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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. I should preface this with the comment that I'm not getting at City Now/City life and think they have a great website. I know technical gremlins can invade even the best and this issue may not be their fault at all.

    Just tried to vist their site using Google Chrome Browser and got the following displayed:

    Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!

    The website at www.city-now.com appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that hosts malware can infect your computer.

    For detailed information about the problems with this site, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page for www.city-now.com.

    Following the diagnostics showed the problem seems to have been detected yesterday and goes into more specifics - I won;t repeat them here.

    Is anyone else seeing the same problem? Has the site been hacked maybe?

    Other browser users should beware as they may not show this warning.

  2. Funny cartoon. However, I reckon the question of whether to change the description of this forum and what exactly to change it to is about priority 50 million to the people running this site.

    Not just to the people running this site - but to about 99.99999% of humanity. Who cares - this is an anonymous Internet forum read by a small number of people - try keeping things in perspective! As gay people, who, generally, have a good understanding of prejudice, hatred and oppression we should be open to everyone and anyone(irrespective of how PC or otherwise the forum title maybe). If people of any persuasion want to join in that's fine by me, provided it's not with an agenda of spreading homophobic, or any other hatred.

    On the other hand, a topic about some drunken punter who accidentally picked up a chick with a dick on Walking Street most definitely is not a fit here.

    In your opinion maybe. It wouldn't be the first time I'd had a drunken encounter with a chick with a dick around Thapae gate (if it did fit here it wasn't a tight fit :whistling: ).

    I've met a few Farangs who've come to Thailand and started with ladyboys convincing themselves "it's OK they're not men" to hide their insecurities about their sexuality only to find within a few months they've metamorphised into full blown homosexuals. SHould they be excluded too?

  3. Have you tried SoupaSteak on Huay Kaew Rd? In the same block as Lemon Tree and Salsa Kitchen. Good selection of Farang food at modest prices in a clean, smart yet non pretentious environment. Varied selection of daily specials too. Been open a couple of months now and is getting quite popular with the ex-pat crowd. Also does a great English style Sunday lunch.

  4. I know many are in denial about his but, unfortunately we live in a city where methamphetamine (Yabaa) abuse and illegal gambling are at an epidemic level. Most of those who indulge aren't capable of holding down a job and need a source of funds! Same the world over - Thailand is no different (except here the Game keepers are also the biggest poachers :whistling: ).

    If you value it - put it in the safe - they are not expensive here. Same goes for a CCTV system as a deterrent, good locks, gates and walls, good night time lighting and a security guard (complete with uniform, whistle and big stick B) ). Just because this is the wonderful LOS where nothing bad can happen :rolleyes: don't leave your common sense back in Farang land........

  5. I agree with KhunVee. The place is called Penang Matterass, have bought several things there over the years. Also good for bed linen. They have another branch on Chiang Moi Road - it's on a corner on the RH side. And a couple of other locations in town too.

  6. The OP shouldn't be too paranoid about accidently finding himself the centre of attention in a Sauna with only a towel for protection :P There is only one "Gay Sauana" a farang would be likely to find in Chiang Mai - that's the "House of Male" behind Kad Suan Kaew. AFAIK it doesn't even have a proper sauna, just a rather decrepid steam room. Not that most people go there for the sauna experience :rolleyes:

    Oh, I guiess there is the Lavender Lanna Hotel too, believe they have a sauna but not sure how gay it is now.

  7. I know it means going to BKK, but some of the best deals to Taipei can be had with KLM (Economy and business). BKK is a stopover on their Amsterdam - Taipei service, but it's where half the passengers seem to get off so the onward sector to TPE is always half empty.

  8. Used them to SFO via TPE. Was OK. Not sure about their safety record though, I faintly remember there was an issue.

    That was a long time ago that they had safety issues. I believe they have a very good safety record now.

    As for the type of airplane, I honestly can't remember.

    I doubt relatives of the 225 passengers who were deposited in the South China Sea back in 2002 when CI611, an ageing Boeing 742, disintegrated in mid air, would agree with you about the safety record.

    Thinking of dodgy airlines, wonder who had bought it just before it crashed.

  9. Bottom line is, if the service is good...you tip, if it's brilliant you leave a larger tip. If it's bad...no tip!

    And serivce can be good in strange ways here. I remember an interesting lesson from a Thai friend a few years ago. Having dinner in a restuarant one of several dishes clearly had meat that was well past its expiry date, I was about to call the waiter over and my friend motioned me to stop. He took the plate of smelly food and simply placed it on the bottom shelf of the little drinks table. When the bill came the dish was omitted, we left a big tip and everyone was smiling - soemtimes mysterious but the Thai way works.....

    In Farang land there would have been an argument about the bill and we'd have left muttering F***ing this, F***ing that under our breath with NO TIP.

  10. I really can't believe some of the comments here. Where do some people think they are living? In some extension of Farang land where bad manners, arrogance, mean spiritedness, bitterness, selfishness and a pompous over inflated sense of one's own importance are the norms in interpersonal behaviour?

    Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, and I know it's been said before, but we are all GUESTS IN SOMEONE ELSES COUNTRY, try thinking and behaving accordingly. Who cares whether tipping is, or was part of Thai culture or not. We have more money than them, lead by example tip generously, very generously, do it with a smile and enjoy reaping the rewards. Not just now in times of crisis but all the time, everywhere. Does that extra 20 Bt, 100 Bt or even 1000 Bt really mean so much to you? [Hint: if the answer is yes I'm sure your country of origin has an appropriate welfare program you could go and avail yourself of - most here don't have that option]

    This is a country where respect commands respect and arrogance justifies contempt. :)

  11. Not sure the spelling of the place but the place id recommend for value is "Seeow?'' (Laos for FRIEND), its a thai restaurant/bar with good live music thai country, and covers on request with great thai/Laos food and a buzzing atmosphere. The place is located near the Playhouse Theater and the Mercure Hotel in Chiang Puak. The average price of the food is 50baht per main, they have 3 large beers for 140baht . Only problem is this place is not geared towards the farang, so the menu is in Thai but the friendly staff will help you with your order, Id recommend the crying tiger bbq beef, the larb and the stirfried vegies. :D

    Not sure if it's the same place you describe but there was a place called Hok Si Eoow (meaning 641 with a gambling conottation) located right next to Playhouse/Differ. Shut a couple of months ago allegedly after the owner disappeared owing money (you know how it is :) ). A real fun place with some very sweet staff including two gorgeous twins :D , but last time I ate there, not long before it shut, we had the most revolting food that even some Tai Yai companions wouldn't eat.

    I think it recently got a makeover and has reopened as something else. There are several other new places on the same lot now (where the coaches used to park for Simon Cabaret). Very handy for dinner before enjoying the Soi 4 delights :D

  12. The taiwanese restaurant down the road from Kad suan Kaew shopping center has huge portions, gyoza there is only 55 baht for 12 pieces....portions of every dish there are also about twice of what you would expect, free hot or cold tea too.

    Agree about the Taiwan restaurant - good food and not expensive though obviiously not Farang!

    There's also a new Farang food restaurant just along in the same block called SoupaSteak. Right next door to Salsa Kitchen, making for a whole block of varied culinary deligths as you've got The Leomn Tree and a Japanese place there too.

    I haven't tried it but a friend checked it out a couple of nights back and reported great food and realistic prices with A/C and modern decor. Menu is western Salad, soup grill, steak type fare though I guess that's implied by the name.

  13. Chiang Mai is definitely the place where you can get away with lots of stuff, yes. Part of the attraction, though it's both a blessing and a curse.. :D

    You mean like Farangs can get away with throwing stones and the odd bit of vandalism (Except reveered pictures of course...). Whilst locals (Thai's and other related ethnic groups) can get away with murdering Farangs :)

  14. Thought I'd bump this rather than start a new topic.

    Anyone have recent (2010) experience of Chinese consulate in CM? Need to get a business Visa - wanted to check if everything is still the same (I've got them there before) but they ain't answering the phone :) Are they closed due to the political situation?

  15. can we switch the discussion of this thread from favorite chiang mai night spots that if you get into specifics are in violation of the forums rules to favorite chiang mai night spots whose discussion does not violate tv forum rules then?

    My favorite spots are:

    ...snip long list...

    Hope this is enough to get back the thread back on track. Looking forward to hearing other's favorite spots.


    I obviously don't get out enough. Where is the Santitam area?


    Santitham: You should try the strip of bars on Chang Puek Soi4 opposite the Tessaban........ :D:D

    Hat Tip to Mestizo - the first person on this thread to actaully mention some bars worth visiting. Plenty of other good places in Santitham too. We'll have to disagree about Mandagay though :)

    One to avoid though is the place between the old "Time bar" and "Oxide Pub", (name escapes me) busy and cheap but the food was so disgusting even my Tai Yai companions wouldn't eat it!

    I hadn't realised how old the thread was until I read the comment about the Darling Wine bar, and the fun, but sadly long since deceased Khun Deang (The ladyboy owner). Interstingly, Darling has recently changed hands again and is now well worth a visit (On Huay Kaew next to Kad Rinkham -opposite and just up from the pub).

  16. My usual coffee shop in Santhitham area also closed for the day (at the very least)

    The Thais seem to know something we don't!

    Yep - they know that it's been announced for a couple of days now that the power will be off in Santitham for next three days (bettween 09:00 and 16:00) for routine maintenance! Of course, the sound trucks driving round were making the announcements in Thai. :)

    I think most business will be closed and my understanding is it's not releated to the Political situation - life goes on as normal.

    P.S. the power went off as expected at 09:02, but is now back on (10:30) so don;t know what to expect for the rest of the three days......TIT

  17. Just spent the last couple of hours at a restaurant on Superhighway near Santitham. On a busy intersection yet never saw a single Police vehicle or motosai. Among Thais, no one sure what ws going on so they were shutting up early to play safe.

    Also had a message from a Thai friend saying there was Red Shirt trouble in Santitham, but no more info than that. Seems like a normal night on Super Highway around Jet Yod.

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