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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. How much is a course of Rabies jabs after a wild dog bite?
  2. All six episodes of S6 'The Unforgotten.' On TPB though not in one folder. This is an excellent, well-scripted, well-acted offering from the BBC; it even survived the loss of the luminescent Nicola Walker. Check her out in the series 'The Split.'
  3. Another victim of Plod's laissez-faire approach to road safety. CCTV should curb speeding in a month IF there's was a police force.
  4. Allowing wild dog packs is a highly visible sign of a 3rd World country. Until authorities grasp the final solution nettle, attacks on children (some fatal), tourists and local motorbike riders will continue to mock Thailand's bid to be considered a modern country.
  5. There's been no corresponding expansion of police officers apart from their waistlines.
  6. No it doesn't. It highlights the postactive measures so beloved of local police. If CCTV can track a pickup and its owner, it could take all the redlight runners & speedsters off the road and thus save lives on a daily basis.
  7. I can't tell from a bark whether they are soi dogs or pampered pooches. On my prestigious moobaan, my sleep is interrupted by dogs with deaf owners who can't train their animals or couldn't give a toss about others.
  8. Does five metres constitute a chase?
  9. The dogs were louder than the lion.
  10. This is the 2nd Mail story in a week that is offensive to Pattaya. How did they get the CCTV footage?
  11. I count NINE photo-cops; that's more than can be seen in a month of driving Pattaya roads. I am pleased to see that CCTV was used at night; maybe they'll catch on to its use during the day?
  12. That was lucky. I wonder how long her holiday has been?
  13. All Thai escapees end up at their mother's house. Her doting, over-indulgence in his upbringing probably led to his incarceration in the 1st place.
  14. Timing is everything. This story comes just under the one about Indians on the beach! Next, Pattaya police will be voted most efficient force in Thailand.
  15. By whom? Most (existing) laws (on the road) are ignored by the enforcers.
  16. Two quotes from 'Romeo & Juliet' (by William Shakespeare - a Brit who wrote some plays.) The Romeo in this story fell asleep whilst the Juliet was allegedly creating a stink in the toilet.
  17. Given the state of Thai Education, I doubt the average driver knows the difference between odd and even.
  18. Hard to believe that two 'random' swoops turned up no offenders! Forewarned is fore-armed. I only count four. Is this policy an off-shoot of the Zero Safe plan on the roads where RTP target no laws broken until AFTER an accident?
  19. Nothing to do with the local elections?
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