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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. i wonder how long it will be before the trains are running again as it would be effecting alot of people the delays from this accident

    Your all heart arent you!!!!!!!!!!


    He's got plans to be on that train around Songkran ..... but I was cutting him some slack because it actually does make problems for worthy folks that depend on the train.

    Plus ... if only the driver was hurt he might qualify for a Darwin award .... this just qualifies for some real sadness. More people killed through one man's negligence/stupidity

  2. sling sling .... you are rating way up there with some of the other folks around here .... to suggest that understanding etc equals condoning is just as silly as stating The US isn't a Democracy

    wow wow, now, friend, wait just a min ! :D take it easy, unless you don't mind to appear as a demagogue ! because obviously the argument you use here is twisted or switched. whcih is common fallacy in logic - here particularly I think it is Irrelevent conclusion ("ignoratio elenchi" = "ignorance of the issue"). A is equal B [is it realy ?], and since B is obviously [although "obvious to whom ?"] wrong, then A MUST be wrong. and it is more like blend of several fallacies together such as argumentum ad populum (= appeal to masses : from the sort "everybody knows that...") and even "ad hominem" (A makes claim B; there is something objectionable about A [who says X he is - silly !], therefore claim B is false.)

    may be that is equal for you - doesn't mean for others, friend ! :D

    and then, what is so silly ? perhaps Constituion of USA (where Democracy is never mentioned even once) is "silly" or this source ? (just a very brief search ! :D ) . see there section "Government":

    Government type:

    Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

    only a "tradition", my friend ! tradition is not precisely a real thing, not 100% or what is called Pure democracy or Direct democracy.

    I trust it is VERY good and reliable source, and it gives also references - if you click in those small icon of tiny book (Definitions) you can get evidence:

    Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives.

    Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.

    obviously, there is nothing here mentioned about it being Democracy. compare it with other given there definitions :

    Constitutional democracy - a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution. {it is NOT spelled there - check it out !}

    Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

    Democratic republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

    Parliamentary democracy - a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor along with the cabinet ministers - according to party strength as expressed in elections; by this system, the government acquires a dual responsibility: to the people as well as to the parliament.

    as you can see - it is none of these.

    Andorra, Aruba, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Irelend ..... these are democracies :D

    US, UK - NO :D . not even "emerging democracy" as Albania. Canada - sort of ....

    so, I mean, man, you might be trying to make a good point - that vilonence and murder mustn't be condoned (right ?) - but PLEASE present it convincinlgy!

    anyway, all this talk of what is or not Democracy is technical and here is not even relevent. no need to switch main subject (religious sacriliege, murder by mob) to Democracy here ! especially if you use false, unproved or fallacious arguments.

    aaa ... have made the point about True democracy before .. feel free to search it ... I was comparing one idiotic statement to another. Someone sayiny "to understand something is to condone it" and The US isn't a democracy..." you can feel free to find the quotes involved in the posts.


  3. As a side note ... the rules for donating blood in Dallas or in the UK are different than here.

    Dontaed twice in Thailand since the Tsunami and once in Cambodia ... (again I am the odd duck ... thought I was o- (Univ donor for most caucasians ... turned out I am o+ ... univ donor for most asians ... go figure

  4. then State ... besides painting all of us with a broad brush ... you'd have been wrong again

    Sorry mate, I dont get your response.

    BagnaBound said if he had asked the question “I’m thinking about taking a hammer to the Erawan Shine, I’m just curious what the probable punishment would be?”, how would we have responded?

    I gave my personal answer. Dont quite understand why you think I am painting everyone with a broad brush.

    sorry ... short term memory loss? forget where you said that all of the people that accept or understand the actions of the people that killed the nutter CONDONE it?

  5. There's no contradiction ... just like your other remark about condoning this sad death; (which I don't even though I understand the reaction) I never cried foul over the PEACEFUL protests to the cartoons.

    sad that you can't understand that someone can see another's point of view without condoning it or believing the same thing

  6. 60 days won't ever cut it for the other parties to re-enter. It'll take 120 at the very minimum to allow the TRT folks that want to bail and stay involved in Gov't to do so ... but hey ... it is progress. ((well not really progress ... but maybe HOPE for progress))

  7. Your in patters? surounded by ex-pats? and can't have intellectual conversations? ... I knew it was bad there! But I always thought it was just my inebriated weekend escapes from BKK that made it that way!

    If you listen to the OP ... intellectual convos with Thais (at least in her backwoods location) just isn't possible

    strangely I have good discussions with Thais in both Eng and Thai almost daily...

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