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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. We have two rai so it is hard to keep up with particularly during the rainy season. (Weeds). My wife hires people who are looking for work. It may take them two or three days to finish and she pays them 120 baht for an eight hour day. She never has a problem finding someone.

    She pays them that much does she? 37 cents an hours could be a bit excessive. That must put a big hole in your wallet. There oughta be a law. I was unaware that slavery still existed. Wait now, even slaves made more than that

    Aint Thailand amazing?

    There is a seemingly endless supply of cheap labor that is willing and able to work.

    Police officers get about 6k baht per month for 12 hour days 6 days a week. I believe for that pittance they also pay for their weapon and motorcycle.

    7-11 employees make 23-25 baht/hr in BKK and handle the employers cash etc.

    Live-in maids in Nakhon Nayok can make as little as 3k baht/month for 6 day weeks if they are Burmese and 4k baht/mo if Thai.

    The amazing part is that none of these people will work in the long run if they do not think the wage is fair and the employer is decent.

  2. This seems like a pretty straight-forward thing!

    They (PAD) gave Thaksin his notice ... over and over ... the 48 hour thing was the last. Now they are bringing the pressure up!

    Like it or not ... Agree with PAD or not ... so far the protests have been peaceful and well organized ... and not promoting violence etc.

    I doubt anyone from the West would disagree that civil disobedience is a good thing when people see injustice and abuse. ((That being said --- MANY people from the West would disagree that this situation warrants it))

    Here the PAD has upped the ante and in a way that is absolutely frightening to me, but that I completely understand. This current move by the PAD will likely generate more discussion of the current situation on the international scene.

    To date the press (even the local press other than the print media) has given pretty sparse coverage to the rallies that have taken place. The print media has gotten better though, and all of the local press has gotten WAY better in the last 3 weeks than in the months and years before.

    I am a bit frightened because this is such a volatile situation! The police and military have a history of stepping hard on protests in the past. I truly think that Thaksin knows that stepping on the protests in any hard way will rapidly see him facing the end of his career in politics. The thing I am afraid of is that the some people might see it as acceptable to push so hard that something bad happens to make sure that this happens.

    Here's to cooler heads prevailing!

  3. jdinasia

    There is a fine line between lampooning and mockery but you have become a downright nasty stalker on this board. No one can make a comment without you adding some kind of ridicule or veiled offensive comment into almost every reply. That lowers the caliber of discussion on this forum, forces people that would like to post to remain silent and makes everyone uncomfortable for fear of another of your constant flame attacks. There are lots of people on this board that can't be bothered entering a pissing contest with you every time they post. Although the rest of us often do not agree we keep our discussions civil to one another. I'm hoping that the moderators invoke article 7, soon.

    wow ... I guess to respond to this I need color and bold font!

    Luk ... you call people (mainly me) names while I respond to posts. You focus on spelling errors instead of content. Teasing someone about a silly post is not flaming (however ... name calling is!) Pointing out that someone is claiming to know what people are thinking and feeling while they are 10,000 miles away isn't flaming either! As for "no one can make a comment ,,," not true again. So therefore the "there are lots of people ..." would also be inaccurate. My posts are civil ... I don't often call people "stalkers" or "**** disturbers" and when I did rise to your bait with that earlier I apologized to the board and invited the mods to delete it.

    There should be 2 rules about posting on political topics!

    1) Have a brain that is not put in idle .....


    2) Have a sense of humor!

  4. Really Coly ... There is no sense in answering the questions in red above.

    Please don't use 'sense' and your incoherent ramblings in the same sentence.

    Unless you rephrase those rants into something less unintelligible i don't see any need to answer.

    I’ll better shut my hole and go back to my observation post.[/i]

    Good suggestion.

    Can someone please rescue this thread? This is going down rapidly into a boring pissing contest and flame war.

    Moderators, please?

    hmmmm flaming would be name calling right? Smart-ass remarks (like mine) aren't flames Coly ... just pointing out the silliness you include in your 'reasoned and well thought-out' posts :o

    your "logical" post that I responded to in red above .. was sooo illogical and unreasoned that it just made sense to respond to it the way I did ... pointing out the oles in your "logic" with a humorous edge :D

  5. Yeppers ... that's me ... a simple buffoon!

    Sticking to the "Tyranny of Democracy" is obviously way better than using a legal loophole in the constitution to give breathing room for all parties and a chance to do some much needed work on the constitution to insure that further abuses like this cannot happen!

