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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Ricky, Ricky, Ricky I have to ask.... are you just Dangling a Bait in front of we OLDE Farts, who have long since given up on "trying to convert the heathen road users" to the true and righteous ways of being Good and Blameless on the Highways and Byways of our Parish?

    At first, I thought you may have been serious, but somehow with your responses to other Brethren of the Thai Visa.com Congregation, I have

    developed a sneaking suspicion that YOU are merely Tossing us a Tantalizing Tidbit in order to get us sounding off, on a subject that would evoke howls of derisive laughter from the BIB, if we fronted up with the Photographic Evidence of which you speak. Assuming of course, we LIVE Long Enough, after taking such Pictures of Predominately NON FERANG FELONS, with little or no sense of humor, who are quite happy to smack you over the head with a Tyre Iron or simply SHOOT You on the spot, for having had the temerity to Snap Candid Shots of them committing acts that may cause them severe LOSS OF FACE.

  2. the polite way is: 'my wife and i...' - or, used to be.

    and - no - you are not covered without a licence unless you informed your insurance in writing that you do not hold a thai drivers licence and the insurance has confirmed in writing that they accept this.

    until than, don't drive.

    edit: spelling error

    Do you somehow think that YOU are above the Law?

    How about the poor unfortunate soul that you hit and injure or kill?

    Do you plan on paying for this out of your vast Cash Reserves ?

  3. 500million dollars, they will receive approx 280 million after taxes. The 280 million is paid over a period of time. You can sell your 280 million dollars for around 200 million dollars for a one time payment. 200 million dollars is still an obscene amount of money for any one person to posess. Should cap the lottery at 25 million dollars and have more winners.

    Nice thought BUT...... how about you tell us if you still feel the same way AFTER you win the BIG ONE !

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