fear. Liquification.

    There were videos of water spurting up out of the ground in Tokyo 250 km away from the earthquake. A 9 earthquake under Bangkok would result in the entire plains area from Chonburi to Petchaburi to Nakornsawan turning into porridge like water. Every single building would sink. Only select sky scrapers with very deep piling would be visible.

  3. http://www.chiangmai...works-2011/647/

    I admire your skill of turning it into a negative, worth complaining about. ;)

    Well if I hadn't finally got home after three weeks without a day off I might have known about the fireworks and enjoyed them too. When it started I assumed another of one of the many temple parties etc. But an hour and a half later they were still going. I thought it must have been some sort of competition. Regret not being able to see them. Just heard it!

  4. Pay a visit to your local Labour Department. They are very very good. At 5 years I think you are eligible for. The following was lifted from another forum, but it is correct. If you are paid monthly, that is 6 times your last payment. In addition to this you get a months notice. That should be a total of 7 periods payout, most likely 7 months. Only if they pay you weekly or bi-monthly will this total payment be less.

    3.An employee who has worked consecutively for three years but less than six years shall be paid basic pay for 180 days at the most recent rate of his basic pay.

  5. Thongkorn,

    Where did you get 90% of people who try suicide, do it sooner or later? Absolute nonsense. Most people who try -do get help, they don't kill themselves. Much less than 1% of any population do suicide.

    But the point about this post is that anyone who has made 2 attempts, whether or not she is being manipulative, needs help. Yes she may not be mentally ill, but she does need someone to talk to.

    If more people did actually get involved the world's suicide rates would be a lot less. Many young people do it in anger, and its highest in the under 35yr age group in Australia, Canada,UK, US, Japan and many others.

    Currently suicide is the 4th leading cause of non accidental deaths in --several DEVELOPED countries

    90% of people who try or do it, tell someone they are suicidal in the week before the attempt. Unfortunately, the predominate reaction on this post to walk away is the most common response in the community to someone's threats of suicide. Even health professionals would rather not deal with it, because it frightens them.

    Most of the time simply talking to someone calmly about their issues makes a huge difference in the first instance, and that does not need you to be a professional counsellor. No doubt some of the frequent cases of suicide in Pattaya and other places amongst expats could have been avoided, if there was a bit more awareness and compassion around.

    Of couse she needs help, financial help. :rolleyes:

    It is easy to brush this off and throw in the cliche "run for the hills" but as I have seen, many of the upcountry girls have little or no other method to meet their family needs. Many have willing come to the bar scene not fully understanding how it operated. Being able to see a means to send money to moma and poppa by doing what their friends do helped them get over the initial disgust of what servitude in bars requires. But having found that securing a boyfriend that all went away. Needless to say it was much better, but at the same time they had still crossed a point of no return to normal life back in Nakorn Nowhere. Not being able to send money to cover rice harvest cost or schooling for a sibling (alcoholics and gambling debts included) is where the actions stem from. It is shame more than anything that drives them to act nothing more than what they see on Thai soap opera's, unfortunately what is behind his action is a very scared person in need of guidance. Some might call it love, others might say it's mental health. In the end no one is a winner. Good luck.

  6. My mind would be comforted if Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand M.D. .......

    The woman has no credibility. You might want to reconsider your position.

    I believe the evidence is inconclusive and this is due to the manner in which the evidence was gathered and analyzed.

    Credible, not credible...... human beings are a messed up species!

  7. What a joke! Jimmy Carter. This is absurd. All this conflict needs is for electioneering to be taken out of the equation, PAD idiots sent into a jungle with lots of hungry tigers, Hun Sen and Thaksin to stop antagonizing AND for Thailand to turn into a true democracy.

    And guess what, none of this is going to happen any time soon........ Jimmy Carter. What the hEll is one to think.

  8. Every airforce has crashes...

    Did someone suggest they don't?

    It is a mute topic in Thailand. How many Harrier jump jets still flying?

    None to my knowledge but they still have this useless aircraft-carrier (Satahip?), specifically made for this kind of Harrier jump jets. No other jet can take off or land on this carrier.... unless it's a helicopter.

    Why didn't someone tell Australia there was a bargain basement deal going on a never used "not-so-running" carrier in Thailand.


  9. Mekong is going to be rebranded and relaunched in a bid to take it upmarket. ( This from someone who works for the distributor.)

    I guess similar to Regency brandy, with the TV ads white skinned goddesses sipping it as the Thai army defeats the Burmese. It'll be a chick's drink within a year.

    You do a great job painting a horror scenario. :(:thumbsup:

    I have to be honest, I never was too much of a fan of Maekhong, in the old days doing comparative taste testing versus (then) Sang Thip, with the latter clearly tasting better, in addition to having a 5% higher alcohol content.

    However to see it just disppear.. Makes me sad. I'll buy a couple bottles I think, for old times sake.

    They might be gearing up to make it across the border. New tax laws came into place recently. All the distilleries are decidedly old now. It is my guess they will be using AFTA rules to make it in Flipper land and import. Thailand has a lot of restrictions due to placement of factories under every improving EPA type rules. It is not surprising that a large company like Thai bev would move production off shore on a large scale before another is able to hit the market with a product half the price. The reality of globalisation hits Thailand!! Johnnie Walker is bottled in Flipper land.