    Thailand should just let Thaksin stay in office forever as long as he can push through populist measures that assure him of having a powerbase with rural farmers! Forget the middle-class that will have to pay the bills on this! Forget that there is only so much land that can be given away! Forget that religious and ethnic minorities feel persecuted and left out of the entire process! Just make it a "democratic vote"!

    You are right! I am a total convert! I hope the voters keep Thaksin for life instead of using the system that allows them to petition for redress from abuse!

    The ethnic minorities have never been treated humane by any government in Thailand.

    NO NO NO! you have me sold already! You are right the ethnic malays have never been treated well here! (niether have ethnic Chinese for that matter!!) remember .. you have me sold already! no need to preach to the choir!

    Land has to be given away to the poor, unfortunately Thaksin talks only about giving land away, but in fact gives very little. Land has to be taken away from the ones who hold it illegaly, Thaksin only takes the land of the small fry, but leaves the big boys alone, especially the ones in his own party. But that is also not so very different from any other government. He only puts in into a more clever package.

    Of course land has to be given away! That is obvious! New cars and houses and blocks of gold and even week long cruises have to be given away too! We haven't talked about evicting squatters but hel_l ... why not! Let's evict the hill tribes right along with the shrimp farms that are on government land!

    The largest damage to the economical future has been done already years ago when easy loans were given out in huge amounts. Nowadays he talks more about the loans than actually giving them out. Both the middle class and the poor will have to pay the bill for this. Another government won't be able to turn this tide around.


    I would just like to see that at the point the economy crashes again (which it will) that Thaksin is still in power so that it can be clear to everyone that he with his populist policies is the one to blame. This might be a lesson Thailand needs in order to develop further.

    Yes Yes Yes!! We all want to see the economy crash again! You are so right! Much better to have a banking/economic crash that hurts everyone than anything that disrupts a concept like democracy!! Can't be with you more! You Go!!! Tell it like it is!

    Nothing is forever. Thaksin won't be there forever. His Thaksinomics have already crashed bitterly as his consumer spending fuelled economy has not happened. What saved his arse was increased exports, the complete opposite of Thaksinomics. The EGAT ruling is gonna give Thaksin far more headaches than the demonstration as it deprives him of much needed cash to keep the bubble from bursting.

    Yes I agree fully!! Waiting is best! We can certainly wait through another mass killing in the South ... that won't matter! Yes!!! We can wait through for another "war on drugs" . We can wait through more underhanded business deals! Much better than forcing him out now!

    If left alone Thaksin will most definately be his own undoing.

    These demonstrations are premature, and counterproductive. They give Thaksin an excuse to blame somebody else for his own mistakes, just as he has blamed years ago the evil foreigners and the Chuan government for the financial crises, in which he himself was substantially part of as a businessman and a deputy prime minister under Chavalit.

    Yes I agree! Much better to leave a despot in power than to peacefully organize demonstrations and look for ways out of the abuse!

    But this is beyond our great PAD leaders. Because their main issue always was the "sale of the country". They were very much on Thaksin's side when the mood was against the evil foreigners.

    Yes Yes Yes! Those nasty people never did anything before the sale of Shin! Sondhi never organized rallies in Lumpini!! They are focussing on something trivial!

    Chamlong himself has in one of his initial speaches during the rallies praised Thaksin as having been previously a great prime minister who has "done lots of good for the country", before he "sold Thailand to Singapore".

    Yes it is bad bad bad to mimic a speech from Julius Ceasar! It is obviously AWFUL to acknowledge that your opponent (in a social way not political) has done anything good!

    You are preaching to the choir! I am fully behind you Coly! ... I was so snowed by people that just want a change to a more moral government!

    Really Coly !! I am with you from now on! I don't think you need to respond at ALL to the things in that post of mine! There are obviously no proper arguments for PAD or the Opposition Parties!

    I do post here because i enjoy the intellectual challenge of political debates and discussions.

    I may be culturally insensitive, but where i come from i have learned to show at least a minimum of manners and respect and to my opponents during a debate or discussion. That appearantly does not count for your neck of the woods.

