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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. I know that most of the points brought up in the song are most possibly true, including Panthongthae's alleged use of drugs. If you ever have the chance to see him in person, you will get the impression that he is a complete dork.

    wow! The Secret Service .... Then the Leaders of PAD ..... Now one of Thaksin's children ..... is there ANYONE you don't hang out with Coly?

    I do know as well that the words such as "Karee", "Hia", etc, the usage of "Gu", "Mueng", "Man", "Ai", "Ee" and whatever are part of colloquial Thai, especially in the viallges. I have decribed Thaksin in conversations with my wife with a few even more colorful labels.

    hmmmmmm :o If the person writing the song ... with the viewpoint of a person from Ai Naa Liam's power base ... didn't consider the person being parodied as Phu Yai ......

  2. There are very few people in Thailand who will be genuinely offended by simply hearing Thaksin called "ai na liam" in this song.

    My wife was offended by it and she's on your side of the fence. Now if she's offended by the remarks about his family, you can bet a lot of upcountry people are as well, you just don't talk badly about someones family. It's like smutting out some guys mama in Los Angeles, it's just not done.


  3. ... the "unmask" reads like Op-Ed or a letter though

    It does doesn't it?

    Hoever, it does offer some food for thought.

    I suggest that we treat it as a "letter to the editor" for now.

    His opponents should also use the breathing space afforded by the election to review their own tactics. While Mr Thaksin is supposed to be reading the 10 books recommended for his edification, the People's Alliance for Democracy, which likes to talk about civil disobedience, should study works relating to the life of Mahatma Gandhi to find out what this actually means. It does not mean mass gatherings outside department stores and schools, which force road closures and alienate the very people whose support it is seeking by stranding them in huge traffic jams and disrupting their livelihood. Democracy would also benefit if those claiming to be Mr Thaksin's supporters in Chiang Mai and elsewhere learned why political rallies and protest meetings are constitutionally and legally acceptable while acts of disruptive hooliganism are not.

    Not sure that Ghandi is who the PAD was studying .... or who they want to imitate

  4. after a few months of this .. and on the day before the elections ... when you want to de-escalate things ... and being so well known you get applauded on planes in Thailand ....

    wouldn't you want a day to unwind? We aren't talking weeks or months hiding upcountry guys!

  5. Taxis and BKK ....

    Geeze there are only 70,000 .. another will be there in a second ....

    Yes a few taxi divers (particularly new ones) will not stop for farang ... don't take it personally ... they assume you won't speak Thai .. they don't speak English .. they may not know BKK well enough to take you to your destination without your help

    The ones that piss me off are the ones that think I don't know better than to let them NOT turn on the meter ... but again there are 70,000 licensed taxis in BKK ... another will be around in a minute

    ((PS ... Lumsahlee was the worst traffic i BKK last year ... intersection or Sri Nakarin and Ramkamhaeng .. right near the Mall Bangkapi)

    Note ... for you newbies to BKK ... the taxi drivers that won't take you where you want to go ... is not about being farang ... happens to Thais all the time ....

    2nd note ... if it looks like he's taking you a long way out of the way ... it MAY be because of traffic ... AND cost you less in the long run in both time and $$ ... relax

  6. - We was actually planning to open this route next week, says Khun Somchai of State Derails

    Department. This train is notable to rail off in Patong, and we are working on a solution, says

    Khun Maibpai Igrotfai.

    I thought his name was Khun MaiBpai Changrotefai!

  7. If you don't have a place booked ... don't go

    Took me a week to find a place that was decent and still has rooms available ...

    (Same would go for Samet etc)

    Re Park fees ..... Koh Chang is a Nat'l Park ... Thai's pay 20 baht and foriegners pay 200 right?

  8. I am still trying to figure out why it is bad to have both students and teachers from Chula (from all over this country) as friends .... Do peoplethink that Chula is a private Uni that only accepts the rich? And are therefore thinking it is a financially snobbish Uni?

    It does only accept the smart and diligent though ... as SRJ's post above points out

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