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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Was he in fact killed in an act of religious "revenge" for lack of another word? Probably.

    Could it have been other reasons? Sure ...

    however ... if the attack did happen in the form of religious retribution by garbagemen and wasn't pre-meditated then spiritually it is no more vile than drinking or having sex with someone that's not your spouse etc

    and sorry I completely missed why someone else's actions would have anything to do with agnosticism

  2. As for not filling every seat, if I recall Thaksin said that wouldnt be a problem. What I forsee is those seats not filled, probably special elections will occur. Trust me someone will eventually fill those seats if it comes to it.

    Brit ... not seating a new Parlaiment for how long?

  3. "What constitutes a political crisis?" the newspaper asked in an editorial. "Corruption? Every government is corrupt more or less. Dictatorship? Thaksin has just called a snap election."[/i]

    Did the CNN editors say anything about the Auditor-General's description of Thaksin's corruption

    as "unprecedented?"

    To say all governments are corrupt "more or less" trivializes the issue that Thaksin's level of corruption which makes all others pale in comparison.

    It's akin to labelling an eight year-old shoplifting a candy bar the same title "robber" as the recent Bank of England thieves who stole millions of pounds.

    Further trivialization is evident by saying that the moniker "dictator" hinges on his call for a snap election. It ignores the literally dozens of other issues that have earned him that title.

    It was an Editorial ..... Opinion pieces are nice because they often show another point of view. No matter how silly :-) I know I should go look it up and see the whole story ... but that'll have to wait ... have stuff to do today :-)

  4. CNN and BBC cobverage of the Rallies has been pretty sparse.

    Seems that if they move the demonstrations into the major business/shopping districts that it may not be long before the Governments of other countries start suggesting that people avoid the rallies specifically in the shopping districts and then the International press will cover it more.


    The international media doesn't cover the demonstrations much because the French demonstrations are far closer to home and get therefore far more space. Advertisement quotes don't exactly go up much by reporting on some completely uneventful third world shithole demonstrations that go on and on and on without making any difference or impression.

    Get more than a few people slaughtered and the international media will cover it, but only if not somewhere more important to the west something happens.

    Demonstrating at some department store in Bangkok will only be seen as another episode of a childish Thai soap opera not worth mentioning.

    Nice ....... :o

    Really though ... kinda a sad commentary on the way you think. :D

    I sure hope that things stay calm like they have and no one gets hurt along the way. There has been some press from CNN ... as recently as yesterday. Not to mention Thaksin granting them an interview and actually getting a few decent questions lobbed his way.

    Yes the violence and unruly demonstrations get more press ... I hope that's not what you are hoping for here, and that instead your remarks were meant more as a personal rebuke for me!

  5. Seems to me a pretty simple reason for them to be moving out of Sanam Luang and to the malls.

    I doubt this reason escapes even those of you NOT in Thailand but who knows.

    The Governments of several countries have suggested that tourists and the citizens of those countries NOT go near the rallies at all. As some people have suggested ... CNN and BBC cobverage of the Rallies has been pretty sparse.

    Seems that if they move the demonstrations into the major business/shopping districts that it may not be long before the Governments of other countries start suggesting that people avoid the rallies specifically in the shopping districts and then the International press will cover it more.

    seems pretty crafty to me ... but also a bad strategy in the long run as this could adversely affect Thailand's image if something bad happens at any of the rallies.

  6. "to a real post" :o but keep trying!

    And many of my friends are from Isaan and several from Chiang Rai ... I guess that since I am "foot free" kinda proves that wrong. But way off in Canada with your finger on the pulse of what people are experiencing here in Thailand OBVIOUSLY makes you the expert .... I bow to your greater knowledge!

    ((On a side note ... many of the people I know, from what Lukie describes as the 'only real upcountry' in so many words; believe that the election was set BEFORE songkran to keep the several million Thais from taking what they have learned about the PM by living in BKK back upcountry for discussion prior to voting))

  7. lol ... ###### I made a geography mistake ... was thinking in the North bordering Laos. (yes it is 4:07 am) Even though I KNEW Phayao was near ChangRai and bordered Laos I managed to type a mistake! .... (hence the Isaan/Lao dialect crossover) But Good on you ! You finally get one point!

