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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. I'm surprised to see no mention of the new mall apparently scheduled to start building in January inside the Superhighway in Santitham area near Jet Yod. The large vacant lot adjoining Tewan Road (where the big moo katha place used to be), which was acquired by the owners of the Grand View hotel last year.

    They are currently completing a large museum and conference hall development behind the hotel and the new project will commence when this one finishes. I don't know any details of what outlets will go there, how big etc, but they have certainly invested heavily in their current project, which is also very well provisioned with large, multi storey, parking garage. I would therefore anticipate something of similar quality.

  2. I like the Nimmanhaemin restaurant (attached to the good friends library who do good work for Burma human rights) but the Swan is dee-lish-uss!

    The Good Friends Library www.thebestfriend.orghas moved to Nimanhemin Soi 13. Map on their website, though they still have a presence at Nong Bee’s Burmese Restaurant, 28 Nimmanhaemin Road as described above. They do some good work and I hear they have a lot going on now after the recent problems in Mae Sot :(

    Another Burmese restaurant, actually Shan food in this case, is located on the Soi that runs from Chotanna to Wat Ku Tao. It's on the left about 50M before the entrance to the Wat. I believe there are a couple more around there too, one possibly that described above.

  3. If you want fun local Thai music and venues Santitham area has many, many such places (several tens at least) ranging from mediocre to good. Some already mentioned above. Santitham Plaza has several, also Oxide Pub, Chiang Mai Club, Buddy Bar (New), I-saan, NaeNae, just drive around, and see what takes your fancy. These places aren't exactly quiet :rolleyes: so easy to find.

    Also,on Dam Pra Kot Rd, near Rajabhat University and JJ Market (near Lotus Kamtieng) have more of the same. Most have beer promos too - three large bottles of whatever for some in-feasibly low price!

    If you really must do farangland places - my vote goes to Guitar Man! B)

  4. Have had some recent very bad experiences with DHL customs clearance services in Thailand. Fed Ex seem much better in our experience. These were situations when shipments were urgent and time was of the essence so the amount of duty paid was only a minor consideration. What mattered was getting the goods expeditiously cleared which Fed Ex seems to do far better when comparing similar consignments.

  5. Good information, but the OP asks - "who would be the cheapest Airline to fly with from Europe to BKK".A direct flight or business class wouldn't be the cheapest.

    Actually, the OP asked about flights from CNX ;) Jet maybe cheap in Economy, but my point was, from CNX, you can't use CIQ and have to endure four hours plus in a 737! Aside from Mumbai airport....

  6. I fly regularly with Jet to both Mumbai and Delhi (business class). They've forced some major changes on BKK-BOM route which a couple of years back was always fully booked, and operators used old equipment with miserable crews :angry: Try Indian Airlines if you really want to experience "planes made of papyrus" and "ful mudammas with pita bread" for the catering :whistling: .

    Downside of Jet BKK-BOM/DEL is they use narrow bodied 737-800s albeit new ones. Business class is great and service is above average because there's only a few seats and cheaper than the competition (e.g. compared with Thai or Cathay on a wide bodied Airbus). BUT, I would hate to be stuck in the back of the plane for four hours with what are mainly Indian tourists crammed in and pressing the cabin call button every few minutes........ :annoyed:

    I've not flown up to Europe with Jet but colleagues tell me the long haul business class in Jet is excellent. In my opinion flights to Europe are for sleeping on! i.e. fly Direct without getting off the plane half way to wander around another airport for a few hours.

    As for Mumbai airport which most people found dirty, smelly, crowded and, well, Indian. well you should have seen the OLD Mumbai airport before the recent re-model :rolleyes:

    P.S Another downside of Jet is, if flying from CNX you can't go CIQ (at least not when I've tried connecting with Thai). That's a total pain!

  7. Well said Brommers. It's well known he has political aspirations and seems to jump on any passing cause for a bit more self promotion.

    Don't think you can link him to death in Lavender though :whistling:

    Its not about the death, its about Natee's attempts to force their "cabaret" show to close.

    :cheesy: I know - the comment was meant as a jibe - note the :whistling: Emoticon :annoyed:

    The way he wrote it you could take Brommers sentence:

    "He & the same Reds were also accused of being implicated in the harassment of the Lavendar Lanna hotel, where the owner was found dead in explained circumstances a short time later."

    as implying a link between the "harassment" and the "death" which I suspect Brommers may also have meant in a tounge in cheek way ;) Who knows, as I doubt the truth about what happened at Lavender will ever come out anyway, but I really don't think there is any connection...... :unsure:

  8. My name is James Barnes and I am the editor of Thai Spice magazine.

    www.thai-spice-magazine.com and if you click on the top right hand corner of the home page, you can see the online version of our current issue.

    Has Spice ceased publication? Just read that it had on one of the gay web boards.

    Bit surprising as it looked like things might be starting to improve. I live in Chiang Mai and had always thought Spice to be a joke as their listings of gay venues were years out of date and blatantly only promoted their advertisers. Obviously it's their right to do that and it is a free magazine paid for by advertising, but it destroys any credibility as a serious gay publication. Maybe I expect too much.....

    However, the latest issue a couple of weeks back, had several features on Chiang Mai and they'd got the guide section almost up to date, even if the articles about a certain entertainment bar, and another cabaret show were so OTT advertorial they looked like they'd been written by the venue owners themselves :whistling:

  9. Can also recommend Chang Moi Road. Have used Pongpan Furniture for several safes, office furniture etc. Keenly priced and great service. They will also install wall mounted safes and build furniture for you.

