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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. The whole incident took place last November. This story was printed in the Daily Mail after he returned. All readers advocating the Brit's deportation are barking at the moon; he's gone and will never dare come back. Calls for camera footage at the ATM will be useless; it is highly unlikely RTP will grant permission to view, even if the footage has not been erased already. The main question is do we believe a drunk as quoted in a scurrilous UK rag or senior officers in the Pattaya police force? The choice is yours.
  2. Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? Juliet - a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
  3. I bet there was a camera there to capture rare footage of top police actually working. All acting on information received; never as a result of police investigation.
  4. At 2.50 it's the safest place in Pattaya for crime: all the police are sleeping soundly after a full day's work saving lives on the roads.
  5. I thought investigators usually wait for a tip from 'a concerned member of the public' before they did any work?
  6. Night Agent 2 - 10 episodes out now.
  7. I doubt ANY officers are 'alert' at this time. I once roamed the main Pattaya police station at 1am looking to get my car unclamped. It took 15 minutes of door knocking and shouting before a dazed looking officer came to attend to my needs.
  8. '40 Billion Baht Investment' - surely enough to get a police force?
  9. I have never seen a taximeter driver fined for not using his meter. Mafias rule here.
  10. That's the problem. When seat belts became mandatory in UK, the police enforced it and possibly thousands of lives have been saved over the years. In Pattaya there are casualties daily yet there is no police presence on the roads. It wouldn't be so bad if the cops remained in their A/C offices studying CCTV cameras, but they don't even do that.
  11. stop the carnage on the roads but they said 'mai ben rai'.
  12. Is it too much to expect a police force to view speedsters/red-light runners then arrest them? This way, laws are enforced and even Thai drivers learn good habits.
  13. I can't see a bank issuing 24 bogus notes.
  14. The ONLY time Pattaya police ARE visible is when there are cameras filming them doing some work. This event only happens 3 or 4 times a year.
  15. It's the ONLY time CCTV is consulted: AFTER an event. There are a myriad traffic offences committed here every HOUR but an absentee police force condones these offences. Speed kills and SHOULD be the easiest to eradicate IF there was an active force.
  16. 24 seems a lot to have got by accident?
  17. No such thing as braking distance here. 50+ years ago I remember learning tables of yards and speeds to get my UK licence. If you tried to apply it here, you'd end up driving backwards as ignorant (Thai) drivers insert themselves into your safe space.
  18. 'it cannot go on like this' - but it has for the20 years I've lived here. '70% of news stories on here are about tragic accidents on the death roads,' - speed is the biggest killer; a direct result of having no police force. - 'RIP RIP RIP RIP' RTP.
  19. years of invisible policing of Thai roads that kills thousands annually.
  20. How can you maintain what it never had?
  21. Walking or breathing; both highly dangerous with the death toll many thousands annually; yet NOTHING gets done about either! Until Thailand gets a police force they will continue to be a 3rd World Banana Republic.
  22. 'a large quantity of black dust is accumulating' on my mesh fly screens. I vacuumed them yesterday ready for another dose of carcinogenic air today.
  23. Several times. I understand the need for alcohol if cooped up on a dry site for weeks. My grouse was his refusal to consider those people with normal jobs and those with young children.
  24. At 82, I've realised how stupid drinking yourself into a coma is + I've had my fill of screeching bargirls.
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