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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. what is your alternative to Thaksin?

    you mention the 95% people in the south who are against him....does your brave new world include giving the ethnic malays their own state as they wish????? thought not.

    you asked for the comment about your english with your arrogant dismissal of the working classes in isaan who keep this country going.

    Oi .... leftcross .. you're amazing political analysis keeps me coming back! From whingeing on about the protests bothering you ... to your strong defense of the farmers in Isaan ..... to your overstatement about your inportance in the relative scheme of things in Thailand! You amaze me! :o

  2. Spin it? Voting is mandatory in Thailand (not to vote makes one ineligible for various rights)

    So Prem did his duty to the ingdom of Thailand and voted .... (probably NOT for TRT ... but he'd have to say that himself ... as my guess is idle speculation)

    Did you not notice that the opposition is running a vote for the no candidate program? To encourage people not to vote would be against the law

  3. Best figure out where you really want to be in Cambodia and work from there.

    If you want to go to Angkor then the best way not to waste a ton of time is to fly. Siem Reap is a little more expensive to reach via plane but going overland can be truly exhausting. I did it in November ... great trip but lost a whole day at Angkor due to road conditions going the shortest way there (poipet to Siem Reap)

    Personally I'd fly into Phnom Penh ... look around for a day or 2 .... then take the boat up river and across the lake ... (you may end up on top of the boat ... dress for sun and bring water and a nosh!) It is a longish trip but you get to see village life along the river .... Nice!

    On the way back book a decent bus down to Phnom Penh and you'll catch some more interesting views .....

    The roads to the borders are still mostly dirt ... the bridges across rivers/streams etc are in chronic disrepair ... the overland trip in I took had a bridge out 2 hours before Siem Reap ... that took another 2 hours to wait until they could get pickups (not songteaw) out to cart everyone and their baggage (backpacks etc) in to Siem Reap .... yes 16 people with gear per standard pickup truck .... no fun!

  4. Who thinks that? I am personally not that concerened over the results one way or another ...

    Some people are so concerned with this that they are getting keyed up by it. But frankly as I have said many times .... I don't have a horse inthis race! I just think that it will be better in the long run for Democracy in Thailand if Thaksin is gone.

  5. i, like the vast majority of thais, support thaksin. 60.7% voted for TRT over a year ago .... not too sure that you'll see ANYTHING like those results on April 2 IF an election takes place.

    i wasn't all that keen before but after weeks and weeks of seeing a small unrepresentative mob trying to oust the democratically elected PM i've started to take his side. That "Mob" is a well disciplined group peacefully demonstrating against what they see as injustice. And that small "unrepresentative mob" is actually just representing a view that apparently you don't share!

    the sondhi lot lost all credibility when they refused to take part in the april 2 election. Sondhi and the folks of the PAD are not running for office and not boycotting the elections.

    it's a good things thais are so calm or the people who voted thaksin in would have confronted the anti mob by now. they must be getting very annoyed that these people are trying to force out the man they voted for. No one voted FOR Thaksin directly ... it doesn't work that way here ... they voted for TRT .. you may equate them as the same but in reality they are not.

    Pretty amazing post there ....!! :o

    you can also add that many many vote for him because they got 200-300 baht for voting, actually vote buying is illigal in most countries, not sure but I guess Thailand also has a law against it, or?

    As well these people would have vote for the soi dog as well if it would have paied them. That has nothing to do with democratic.....

    He even gave money in the south. My wifes sister drink heineken on toxins costs and got 200 baht from toxin (and voted than democrates)

    vote buying .. scary ... but not as scary as left's posts!

  6. Always amazes me when a farang says thinks he "gets" what the rural folks think. hel_l I live in the city and have ties to areas outside of BKK and I don't pretend to know what people would think if given complete information.

    Of course you wouldn't unless you have lived or worked in a rural village.

    What does not amaze me though is that it doesn't get into your thick skull that there are farang who have a bit more than "ties to areas outside of BKK" and do base their statements on what they have learned after years, if not decades, of involvement in rural Thailand. Not to speak of the necessary language skills in order to directly converse with those folks.

    LOL ... I love my thick skull. My partner is from Nakhon Nayok .... I lived just outside Hua Hin for quite awhile .. I speak and read Thai .... and am not afarid to talk to people. My thick skull works well for me!

    Those years and decades you speak of obviously fail to inform some of these mind reading farang that think they speak for Thais the limits of their knowledge! Other than restating statistics like 60.7% voted for TRT last election or in very general terms like "I think Isaan is still behind TRT" these farang that think they know what people will do should probably stick with things like "The wife and her extended family will go with the guy most willing to buy their vote with massive populist spending" And look! I didn't even pat myself on the back for not pondering out loud about why folks would marry into rural farmer families!

    I better scurry off to meet with Batman and Superman for tea now!

  7. Key leaders call for royal intervention

    Somsak said PAD's only goal at the moment was to oust Thaksin and they had not resolved how the post-Thaksin era should be.

    --The Nation 2006-03-22

    I think that just about says it all! Brain in neutral and no ideas. :o

    I agree. Having spent many cups of coffee over the Bangkok Post this last month, and having had many a discussion with Bangkok cab drivers, my opinion is that PAD is on a personal vandetta against Thaksin. In fact, PAD would probably claim a victory if TRT won the election without Thaksin as PM. PAD has no political agenda or vision. Their actions are personal and spiteful. They are not thinking of the Thai people, Thai culture or democracy.

    Duh! ... PAD's only agenda is getting Thaksin out ....... did it take you very long to figure this out? a month and lots of coffee and you just got this?

