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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. This thread sure brings back memories...... :whistling:

    I never had good results using OHP type film. The black areas were never solid enough, whereas photographic film was always completely solid. With all the hassle and mess involved (Ferric Chloride is nasty stuff and damages/stains EVERYTHING, including stainless steel), after trying to do this in house we gave up and sent everything to a regular PCB manufacturer (even simple prototypes). I don't know if there are any in/near Chiang Mai? Electronics Assembly companies I know here all get them made in China.

    Anyway, there is (or was) another electronics shop also off Chang Puek Road that might stock it. It's down the Soi immediately before the Mecure Hotel (Heading out of town). Go past the Chedi and it's about two thirds of the way along on the left. Sorry, don't recall the name.

    BTW, in the extremely unlikely event anyone needs a PCB designer (or electronics design) in CM, drop me a PM - have plenty of connections in that area.

  2. (It would cover more than just one road; 7 years ago the scene in Santitham for example was rather different than it is now. )

    :rolleyes: Ain't that the truth! Even 2-3 years ago the scene in Santitham was quite different.

    No zoning, indeed no concept of any kind of city planning whatsoever :realangry: Build, build, build...... For every new 50 room dorm building that goes up, that's maybe another fifty motorbikes and a handful of pickups trying to negotiate already drastically overcrowded narrow streets designed when buffalo carts and samlors were the in thing. And don't even think about trying to park! Public utilities are also stuggling to keep up with demand.

    Of course, among the major property speculators are the very politicians, and their cronies who are meant to be responsible for the city's development. No suprises there then.

    Back on topic..... it would however seem that Santitham's ladies of the night have not changed in 7 years, some look like they've been around considerably longer :crazy:

  3. The longevity of this thread is amazing :rolleyes:

    Sadly, two great opportunities for eating great Burmese (Tai) food have just passed. The Poy Sang Long festival first ar Wat Ku Tao then this last week at Wat Pa Pao. Any number of stalls selling Tai delicacies at both events; remember for next year ;)

    There are a couple of newish Tai Yai karaoke bars which also sell Tai food. Was eating Tea Leaf Salad there just last night whilst waiting on the rain abating :( They are in a row of local bars/restaurants in a Soi off Viangbua Rd, about 250M past Viangbua Mansion (Chang Puek district). It's called Viangbua entertain plaza or something like that and has a 7-11 on the corner. Bars are on the opposite side to 7-11 and towards the other end. Look for Tai Yai language on the Karaoke screens. Very local rough and ready but the food is OK and cheap.

  4. Sorry to bump an old thread but it seems a good starting point as it has relevant info. Does anyone know for certain the dates of this year's festival and parade at Wat Pao Pao? I've heard conflicting answers asking Shan friends :rolleyes:

    I think it's 4-6 April with the parade on Monday From Thapae gate to Wat Pao Pao @ 09:00- can anyone confirm this for definite?

    Last week was Poy Sang Long at Wat Ku Tao - There are some great photos on this blog: Slideshow - Poy Sang Long . If you don't know, Poy Sang Long is a Shan or Tai Yai festival to celebrate the ordination of novice monks into the temple. Held over three days the young boys to be ordained are dressed in lavish costumes, jewelry and make up then paraded around the streets and the Wat on the shoulders of older relatives.

    As a final note, people in the Shan state have suffered badly from last week's earthquake and relief efforts have been eclipsed by what is going on in Japan. If you get chance to go along, I'm sure there will be opportunities to show your support for the earthquake victims :wai: This news site Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N) has more stories about the quake which don't seem to have reached the western media.

    I witnessed several noisy Poy Sang Long processions in Tackelik last Friday/Saturday (25-26 Mar) so maybe it has passed for this year already?

    The Festivals that have just passed are called Boi or Poi? Luang and are similar to what Paagai describes but are celebrated by Thais. The boys wear knights helmets and are paraded around on ponies. The entire moobaan hosts the festival and people from other Wats and/or moobaans show up at their doors any time of day or night to eat and drink. There was one that went on for 5 days and nights in a moobaan behind me in Sansai. I went one night and it was pretty crazy. So much whiskey was consumed that you could smell it in the air - seriously. It was fun though I must admit.

    Probably similar, through the Shan have their own version. "Poi Sang Long" in Tai Yai language means something like "Festival of Crystal Son", or "Festival of little princes". So called because all the boys are dressed up as little princes to follow in the tradition of the lord Bhudda, who was a prince before setting on his path to enlightenment. They are also decked out in jewelry and make up. Rather than ponies the boys are transported everywhere on the shoulders of older male relatives, who are usually dancing to Shan Cymbal and drum music.

  5. I witnessed several noisy Poy Sang Long processions in Tackelik last Friday/Saturday (25-26 Mar) so maybe it has passed for this year already?

    Thanks, but I'm sure Wat Pao Pao's festival is in the coming days - just not sure exactly when the parade is or accurate times.

    They stagger the dates at various temples. We were at one near Fang last Friday, then also at Wat Ku Tao here last weekend.

  6. Generous action!

    But am I the only one surprised that Japan cannot cope with its evacuees, orphans and homeless people by itself?