    It's located on the left going from the moat. Not sure if its the same place Contractor refers to. It has a yellow sign fascia and is on the far corner of a small soi. (Second soi on left going towards Karanthip resort - about 120M from the moat IIRC)

  10. Agree with UG "The Garden" is a good little place, thanks for the reminder as I haven't been of a few months, must get back there

    On the subject, of Mike from "Mikes Burgers", another former owner of Mikes Burgers has a great new restaurant on Huay Kaew, called SoupaSteak (next door to Salsa Kitchen). Smart but unpretentious with Farang food at everyday prices. They also now have an extensive breakfast menu and a Thai menu (Useful if you're taking your other half who's not enthused by steak and chips!).

    I understand they are now adding a bar too, provided by Darling Wine bar, so should have a good selection of wines to go with the food.

    On the subject of Gardens the Oriental garden Restaurant on Loy Kroh was always good too, though again haven't been for a while. The garden in the back is something many seem to miss as it's out of sight.

  11. I would NOT recommend someone takes this option just to get a "fee free" ATM card. My brother has one of these accounts and he pays a lot in various fees and charges.

    The free ATM card is just one of many benefits - not in itself a reason to get such an account but there are plenty of others too. Particularly, if you have a lifestyle which regularly involves multiple international transactions in various countries and meet HSBC's acceptance conditions it's a no brainer. Charges for HSBC Premier depend on the tier of account you have - mine is completely free - some get charged.

    The 150Bt Phenomenon is another "Welcome to Thailand" experience and is levied locally. My ATM transactions with HSBC in other countries are completely free and the exchange rate always reasonable. B)

    There is nothing" free" when it comes to banking, charges are just levelled in a different way.

    Whilst I somewhat agree, banks are also know to overcharge some customers to subsidise others :rolleyes:

  12. Get a premier account with HSBC in the country your funds are held in then open an HSBC account with ATM card here in Thailand, which is free for premier customers. All transfers between your HSBC accounts in different countries are free and the only charge is a local ATM charge, usually 10 Baht.

    Only downside is no HSBC branch here in CM but you can do everything via the Internet (including the international transfers) so very easy.

  13. There is a large bathroom and plumbing supplies store/warehouse just off Chang Puek Road that has a large selection of stuff. It's down the small soi straight opposite the exit from Mecure Hotel.

  14. Heard that he's closed due to a massive rent hike (supposedly the owner of the building wants to run a restaurant there..... :whistling:<_< )! Apparently now opening a German restaurant out on the Maejo road somewhere. The above info is 3rd hand so can't be more precise

  15. Try Bakerista in Santitham www.kadlanna.com/bakerista

    Relatively quiet compared with Nimanhemin places, has both aircon and outdoor garden areas and large tables if you want to spread out. Easiest to reach from the superhighway, take the road down the side of the Grand View Hotel and follow the signs.

  16. I've never understood all these threads about queues, issues that so many seem to have at immigration.

    I use a GOOD lawyer, they handle everything, go once a year with their assistant. Enter by the back door at the appointed time, sign, pay and leave with new stamps in passport, 10-15 minutes maximum. I'm not on a retirement visa but same principle applies. If people think paying a few thousand baht to make this happen is not good value then you really don't deserve much sympathy when posting on here whineing about queuing at immigration.

  17. Sadly, I fear the trial will only be of one of the alleged perpetrators. The fall guy, who we might assume will quite likely get the death penalty (maybe subsequently commuted to life imprisonment), and justice will have been seen to be done.

    A few months back I posted a link in this forum to an article telling the fate of the second suspect who was arrested and had apparently been convicted of other, offences, and received a short jail sentence. But, the murder charges were dropped. The article also mentions 23rd November as the date of the trial for the other captured suspect.

    The third and, allegedly, probable main perpetrator "escaped to Burma", something best not discussed further.

    Either way, whether justice is really done, or merely seen to be done it won't bring David back.

  18. You can also use some of the blue water pipe and some cord. Put the cord through the pipe in a loop then place over the snakes head and pull the cord. Carry away from the house or drop into a sack for rehousing later. ;)

    Not every day you learn new tricks on TV but a definite hat tip to H2oDunc for this one :wai:

    post-42325-084485300 1287031813_thumb.jp

    Excellent :thumbsup: even with the slight deviation of using yellow pipe rather than blue :P

    It had taken up residence in my pond and was devouring the fish at an alarming rate. Amusingly, whilst carrying it away to a nearby vacant lot for "rehousing" it regurgitated a whole fish it had just had for breakfast. It had a lucky escape too, moments after I released it the, Tai Yai's on the construction site opposite announced they could have had it for breakfast and were disappointed to see it disappearing into the undergrowth.......

    BTW is it dangerous? It sure got angry and started biting at anything once taken into custody ;)

    This worked well, but I think I'll wait a while before following BlinkyBill's, "Grab em by the tail" advice :whistling:

  19. As a fully paid up member of the pink scarf wearing brigade, I'm very happy to be living in Chiang Mai and never have any trouble whatsoever getting laid, even by cute university students. :D

    Reading this thread I'm so surprised to learn how much difficulty our straight brethren have in achieving the same, even it seems, after several years of looking. I do feel so sorry for you all. :P Perhaps some really should try swapping sides :whistling:

  20. I lived in Hong Kong for 6 years and my pick hands down is Mee Jiang in the Chang Klan Plaza.

    Agree - excellent - but is it still in the same location? Last time I went they had notices up they were moving, somewhere on Chiang Mai Land IIRC.

    For another style of Chinese, try Taiwan Restaurant. Excellent home made dumplings. They also moved from Huay Kaew (Next to Lemon Tree) round the corner to Chiang Mai Lodge Condo on Rachaphruek Rd Left off Huay Kaew opposite Shell station.

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