    There are proper and logical arguments from any side, only you have ran out of them and resorted to trolling the board with pubescent insults, and sad attempts of humor. You are a waste of time as long as you keep up your infantile pissing contest.

    Really Coly ... There is no sense in answering the questions in red above. I don't know if you didn't think before you posted that bit of silliness that I was in effect Satirizing or lampooning ... or if you really believe it would be best to wait for an economic crash ... or more hiuman rights tragedies .. or if you really believe nothing was said or done like the rallies in Lumpini BEFORE the sale of Shin.

    Sorry if you are so hyper-sensitive that you cannot have your views lampooned! And that in the same sentence you think it is ok to be culturally insensitive! Hope this keeps working for you!

  6. OMG ... I made a typo?

    Did I ever say you shouldn't have an opinion? or the right to express it?

    Do you think there aren't people from "up-country" in Bangkok?

    Did I ever say that people "upcountry" or rural were wrong?

    I have implied (stated?) that people that think they have a better finger on the pulse of what's happening in Thailand from Canada than do people that are active in Thailand may need to re-adjust their thinking on that matter :-)

    (oh ... and I am NOT going to scroll back looking for your typos ... so breathe easy! but if I disturbed you ... you might be correct about me being a ___ disturber :o)

  7. Could be political or could be an attempt by the lot in south to use this political turmoil against Thaksin.

    I've often wondered if the southern group would travel to Bangkok to cause a problem during all this turmoil. If they did the other parties would most likely first point a finger at each other.

    Kinda defeats the purpose of terrorism not to have people know who did it and why ... doesn't it?

  8. ah yes! It is true! I am just a simple man with simple thoughts!

    guess sarcasm is not so easy to understand as a teaching tool ... what about farce? or ridicule? <in the form of teaching tools not personal attacks>

    I bow to your superior understanding of the current events in Thailand both in BKK and "up-country" from your vantage point in Canada!

    I'd love to stick around and and chat with the webmaster of the Assoc of Foriegners in Thailand that in fact is 1/2 a world away ... but there are things to do in Bangkok this morning!

  9. They were saying that they would see how things went but the 11 could join the 3.

    Could you explain this portion of your post, please?

    The 3 changwats in the deep south in a separatist struggle joined by the other southern Changwats.

    Demagogue bullshit.

    Only shows how split and immature the PAD and their allies are.

    Demagogue bullshit?

    My wife attended this weeks rallies and was telling me of a statement by southern Thais made on the stage, which to the best of my knowledge has gone unreported. They were saying that they would see how things went but the 11 could join the 3. Sondhi begged southerners not to take this route.

    dem·a·gogue also dem·a·gog ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dm-g๔g, -gg)


    1.A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.

    2.A leader of the common people in ancient times.

    I see no mention of a leader appealing to the emotions or prejudices of the populace. In fact the only leader mentioned spoke out against this unreported incident. I guess maybe you mean Sondhi was immature for speaking out against this? But then again maybe you mean that the person who allegedly said this, is a demagog. Guess maybe so ... if he were speaking to a crowd that would buy into it ... ooops he was speaking(allegedly) <and was not identified as a leader> in BKK and not the South? crud!

    though I guess you could accuse some people of being demagogs ... going upcountry and speaking at rallies saying .... "thye want to throw away your vote because you are uneducated farmers" :o

  10. Yeppers ... that's me ... a simple buffoon!

    Sticking to the "Tyranny of Democracy" is obviously way better than using a legal loophole in the constitution to give breathing room for all parties and a chance to do some much needed work on the constitution to insure that further abuses like this cannot happen!

    Thailand should just let Thaksin stay in office forever as long as he can push through populist measures that assure him of having a powerbase with rural farmers! Forget the middle-class that will have to pay the bills on this! Forget that there is only so much land that can be given away! Forget that religious and ethnic minorities feel persecuted and left out of the entire process! Just make it a "democratic vote"!

    You are right! I am a total convert! I hope the voters keep Thaksin for life instead of using the system that allows them to petition for redress from abuse!

    The ethnic minorities have never been treated humane by any government in Thailand.

    NO NO NO! you have me sold already! You are right the ethnic malays have never been treated well here! (niether have ethnic Chinese for that matter!!) remember .. you have me sold already! no need to preach to the choir!