    Money doesn't stink - do you think the domations will change the "Japanese only" a bit?

    Sure Japan is a rich Nation. But it's the thought that counts. Doing something for someone other than ourselves. Karma.

    I don't want to detract from the great support being generated here for the people of Japan, and the efforts of the organisers. But, I'm sure most people in Chiang Mai felt last week's earthquake, with it's epicentre around the town of Tarlay in the southern Shan state, close to Mae Sai.

    Because no injuries or damage were sustained in Chiang Mai the result of that quake have been quickly forgotten by Chiang Mai residents, and it has already dropped from view in the international media, due in part by the efforts of the Burmese government to cover up the story and deny access to aid workers and journalists. Reports from inside Shan State put the real death toll at over 200 with more than 3000 made homeless. A shortage of fresh water is already leading to outbreaks of disease. Check out some of the reputable SHAN news websites such as Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N) the up to date status.

    As I said, I have no wish to detract from the efforts here, just to ask people to spare a thought for those closer to home who also need help urgently!

  7. Sorry to bump an old thread but it seems a good starting point as it has relevant info. Does anyone know for certain the dates of this year's festival and parade at Wat Pao Pao? I've heard conflicting answers asking Shan friends :rolleyes:

    I think it's 4-6 April with the parade on Monday From Thapae gate to Wat Pao Pao @ 09:00- can anyone confirm this for definite?

    Last week was Poy Sang Long at Wat Ku Tao - There are some great photos on this blog: Slideshow - Poy Sang Long . If you don't know, Poy Sang Long is a Shan or Tai Yai festival to celebrate the ordination of novice monks into the temple. Held over three days the young boys to be ordained are dressed in lavish costumes, jewelry and make up then paraded around the streets and the Wat on the shoulders of older relatives.

    As a final note, people in the Shan state have suffered badly from last week's earthquake and relief efforts have been eclipsed by what is going on in Japan. If you get chance to go along, I'm sure there will be opportunities to show your support for the earthquake victims :wai: This news site Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N) has more stories about the quake which don't seem to have reached the western media.

  8. self-referential contradiction: but, that is our specialty, for better and worse, perhaps little better, or oddly worse, than giving "advice,"


    Is this another name for what the OP saw, or something deeper than that?


  9. In all my years in Thailand I have never witnessed anything like the OP has described.

    I'm sorry to hear that, it must be a great disappointed for you :unsure:

    I think you have been 'unlucky' so far. Try different locations.

    :cheesy: :cheesy:

    Not that I know anything about guys playing the old five knuckle shuffle in public of course, but I have heard rumours certain gentlemen's rest rooms in Kad San Kaew often have elderly Farang hogging the urinals, who do take an awfully long time to go, whilst seeming to be scratching a never ending itch. I'd always put it down to prostate problems myself :giggle:

    I've also heard some Thai's saying there's a large park on Nimanheminda Rd where strange things lurk after dark. I assumed they meant ghosts but reading this I'm not so sure.

    Anyway, the OP should think himself lucky, most of the places I've been to in CM where guys jerk off in public charge admission. He could at least have tipped the guy 20 Bt for his efforts :clap2:

  10. Nobody seems to have drawn the obvious conclusion - it's three weeks before Songkran and the party fund need topping up..... :whistling: Easy targets always appreciated! Irrespective of your views on the rights and wrongs of the issues, these "clampdowns" always seem to happen in the run up to Jan 1st and Songkran :rolleyes: A good time of year to be extra generous with your unwanted visitors.

  11. haha yeh I love KSK for it's character. It's got to be one of the more fun places to get lost in,wander around aimlessly and see what you can find. There's even Themed Karaoke rooms up on the 4th floor that you can drink beers and sing away until 2am. The place is great :thumbsup:

    yep... also hotel, bowling alley and cinema hallways are quite interesting and offer insight into Thai subculture

    You forgot all the eye candy roaming around. :)

    You don't need to be in KSK to see plenty of eye candy. If you want to gawk at the talent go somewhere with a bit of class !

    For some, stalking em round KSK is quite classy compared with hanging outside the school gates :o

  12. well i was only reporting what i saw im glad you got a giggle out of it

    Ummmmmmmmmm newbie with 28 posts in 5 days and started with a dating thread :whistling: Perhaps the two guys you spotted had seen some bull shit on the ground?

  13. Just a guess (speculation alert) it might be funded by foreign NGOs. Just like war on drugs is assisted by the USA (see signs for http://dea-rewards.com/lth/ up at a Mae Sai checkpoint) there is a lot of money available for helping to prevent underage girls and so on, and I know there is at least one team of Americans here with this task in mind. They may be right or they may be mistaken but they do have a lot of funds and they can't do anything without the police.

    To give this more credence there was the head of some UK NGO working in the underage girls field addressing an international conference last week (In Pattaya IIRC). Maybe straight of the plane from their good deeds in CM?

