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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. In terms of getting everything wrong PAD were top of the class by a mile!

    Sondhi himself has lost all credibility!

    He's an egotistical meglomaniac, who never had any credibility except with siding up with anyone powerful or rich. Why didn't the little a55hole run for parliment, because it is a thankless task and no-matter what you do you will become unpopular.

  2. Is your husband's name Arnold Schwarzenegger?

    Personally I've had maids leave for reasons as simple as to shack up with a boy down the road to return to study in Burma to complete a maths degree. Longest serving a 45yrs plus Issan lady who's husband was working in Taiwan. Left when husband returned. Still miss her cooking. I would prefer Thai speaking as it the main language used by extended family, but it is difficult to keep maids too long these days if your in a house and expect them to do everything. Work ethic is really not what is was 15 yrs ago. I find the parents of maids now not supporting them to work hard. They really do expect to get up in the morning, open and shut the gate for you when you leave, then watch TV for the rest of the day........


  3. probably a total of 12-14 hours on the road depending on how you drive. if it is with a car load of Thai's that want to stop at every Khao Lam roadside shop, you'ld better budget 4 days!!!

  4. In a word, Isaan delivered 100 seats to Taksin Inc., and 4 to Abhisit. The 126 seats up for grabs in Isaan dwarf those of any other region.

    Trying to claw that back is hard work even with Abhisit sweeping the south 50-0.

    Politically, it is now clear that what Isaan decides, Thailand does.

    Good point. If you want to win an election, do something for the people of Isaan, or forget winning!

    I find it extremely amusing that the Democrats have failed to understand over the past years the importance of Isaan to their success. They didn't do anything for Isaan and therefor they've lost the election.

    Oh I think they do,

    but they were no match from the10 years of entrenched Thaksin political machine.

    When your message is stifled 24/7/365 it's hard to win.

    Animatic, you have real trouble accepting democracy. 4 years of this and you really don't get it.

  5. When a Thai lady introduces her man to her parents , it means an intention of marriage,

    H3LL he could be in trouble.

    Did the mother have a piss-up and tie the OP and the said trolls girlfriend together with a bit of white string. MARRIED....... yahoooooooooo empty the accounts, furrow greenbacks into the ground. Die a slow death....

  6. nice puppy.....I just got one....but yours looks cross eyed.


    I photoshop'd the eyes coz the Avatar is so small. He's actually normal. Purebreed Border Collie. What's yours?

    Same.......just got her actually, she is 2 months old today.

    I shall put a pic up one day.

    Do you have a good breeder for these or did you get lucky? Can you let me know the breeder's info if there is one? As good as a golden for families but cuter

    This fella has 2 Grand Champions in his linage. He is 4 now. I have not brought in a female as it takes a lot of time to breed properly. I don't know of any good breeders in Asia.

  7. Jay, the US has made tragic mistakes in the last few decades but the notion that Australians will lead anything into the future save for sheep shearing and binge drinking is hopeless. OZ is raping its landscape selling coal and minerals to the communist Chinese as fast as it can. It's gold interests all over the world are also as quite destructive. Spare us the lecture and go smash some beer cans on your head.

    My point precisely. We don't need any country to think they are the "leader", nor do we need any country assuming they are. Australia certainly isn't and never will be. My wish is the average American had better knowledge of the outside world and learnt that no one country rules is more important than any other. The world will be a better place for it.

  8. The world does not circulate around the good old US of A.

    Actually, it does, but how much longer before we are all studying Chinese and going to Representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties meetings every week?

    I'm an American and I agree. The US was in a position to lead the world into the 21st century back in the 60's , but it has thrown that away in favor of huge profits for a handful of billionares. Now prepare yourself for the fall. Watch and see the US drag the whole world down through it's greed and incompitence.

    Ireland, US and Greece can enjoy a few years of hardship. The rest of us can enjoy. Unemployment in Australia still under 5%, but who cares. The reality is the word does not evolve around the US, the only reality is the America(Americans) make more noise than any other nation, thus believe they are more important. WRONG.

  9. I liked the readers submissions and back in the heyday of 40 baht to the dollar they were well written and fun to read.

    As the dollar dropped so did the quality of the submissions and a bunch of negative stories began to creep in.

    Stick seemed to get straight laced and then his wife stopped doing a Thai advice column. To be honest most of her advice was slanted and short sited, kind of like some posters on Thai Visa, the ones with the Hi So Uni wives.

    I think he has a deal to sell the site and is only hanging about till it closes. One would think he would want to increase readership while he waits to collect his cash and go back to Kiwi land but it doesn't seem he is doing that. Late columns and a lackadaisical attitude seem the new mode of operation. A busted marriage would explain it.

    The world does not circulate around the good old US of A. The Ozzy dollar is as high as it's ever been. I think your assumption is floored.

  10. It's a crap shoot to know if someone is going to be there for you if you need it.

    First question to Lovelaos, hypothetical of course. What would you want someone to do if this had been your son or daughter on the bike?

    Second question. What would you think of that person with the knowledge quick action from that individual would have resulted in your son/daughter life being saved, but because he chose the path of least resistance they died?

  11. There is no substitute for exposure. Hangover 2 is a huge ruse for Thailand. It is going to be a bumper tourist season 2011/12.

    i have a group of 4 friends coming to Bangkok in July after watching Hangover 2 !!! , they would never of thought of coming here, buut now they are, also heard a few other mates are planning to come here in Xmas after watching the movie !

    Funny the article writer has no idea how marketing 101 works.

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