    • Like 1
  10. Some very nice posts here. Thanks for the support.

    It's not all that bad really.

    Problem: I think education in Thailand is below par on back home. Also to get a better education for my son in Thailand will cost more that I can manage.

    Solution: go back to the UK and have him educated in state schools. I did it and so did my siblings and we all come out with good qualifications.

    The most I can earn in Thailand right now is 120k month. We would like another child so ad this cost to schooling also. We have both spoken at length about going back and we both agree it's the right thing to do. We have good support from my family and there is plenty of work in my field.

    I'm looking forward to going back and am positive this move will work out for us. I'm a grafter and so is my wife.

    The only drama we are having now is this bloody house. I can't walk unless I know my wife will be safe when visiting Thailand. We have spoken to the bank and it looks like they may take the house and sell it for what they can meaning we will have to pay the rest. This I can live with, I hope this works. At least it is legal and we will not have future problems. I hope LOL.

    Another thing about the education thing. I need my son to grow up thinking for himself with a Western attitude to life. We plan on giving him the best of both worlds. And his mum will do a great job of that in the UK.

    While in the UK. I plan on getting revenge on his mum by dragging her around every church we pass. He he he. Get my own back on all the temple tours.

    I did not check of your sons age. I have financed my daughters international schooling in CM from the age of 3yrs. They are now a few of years shy of finishing A-Levels. I would never do it this way again. I would leave them in Thai schools until the age of 11-12 years, the other option being bilingual schools. My daughters have fluent spoken and listening Thai, but do not read or write like Thai they should. They could not attend Thai University. On the other hand, had they stayed in cheaper Thai or Bi-lingual schools they would have built this skill set. At the age of 12-13 yrs, they would have adopted the English program without any problems. Many of their friends have followed this path and are fully capable of studying A-Levels . My daughters are straight A students, with a few misses here and there, but this is about hard work rather than being in the international system from ages 3 until now. The early years of English is about parental contact, 9-11 about friends, and 12- up about schools peers.

  11. surely the bank will allow you to renegotiate payment terms. Take 15 a year loan out to 30 years. Reduce your monthly exposure by up to 70%. Add to it with a little rent money. Get someone in on a bargin but allow them to be responsible for upkeep, that is how I've always negotiated good rent deals. The landlord, in this caes you, should be happy. If you reduce your monthly exposure, cover part of the mortgage with a renter, then surely you can squeeze the rest out once relocated to the UK.

  12. "The engine malfunctioned for an unknown reason," Krissana said.


    -- The Nation 2011-02-15

    Read- ran out of fuel! Does not matter how good the pilots are, if the grounds crew are anything like my Thai staff, it is amazing more planes don't crash after emptying already empty tanks.

  13. I apologise, this is my first post and i didnt know how to physically respond. I appreciate all responses even thoose a bit off. My hair is not green and i dont have meth eyes, im not a troll. this is her first marriage and she is a good wife, mother to my children and daughter. My wife and i are crazy and we did disrespect her family. i was just looking for help with how to negotiate and save face for everyone.

    Sorry don't believe you. Wifey at 38 and first marriage mean nought. She is a goody wifey and goody mother...... Why the family would not have known she was not married. Rubbish..... troll. And if not, tell them you are paying nothing. Simple. No negotiations, just not paying. What is the option? They take her back Hah! Yeah, for sure!

  14. obviously time for neo con intervention ; bring on "operation temple typhoon"

    turn the USS g. washington around

    we'll teach them about democracy in sisaket

    Teach them a lession in Sisiket!!!!

    Sorry, but locals of Sisiket and cross border in Cambodia are well at peace with each other. These groups have lived 1000 years without problems. The Thai's for a 100km inland in Sisiket and Surin speak Cambodian as a mother tongue. So why would be sort them out. It is the idiots in Bangkok, Politicians, Yellow Shirt and the TPN that need to be eradicated. Once that is done sort out a few polies up for reelection in next months polls in Cambodia and then we can all go back to sleep under a banana tree.

  15. I've got a company in UK, highly regarding in military supplies. My new product, the GT-200 bullet proof vest sell for 1.2 million baht a piece. Anyone wanting to take up an agency at 25% commission please contact at www.imaconmanfromessex.co.uk


    Thread: Bullet deflecting kevlar fibre from Coats Barber

    Piping: gun steel coloured velvet plush

    Zipper: the super explosion proof YKK AK 47 special

    Body: Paper machete

    Generous commission paid to any Army purchase officers willing to take bribes for contracts. Obviously the Paper Machete costs will go up due the negotiations, End cost per unit likely to be closer to 2 million baht.

  16. As somebody mentioned show a Thai driving licence and you get Thai prices

    Thai Drivers Licence, Work Permit or residence Visa. That what I got with my mixed family. Reason gave as locals paying tax allow offset of expenses to do with use of National Parks and Forestry charges as passed on by the company to government agencies. Other than that all is kosha.

  17. I run an adventure business in Thailand. The first rule is you do not use gimmicks to attract your customers. Safari World needs to be urgently policed somehow. This is horrific to everyone except the owners and the largely poorly educated Thai visitor who will see nothing but the entertainment value, not the unrealistic expectations put on the young elephant.

    I wonder if the owners of Safari World and the elephants trainer would be willing to walk a tightrope between two high-rise in Bangkok without safety need or harnesses! They should be made too.

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