    But since I clearly stated that Nakhon Nayok bordered Nakhon Ratchasima ... you lose the point back .... but hel_l ... a "push" is better than you've done in any discussion in this forum that I have seen!!


  8. OMG!! It's amazing! A Thai that speaks Thai! Fluently no less! Luk ...

    Read it again... I said "3 of the 4 major dialects fluently." You continually take things out of context to try and prove your point, few Thai actually speak more than 2 dialects, their home province one and central. If their home province is a central dialect, like Nakhon Nayok, it's probably the only one they know.

    LOL Luk ... you were (and still are) being a language snob about something pretty basic for a Thai .... I mean c'mon Phayao is on the border of Isaan and the North .. and pretty much all Thais can speak central (they all understand it) ... so why would it be surprising? and quite a few people in Nakhon Nayok speak Isaan well. After all Khao Yai is in both Nakhon Ratchasima and Nakhon Nayok :o

    being in Thailand and not Canada ...

    Has nothing to do with anything this is the information age you know the one you think all the poor rural folk should embrace to get informed..

    Luk ... being inCanada limits your contact with People ... if you don't see that you are truly lost!

    But you are tight I am NOT fluent in Passah Pak Isaan ... but I was there with friends that are educated at Chula and speak the local dialect as well as central Thai and didn't need to rely on them.

    That's because they were polite and speaking central to you. Go to Nan and sit down with some rural people and see how much you understand, especially if you tell them how uninformed they are..

    Luk ... they were talking amongst themselves and I understood .... you couldn't get that from the sentence?

    As for people from Ubon etc considering the rice fields of Nakhon Nayok upcountry ..... is there a point there? The same would go for the area outside HuaHin :-)

    Yes... The point is you used your other half to show you are in touch with the upcountry side of things. It's not close to upcountry at all or their upcountry views..LOL

    OK ... you got me ... the Province adjoining Nakhon ratchasima is NOT close to "upcountry" :D:D:D:D

    Your reverse snobbery is getting pretty interesting though ..... starting with "those bangkok people sure are ....." and developing into "those people that are in agricultural provinces that are too close to Bangkok are ......" WOW!

    Nice quote there. Where did you find that? Although you put that in "quotes" and associated it with me maybe you should show the whole quote to the rest of us. Otherwise it's just so much more made up BS.

    This one could almost be valid ... except you have generalized the people supporting PAD and BKKians often ... so ... no go here either.

    It's just like me trying to get the forum to believe it is you saying, "being in Thailand I happen to be lost on purpose, but then again I had friends." They are all your words from your last post but put together to prove another point. WOW!

    lol .... glad you have a finger on the pulse of people in the street from Canada Luk ... it gives me hope!

  9. OMG!! It's amazing! A Thai that speaks Thai! Fluently no less! Luk ... being in Thailand and not Canada ... and having friends from all over the country that I actually see every day .... and travelling all over on a very regular basis ... with people that can manage the dialect of whatever region I happen to be in makes me more or less capable than you of ascertaining what is actually going on around me?

    But you are tight I am NOT fluent in Passah Pak Isaan ... but I was there with friends that are educated at Chula and speak the local dialect as well as central Thai and didn't need to rely on them. I think you'd be amazed that most casual conversations around me I understood fairly well ... even when it was the radio stations. Sure I bet they could have decided to speak even more colloquially ... and lost me on purpose ... but then again I had friends with me. It is nice not to have to rely on a wife to survive here and have conversations!

    As for people from Ubon etc considering the rice fields of Nakhon Nayok upcountry ..... is there a point there? The same would go for the area outside HuaHin :-)

    Your reverse snobbery is getting pretty interesting though ..... starting with "those bangkok people sure are ....." and developing into "those people that are in agricultural provinces that are too close to Bangkok are ......" WOW!

  10. Forgot them? nope ... maybe they'll speak up soon :-) There's a good chance that Thailand will head back to pluralism and make some real strides forward in Democracy from this.

    Sadly that cannot happen easily when one guy (as some Thais see it) is running things as a parlaimentary dictatorship. It cannot happen with weakened courts and a weakened press ....

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