  14. Made some really good close Thai friends and they introduce me to these places.

    :clap2: Most informed comment on this thread. The trick is integration and speaking Thai. I live in Santitham and love the place, but it's fun because I have lot's of Tai friends to go out with; always in a group having fun and looking like we're part of the scenery. In that environment it's easy to enlarge your circle of friends, including finding people who'd like to go home with you :licklips:

    The lone farang looking for a girl sticks out like a sore thumb. It's hilarious watching them in Mandagay, trying to dance inconspicuously alone whilst clutching their small Heineken whilst everyone is having fun with their friends in groups round tables with bottles of whiskey and frivolity.

    But I don't recognise a couple of assertions made in this thread about Santitham. Firstly, I don't get the difference between "uni girls" and "bar girls", I thought the only difference between them is the time of day (or night) :rolleyes: Secondly, "Time Bar"! That place has some of the most revolting food I've ever eaten in Thailand :o

  15. young foreigners into music who live here tend to go to the upmarket clubs (with not too many foreigners) such as Warm up,fabric,Discovery,Fashion house or Monkey for example.

    Wow, that's something new upmarket and Discovery in the same sentence :o It's a mafia run dump. Monkey and Warm up maybe.

    The selection of all-night entertainment spots in Chiang Mai is poor--Spicy, Mandalay, and minivan bar (just a drink spot, but now with young ladies to encourage you to drink) are all that I know of.

    Chiang Mai's suburbs has plenty of fun Thai bars/clubs open all night, just not frequented by middle aged Farangs I guess. You need to widen your horizons a long way beyond Spicy, and the minivan bar if you want to have fun :D Mandagay and the Dark are of course excellent, especially if you're gay :o

  16. maybe i am being a bit naive but why not contact the police - surely the hotel he is staying at registered the guy with them?


    Naive = Police would be very polite and grateful :ermm: Then the passport disappears in the black hole of Thai bureaucratic complications only to re appear on the black market along with the rest of the week's haul of drugs, misplaced weapons, lonely teak logs, lost phones, incorrectly registered vehicles etc.......

    Sorry I'm way too cynical :crazy:

  17. I was in the area a month ago and I'm pretty sure it was all finished.

    It's finished but many of the rooms on the left hand side of the building (as you enter from the street) are now about 10 feet from the side of a shophouse.

    Bet the owners are mad :realangry:

    Especially given that shop house development was built by the family of the mayor........ :rolleyes:

    At the moment seems all quiet on the construction front, but the whole Thanin/Sanitham area is a hot bed of new starts. It seems hardly a week goes by without another old Thai house being demolished for the next shop house/dormitory project. Last week they were demolishing an old boarding house behind K entertain plaza, that might be close enough to annoy Viangbua residents on the west side.

    Just because it's all quiet now doesn't mean it will be in May! Though that goes for other places too.

    Apart from construction the other big complaint is traffic, which now well exceeds the capacity of the small Sois in that area. :angry:

  18. Word on the grapevine is Bob has been deported and blacklisted already, no charges will be brought in the US. His wife has been released without charge also.

    Well, well, well, what a surprise :whistling: . Sometimes you could almost write the script for the "strange" things that happen :rolleyes:

  19. for every pothead in Chiangmai, there are 100 alcoholics, 20 soi dogs, and 20 missionaries.


    plus 19 tuk-tuk drivers, 15 sexpats, 5 muay thai wannabes and 3 mental mahouts!

    And another 500 Burmese and local punks off their faces on Yaa Baa. There sure is a drug problem in CM but it ain't because of a few retired ex-pat hippies smoking pot. :whistling:

  20. The soi you mention is where the Mercure (ex Novotel) is right? Is that a slightly dodgy area perhaps, there's also a bunch of seedy gay places in that area?

    And what's wrong with seedy gay places? :unsure:

    Though I guess The Playhouse has a hi dose of "camp" if you like that :D

    AFAIK there are no gay bars in that immediate area any more - meaning nearby the old Simon Cabaret parking area, now full of new bars/restaurants. There was a rather rough and fun gay place there who's highlight was the two twins behind the bar, but that demised about a year back.

    However, immediately next door (Chang Puek Soi 4) there's plenty of straight, old and VERY seedy places :o I've never seen any ladies under thirty there :ph34r:

  21. I'm just curious; why immigration for a drugs bust? Assuming someone "grassed him up" ;) why not to the regular BIB? Has he made some enemy who wanted him to have a quick exit from the country through a one way door? Also, the articles mention his Thai wife, presumably immigration can't do much with her :whistling: Just seems strange.

    I don't know him or have an opinion about his activities. BTW, was the misspelling of Spanky's as Spunkys in one of the articles deliberate? :rolleyes:

  22. Speaking to the working boys then and now who knew David they speak highly of him, describing him as very likeable, kind and "good hearted" - not a description reserved for their treatment during the investigation. That not withstanding, their resentment and disgust is directed squarely at the Akha boy.

    Raiding Shan hangouts, confiscating motosai, contents of wallets, mobile phones, then handing out beatings before saying "now tell us who dunnit" might be the local MO, but never was going to produce results :whistling: :whistling:

    Don't forget, Yaabaa plays a large part in the lives of many working boys as I'm sure it did in this story too. The drugs come from somewhere and I think most of us have a good idea where - that adds a whole new dimension :realangry: "the Akha boy" ain't the only bad one.

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