    Land has to be given away to the poor, unfortunately Thaksin talks only about giving land away, but in fact gives very little. Land has to be taken away from the ones who hold it illegaly, Thaksin only takes the land of the small fry, but leaves the big boys alone, especially the ones in his own party. But that is also not so very different from any other government. He only puts in into a more clever package.

    Of course land has to be given away! That is obvious! New cars and houses and blocks of gold and even week long cruises have to be given away too! We haven't talked about evicting squatters but hel_l ... why not! Let's evict the hill tribes right along with the shrimp farms that are on government land!

    The largest damage to the economical future has been done already years ago when easy loans were given out in huge amounts. Nowadays he talks more about the loans than actually giving them out. Both the middle class and the poor will have to pay the bill for this. Another government won't be able to turn this tide around.


    I would just like to see that at the point the economy crashes again (which it will) that Thaksin is still in power so that it can be clear to everyone that he with his populist policies is the one to blame. This might be a lesson Thailand needs in order to develop further.

    Yes Yes Yes!! We all want to see the economy crash again! You are so right! Much better to have a banking/economic crash that hurts everyone than anything that disrupts a concept like democracy!! Can't be with you more! You Go!!! Tell it like it is!

    Nothing is forever. Thaksin won't be there forever. His Thaksinomics have already crashed bitterly as his consumer spending fuelled economy has not happened. What saved his arse was increased exports, the complete opposite of Thaksinomics. The EGAT ruling is gonna give Thaksin far more headaches than the demonstration as it deprives him of much needed cash to keep the bubble from bursting.

    Yes I agree fully!! Waiting is best! We can certainly wait through another mass killing in the South ... that won't matter! Yes!!! We can wait through for another "war on drugs" . We can wait through more underhanded business deals! Much better than forcing him out now!

    If left alone Thaksin will most definately be his own undoing.

    These demonstrations are premature, and counterproductive. They give Thaksin an excuse to blame somebody else for his own mistakes, just as he has blamed years ago the evil foreigners and the Chuan government for the financial crises, in which he himself was substantially part of as a businessman and a deputy prime minister under Chavalit.

    Yes I agree! Much better to leave a despot in power than to peacefully organize demonstrations and look for ways out of the abuse!

    But this is beyond our great PAD leaders. Because their main issue always was the "sale of the country". They were very much on Thaksin's side when the mood was against the evil foreigners.

    Yes Yes Yes! Those nasty people never did anything before the sale of Shin! Sondhi never organized rallies in Lumpini!! They are focussing on something trivial!

    Chamlong himself has in one of his initial speaches during the rallies praised Thaksin as having been previously a great prime minister who has "done lots of good for the country", before he "sold Thailand to Singapore".

    Yes it is bad bad bad to mimic a speech from Julius Ceasar! It is obviously AWFUL to acknowledge that your opponent (in a social way not political) has done anything good!

    You are preaching to the choir! I am fully behind you Coly! ... I was so snowed by people that just want a change to a more moral government!

  11. Yeppers ... that's me ... a simple buffoon!

    Sticking to the "Tyranny of Democracy" is obviously way better than using a legal loophole in the constitution to give breathing room for all parties and a chance to do some much needed work on the constitution to insure that further abuses like this cannot happen!

    Thailand should just let Thaksin stay in office forever as long as he can push through populist measures that assure him of having a powerbase with rural farmers! Forget the middle-class that will have to pay the bills on this! Forget that there is only so much land that can be given away! Forget that religious and ethnic minorities feel persecuted and left out of the entire process! Just make it a "democratic vote"!

    You are right! I am a total convert! I hope the voters keep Thaksin for life instead of using the system that allows them to petition for redress from abuse!

  12. I find Coly getting more and more amazing!

    First it's the "secret service" he's having tea with ... now the "leaders of PAD" no wait ... several of the academics.

    Coly ..... you despise Chamlong and Sondhi ... in fact you are amazingly strident about it! You seem to even dismiss what you say is Thaksin's responsibility in the cases you cite! "But they could have stopped it..." He was the boss. simple huh?

    Now to the part I don't understand! You don't want Chamlong and Sondhi in power .... You don't want Thaksin in power either according to at least on of your posts. Cool! That's the same thing PAD is working for ... Sondhi and Chamlong aren't running for office and they want Thaksin out. simple.

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