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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Meanwhile in Pattaya not ONE taximeter ever works thanks to the 'arrangement' with the local Plod.
  2. Sorry posted this answer before seeing the Los Lobo post above.
  3. Thank you - I was carefully avoiding using 'Funny Girl' (a Streisand movie?) 'Shogun' E1 & 2 are out. Enjoying 'The Last Airbender' as it is on a level my TGF can enjoy.
  4. Monopolies are rife in Thailand, usually under the control of influential families. In your village, don't be surprised if 7-11 + MiniC + Lotus come to a price-fixing agreement.
  5. Don't get me started on dogs at food outlets. It's the kiss of death for me.
  6. I can see this team advising farmers on why they shouldn't be setting fires next year BUT the police need to act immediately they see a plume of smoke visible for miles.
  7. Isn't 'tao' Thai for turtle?
  8. This procedure will keep happening until RTP enforce the law (particularly on speeding) every day not just during the 14 dangerous day-overtime bonanzas.
  9. Because the police will take it all.
  10. The Thai Lottery, the biggest fix since the last election.
  11. He jumped the queue; there will be many others, receiving their orders from the real Prime Minister.
  12. She's going to check out the Casinos before her dad legalises them in Thailand.
  13. Why not increase the police force or at least make some of them work?
  14. If the average bill is 83 baht, there must be a great many whose bill is less than that! What do people buy for less than 83 baht & was the journey really necessary?
  15. From the article you quote: 'It offers great advice on masks that protect us from PM2.5, soot or wildfire smoke. But then it says this this about surgical masks:'
  16. The headline 'Irish mobster dodges law with escape to Thailand'. I was commenting on the irony of criminals dodging the law by taking advantage of RTP's ineptitude and eye for baht. RTP supposedly applied for a red notice from Interpol. The 1st application was in Thai or bedevilled with errors. In the mean time the brat's long list of charges has been whittled down to ONE which will expire soon proving you can get away with murder (even of a policeman) if you have enough money. If he's so visible at so many races why has Interpol not picked him up? It's almost as if RTP's application never went through.
  17. 'Irish mobster dodges law with escape to Thailand'. I was commenting on the irony of criminals dodging the law by taking advantage of RTP's ineptitude and eye for baht. RTP supposedly applied for a red notice from Interpol. The 1st application was in Thai or bedevilled with errors. In the mean time the brat's long list of charges has been whittled down to ONE which will expire soon proving you can get away with murder (even of a policeman) if you have enough money. If he's so visible at so many races why has Interpol not picked him up? It's almost as if RTP's application never went through.
  18. So are you saying Thailand doesn't have droughts? In my 20 years here, I have not studied Thai weather; I'm just aware of things like water supplies being cut off for many hours a day.
  19. I've only watched E1 and liked it. Got the other 2 on ice.
  20. Just finished two series last night; one hit + one miss. 'Funny Lady' is brilliant; set in 60s UK full of snips of great music; refs to famous people like Quant; Milligan; Jagger. It's a heart warming tale of a lady from Blackpool who makes it big despite the morality of the time. And then there's 'Expats'! I watched it, if I'm honest, because I am one. Set in Hong Kong at the time of the student riots, it's big on being a travelogue, sparse on being good drama. There's a S Korean; Indian; Filipino; Brit; and of course a US family. Cue various religious interiors; shots of magnificent scenery; and a dearth of narrative. The final episode must be the worst end of a series ever. I guarantee there won't be a series two for me.
  21. Which is it? EVERY time the local Plod make a successful arrest it's because someone (a rival?) dobbed them in.
  22. What this place needs is a police force.
  23. By which time there will be drought conditions and no water left to fight fires.
  24. How many deaths? I would guess the total of premature deaths annually would be more than Covid + road kill. It's laughable that Thais still cling to masks.
  25. Seems easy to me if she is a clone of the latest Prime Minister.
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