    Maybe Virgil was giving them the benefit of a doubt. We see all these educated and enlightened Bangkokians following the PAD all over town 24 hours a day. Surely the PAD would have thought through their agenda - what happens if there is actually a "post Thaksin" era.

    Have you not followed this at all? PAD has never put forward any agenda other than freeing Thailand from a PM that they see as too flawed to lead. PAD is NOT a political party .... they are a non-partisan group dedicated to the removal of Thaksin as PM. They'd be OK with TRT or the Demos or a royally apponted PM as long as it is not Thaksin. That's all they have ever said they wanted.

    I have watched a bit of the PAD Rallies ... seems like many average folks there ... not just the rich ... not just the "educated and enlightened"

    You guys really need to work on getting the groups seperated in your minds ...

    there is Thaksin ... (stands alone ...........)

    TRT a political Party (that put Thaksin in asPM ....... )

    The Opposition ... (the other Political parties that decided NOT to stand for election ......)

    and the PAD ... (not associated directly with any party ... just citizens exercising their right to peaceful assembly and protest.)

    Clear yet?

  8. Key leaders call for royal intervention

    Somsak said PAD's only goal at the moment was to oust Thaksin and they had not resolved how the post-Thaksin era should be.

    --The Nation 2006-03-22

    I think that just about says it all! Brain in neutral and no ideas. :o

    I agree. Having spent many cups of coffee over the Bangkok Post this last month, and having had many a discussion with Bangkok cab drivers, my opinion is that PAD is on a personal vandetta against Thaksin. In fact, PAD would probably claim a victory if TRT won the election without Thaksin as PM. PAD has no political agenda or vision. Their actions are personal and spiteful. They are not thinking of the Thai people, Thai culture or democracy.

    Duh! ... PAD's only agenda is getting Thaksin out ....... did it take you very long to figure this out? a month and lots of coffee and you just got this?

  9. ummmm you guys SHOULD add a Caveat .... "If" the story is true .... If he is in fact the biological father etc .... we don't know ....

    As for Nawtilus's "tricked" ... if he's the biological father ... there just is no "tricked" to it

    I don't think Thailand has mandatory child support does it?

  10. i, like the vast majority of thais, support thaksin. 60.7% voted for TRT over a year ago .... not too sure that you'll see ANYTHING like those results on April 2 IF an election takes place.

    i wasn't all that keen before but after weeks and weeks of seeing a small unrepresentative mob trying to oust the democratically elected PM i've started to take his side. That "Mob" is a well disciplined group peacefully demonstrating against what they see as injustice.

    the sondhi lot lost all credibility when they refused to take part in the april 2 election. Sondhi and the folks of the PAD are not running for office and not boycotting the elections.

    it's a good things thais are so calm or the people who voted thaksin in would have confronted the anti mob by now. they must be getting very annoyed that these people are trying to force out the man they voted for. No one voted FOR Thaksin directly ... it doesn't work that way here ... they voted for TRT .. you may equate them as the same but in reality they are not.

    Pretty amazing post there ....!! :o

  11. I like the following quote from an American who said most of the sensible things to be said on democracy.

    "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." --Thomas Jefferson

    Nice quote ...

    Sadly until the last few weeks the press towed the Gov't line through both censorship and self-censorship. So may as well give up on that.

    Try reading that line again

    If you really believe there is no freedom of the press, you should read the Nation sometime.

    They should rename themselves the PAD Post. About 10 anti-Thaksin articles for every pro.

    And then compare the English language papers to the Thai language papers over the last years

  12. You have to love these lot - regardless of which side, anyone else get the impression of what fools they all are? A comedy even Monty Python might appreciate. :o

    Monty Python? Thats something that is from Britain right? Rates up there with Benny Hill ... takes someone from there to truly act that way I think ... though some of the Japanese shows do equal it.

  13. You are painting the upcountry people as uninformed which all of them are not.

    they are uninformed,

    The uninformed are the ones that think they should think just like urban people. They don't and they won't ever think like city dwellers in our lifetime, the two are as different as night and day. That is the reason the rural majority voter is so much different and why they carry so much weight. Continually telling northerners they are uninformed and worth less than city people, the opposition just gets them to dig in. They may be uninformed. as you put it, but they are informed enough that they know they hold the power base in a Thai election no matter how many urban people protest in the street.

    Always amazes me when a farang says thinks he "gets" what the rural folks think. hel_l I live in the city and have ties to areas outside of BKK and I don't pretend to know what people would think if given complete information.

    As for the opposition parties talking down to the rural people ... someone is confusing things again.

  14. wouldn't you be looking for an endocrinologist then? ... If you have the $$ I'd go to Bumrumgrad .... one of my acquaintances is an ID Dr there (just an acquaintance!) .. PM me if you need help ... check the BH website and you should find your specialist ... I think specialists there are only 500 or 600 a visit

  15. 555 ... nah ... it could be argued that before now he was pretty much a Parlaimentary dictator.

    in the last couple of weeks things have started swinging the other way ... but right now he pretty much has the only Gov't (exec branch) voice that will be heard ... and the judicial seems to be getting a bit less afraid.

    I think the tide started turning on the King's birthday .... since then it's been all down-hill for Thaksin politically ....

  16. Most places in US and Europe now have you 2048/512 kbps ADSL for the equivalent of about 1000 baht/month.

    Compare that to the (effective) 400/200 kbps you get here for that price I would say this place is expensive.

    You disagree that paying the same amount for 1/5 of the performance is expensive?

    Most places in the USA have broadband at 2Megs/sec? for $25 USD a month? more like 3 x that cost ... and certainly not available everywhere

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