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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Leather suffers too.When we returned here to retire, five years ago we brought in a beautiful Full Leather Lounge, top quality from Australia.

    It has now developed many cracks in the arm rests on all chairs, even those that don't get used a lot. We use an expensive Leather Cleaner, same as we used in Oz which has preserved other lounges for decades but it just

    "gives up the Ghost" in this climate.


    Sex on sale at Karaoke Bars.....You MUST be KIDDING!

    Certainly not in Chiang Mai where my wife and a bunch of her cronies from their days at University hang out .

    You'd never meet a more sedate bunch anywhere. I KNOW, she often drags me along kicking and screaming to listen to her and her friends sing every hit song from the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s in Thai, English, Spanish... you name it but as for Sex being on sale, you are out of your cotton-picking mind !

  3. Hope it's just a rumor BUT..

    Have heard from a "Usually Reliable Source" that Thai BANKS may soon start charging customers for "parking their money."

    Instead of being paid a tad of INTEREST on our funds in the bank, we may have to pay a "safe-keeping fee" of some kind.

    As I said, the info from a "usually reliable source." Anyone else know anything about it?

  4. No, he's right. There's been a change just in the past five years. Everything has become much more busy. Little touches of service have disappeared. Small stuff, but it adds up. For the most part, they no longer put your bags into your cart at Tops. The cashiers at Rim Ping often don't give that pretty little wai when they hand you your change. (The cashiers at Tops always were a little lazy about this).

    When you go into the TV or household goods area of Central Dept store you can wander for hours and no one hovers, pointing to the item you're looking at making "helpful" observations like "blue" or "on-off". This used to annoy me, but now I miss it. The other day we went to Power Buy (part of the Central group) to purchase a clothes washing machine, same thing where Hubby and wandered around the store looking at every clothes washer (it should have been evident we were serious shoppers) and when we finally found someone who would make eye contact they had to go find the store manager to locate someone able to understand our poor attempts at Thai. Apparently he was the only one in the store who spoke English. Used to be more staff in places like this spoke English or at least made an attempt.

    It's as if everyone is busier, more adsorbed in their phones, maybe studying Chinese now instead of English. I don't know. But there's definitely a different vibe.

    Pretty accurate assessment of the situation Nancy.

    My wife and I have noted the frequent lack of a friendly "Wai," at a number of places where it used to be a matter of course. Rimping and Makro in particular.

    When my wife phoned Tesco Lotus in BKK last week, to inquire about when a particular "advertised product" would again be stocked in the Hang Dong Road store,(they've been out of stock of "Tesco Finest, Indian Curry Paste" for 6 weeks) shew was told in Thai that, "if we are out of stock, we are OUT OF STOCK!"

    Yesterday we went to MK for lunch. Noticed a lack of staff, certainly no one to refill our drinks, as they used to. I had Dim Sum and noted the increase in price from a few months ago. I also filled out a "Customer Comment Slip," as I started doing some TEN Years ago, asking if they could provide HOI SIN Sauce with the Dim Sum. No one has ever bothered to respond to these requests, so for some years I have been bringing MY OWN.... half expect to be charged "Corkage" one of these days.

  5. Maybe I'm mellowing with age.

    Years ago, I felt these people, well intentioned though they may be, were a tad rude, lobbing here to "Convert the Heathen Buddhists."

    We have a whole group of them.. no, not Heathen Buddhists, but the other lot, wanting to"save our souls," living here in our village in Chiang Mai.

    At one stage, quite a number of them seemed to relocate but they've been back a while... and... WE ARE GLAD THEY ARE BACK!

    They are all good, quiet people, I bump into some of them at the Basketball Court when I walk our dog and they are always polite and they bring "life to our village."

  6. When I attempted to show the story to my wife, she wasn't interested in reading it. Took one quick look and said...

    "Oh, he wasn't a well known Monk and anyway he's Already been De-frocked, so he's NOT a MONK."

    Talk about denial ! and my wife is a highly educated Uni Graduate who's lived overseas and frequently pointed out to me, stories of Christian Priests Etc., who were found to be deviants but when it comes to Monks Monkeying around in Thailand, the whole thing is of no significance.

    She also pretended she didn't understand what I was on about when I attempted to "open the can of worms" about the Monks funny Habit of doing Filthy Things to a Can of whatever.

    Just Got To Love THAINESS !

  7. He's getting on in age, you know. Might wish to relax a bit. There are some other good dermatologists in Chiang Mai. He is good, not the god of all, especially since it has been a while since he started practice. Try Chiang Mai Ram, for example.

    Getting on in age ????

    If 40 ish is getting on..... I hate to think what you'd reckon I am!

    You can also find the Good Dr Siri on the 10th floor at Maharat (probably wrong spelling) Hospital (The PUBLIC Hospital) on weekdays from around 10 in the morning.... but be prepared for a LONG wait as he is a very popular YOUNG Man.

  8. When one looks at Thailand from the outside .. bars, prostitution and corruption springs to mind.Perhaps the Government should consider and ask itself, is the image that the country wants to portray to the world ?

    If that's the case, then perchance One is reading Sleazy Publications, highlighting just a few areas in which Thailand, no doubt like your own country could lift its game.

    Do you have Bars where YOU live, do you have Prostitution where YOU live and have you NEVER had a case of CORRUPTION where YOU live?

    Perhaps you should tell us where you live and we can all come and have a look and learn how to create a totally unblemished Paradise?

  9. At Last !

    A real breakfast.

    Thank you Trump...for making breakfast Great Again.

    Sausage King is only 500 meters south of our home. (our last home...we moved a few months ago)

    Hope he didn't loose his Appendage into the mixture.

    (Finger of course.... what else?)

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