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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Too bad :D

    Collector´s worldwide should be united against this kind of maniac acts..

    How this poor man can protect His property, himself or whatever after this?

    BS, i say :o

    Collectors? oi!

    maniac acts? someone thought he was dangerous (or he was a butthead) and a neighbor (or someone) turned him in ....

    If he has a valid excuse to have those (and it is not illegal) he'll get them back (fat chance!)

    This isn't a case of a hunter etc .... and possessing military weapons as a civilian is usually illegal in most places.

  2. oi ... guess not .... but could you please translate this for me? " that time you didn't that subject of this thread is different ?

    but it was smart of you to skip the definitions ... having read through your posts ... you fit the 2nd definition for TiT (troll in training)

    So .... back to the topic

    Anyone have a guess as to the fate of the 2 garbage truck guys? I do not expect to see 1st degree murder/death penalty being brought against them successfully. Do cases in Thailand allow for a lesser conviction if they choose to try them for Capitol Murder?

  3. Thailand is not even a Republic ! :o - what to speak a Democracy !

    one of previous Kings has graciously granted constitution which has absolute power to Consitutional. and ever since this group or that, mostly military or police, were fighting for power.

    democratically elected PM and then functional - is already quite an achivement ! since elections are considered main pillar of democracy.

    Care to translate that into English?

    Maybe ... or maybe they vote because of populist unsustainable policies and promises combined with a lack of information and pressure from the party machines?

    Yea.........and you would be so much better.................I wanna vote for u......you must be better cos u r farang, the fact that Thaksin is a Billionaire businessman who has made it, pales into insignifigance compared with you. why oh why are so many farangs jealous of Thai people that have money ?

    5555 I don't quite see what that has to do with what you quoted me as saying .... but I am one of the smart farang in Thailand ... my friend has Money ... so what?

    At the end of the day, you guyz will be guyz posting on an internet forum ( wow ), and people like Thaksin Shinawatra lead countries. :D

    Yes .. it is nice seeing you here at the end of the day!

    If being a billionaire was a goal of mine I'd surely fail ..... however having enough to be comfortable is nice :-)

    Maigo ... I don't know anyone that is jealous of Thaksin ... along with that kind of money comes a whole new set of problems. I certainly don't want to be PM of ANY country!

  4. Pedants are just that way .... hijack a thread about a shrine being destroyed and the things that happen later and make it into this ..... oh well. Maybe this can settle it and let the thread get back to its original topic.

    de·moc·ra·cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-mkr-s)

    n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies

    1)Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

    2)A political or social unit that has such a government.

    3)The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.

    4)Majority rule.

    5)The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

    source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition


    Main Entry: de·moc·ra·cy

    Pronunciation: di-'mä-kr&-sE

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form: plural -cies

    1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

    2 : a political unit that has a democratic government —dem·o·crat·ic /"de-m&-'kra-tik/ adjective —dem·o·crat·i·cal·ly adverb

    source:Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


    n 1: the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives 2: a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them [syn: republic, commonwealth] [ant: autocracy] 3: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group [syn: majority rule]

    Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

    Now back to the sad events that happened at the Erawan shrine

  5. you can have your cake and eat it in thailand so dont worry. marry someone you love but there are more than enough opportunities to satisfy your wandering needs without having to enter into deceitful affairs as in the west.

    the thai way is much better :o

    I don't know which Thailand you are living in .... or how many Thai men you know ...

    Maybe you have missed hearing the term "mia noi" ... or known any men with more than one domocile? Or missed seeing the massage places for Thai's ... the ones with curtains to hide the cars?

  6. Maybe the reason they don't like Thaskin in Bangkok is because the Bangkok people are greedy and don't care about the rest of Thailand.

    Up country people are greatful for the things Thaskin has done to help them. Most are simple people with uncomplicated lives. They appreciate the simple things, such as health care, that he has done.

    Maybe thats why they vote for him.

    Maybe ... or maybe they vote because of populist unsustainable policies and promises combined with a lack of information and pressure from the party machines?

  7. ....A bit like the US, come to think of it. :o

    No, not at all like the US.

    'A government not of men, but of laws,' we were all taught in school that we were, and that's absolutely true. Most western style democracies like the US and the UK are ultimately stablized by a shared belief in the value of institutions. Thailand has no institutions that anyone at all believes in other than the presumably non-political monarchy. It is the opposite of the US, a 'government not of laws, but of men.'

    It is interesting to note that every single American newspaper I have read has condemed this mob challenge to a legitimately elected prime minister here in Thailand. From the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg on the right to the New York Times and the Washington Post on the left, they have been unanimous. This is a test of whether democracy can work in Asia, they say. If a mob led by a few self-promoting loudmouths succeeds in preventing a legitimately elected leader from governing, then Thailand's prospects, and the prospects for democracy in Southeast Asia in general, will have been dealt a terrible set back.

    Wow ... in your first paragraph you point out quite rightly that this is Thailand! It is not a place with well developed institutions <YET!>.

    Then point out that American newspapers don't like what is going on here? Wow! Wow! You might read the VoA website or further down this sub-forum for a balanced report

    Thailand is at a threshhold ... a scary one. Since '92 it has been up and down and all over yet it is growing stronger. Those that think that there are viable simplistic answers like .... "just have an election in 30 days and it will be alright" need to spend a few days thinking it through. How can Thailand's fledgeling Democracy be nutrured with this overt level of problem at the very top? How can it be nurtured and given strength to grow when the checks and balances that exist in other democracies don't exist here?

    I don't puport to have the answers. I do think that a royally appointed PM for about 4-6 months would be a good step to progress! During that time some real work needs to be done on the Constitution and some real work to get the Institutions like the NCCC and EC and Constituion Court ...and freedom of the press back in working order!

    Thankfully I have no horse in this race so can sit back and just think about how it "should" be and how to get there.

  8. I like the following quote from an American who said most of the sensible things to be said on democracy.

    "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." --Thomas Jefferson

    Nice quote ...

    Sadly until the last few weeks the press towed the Gov't line through both censorship and self-censorship. So may as well give up on that.

  9. If you make it your signature, it bears relevance.

    So signitures are fair game then... OK



    the most prized quote from recent days on TV is ... "The USA isn't a Democracy it is a Republic"

    <<someone needed a civics lesson!>>

    So here is your civics lesson as it's fair game as you are using a pointed signature....


    A Republic, Not a Democracy -

    David N. Mayer - CAPITAL UNIVERSITY - Professor of Law

    Full Text

    ###### .... working for weeks to make up for that piece of silliness you posted huh Luk?


    as valid as any Blog ....

    or read the Wikpedia section on Democracy ....

    Modern Democratic Gov'ts are all representative Luk ...

  10. Yes it is easy to get to Koh Tao from Samui or Chumphon (Express boat from Chumphon 2x a day .... about 400 baht and the fastest way to the island)

    google the dive operators and they will often give you a couple of different ways to get there ...

    Water clarity is an issue for diving in that part of the gulf at different times of the year ... worth looking into as well.

    Both driving bussing and flying are options to get into that area. You can even do a train option to Chumphon

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