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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Unusual for Plod to be working this late! AND at weekend!
  2. The ultimate in oxymorons! A close run contest with: Thai Police Work, Thai Army Intelligence, Thai Democratic Elections; deserving of worthy mention.
  3. I can't make up my mind whether I prefer dogs or Swedes.
  4. Meanwhile on every soi, disease-spreading, accident-causing dogs, many with owners, are allowed to defecate, urinate and bite at will.
  5. Two complete series! 'The Gentleman' - a gangster setting in a stately mansion (complete with Vinnie Jones!) As with all Guy Ritchie productions action is guaranteed. 'Mary & George' - a costume drama with wall-to-wall nude men as George is raised to seduce James 1st.
  6. Nobody spends money on self-entertainment in Pattaya.
  7. I am English which means I get absolutely zero help from my Embassy.
  8. Did the police check if its meter was in working order?
  9. If it was a Thai, he'd get a 4 year sentence then return to a post in the Thai Cabinet.
  10. I'll bet there are 400 in Pattaya alone; all to 'own' a house.
  11. It was seven men guilty of gang raping a female journalist in just one case last week.
  12. meanwhile the ordinary rank and file continue their business unhindered.
  13. How does losing lots of 800,000 baht bank deposits benefit the economy IF they start double taxing ex-pat pensioners?
  14. I have a tale about police extortion over my next year's visa being made 'difficult'.
  15. Give me BKK any day of the week. Where does Manchester England figure in the list of horror shows? It's squalid; staffed by grumpy jumped-up little Hitlers and unbelievably expensive for every thing: arriving by car you get FIVE minutes to get your bags out of the vehicle and say tearful good-byes; this 'service costs ONE UKP per MINUTE!
  16. 'Thai man found asleep in police van outside Nong Prue station' And why not? The vans are never used for crime fighting; they should be let out as cheap doss houses.
  17. Standard Operating Procedure for what must be the laziest, most inept force in the world. Surely having Royal in their title leaves them open to daily charges of lèse majesté?
  18. It's not just elephants; look at how Thailand treats dogs! They roam every soi in the land enduring disease and slow starvation. Even the dogs with owners allow their pets to defecate anywhere and breed with unvaccinated other dogs. Ironically lots of these 'owners' wear masks when welcoming their 'pets' back into their homes.
  19. Excellent distinction. I am stunned at the suggested figure of 30,000 annual deaths quoted above - that's 82 every day! That's over double the road deaths permitted by the the inaction of RTP. I am amazed that Thais have not taken to the streets demanding action.
  20. Clean living. = taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman; meticulous personal appearance.
  21. My thoughts exactly. What about neighbours? Or were the Russian parents persona non grata?
  22. Had the Highway Police been on the Highway this might not have happened. Just back from a 350 kms round trip to Bangkok. As always maniacs at over 150 kph abound weaving in and out of lanes. Guess how many cops I saw in four hours of driving? Tip; it was less than 1.
  23. Say 'Thank you' three times.
  24. My route in May but still can't avoid the hellhole that is MAN.
  25. It doesn't matter; the farang will still get screwed.
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