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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. It won't matter what it means IF he keeps his shirt on and IF he lives in his own country.
  2. 'Authorities' AKA police are too busy keeping death off the road. The above is SOP.
  3. Where it was promptly weighed in and the owner received 63 baht.
  4. With no police force these brawls are almost a daily occurrence as is the road kill.
  5. The Annual 14 Dangerous Days of RTP Overtime are starting to pay off.
  6. Meanwhile 200 police officers attended a parade on Walking Street to reassure tourists that Pattaya was a safe environment.
  7. 'Songkran festival projected to generate 24.4 billion baht in revenue' and a drought.
  8. It's usually followed by 'RTP acting on a tip' to suggest there was no police involvement till a member of the public solved the case for them.
  9. What's Lawfare? Only the rich can afford Law and they use it as a tool to punish criticism. Shouldn't it be Law Fair as it patently isn't!
  10. but the fish were far from happy.
  11. Another project aimed merely at creaming off the top which will worsen the traffic flow not alleviate it.
  12. Attack planes? Who are they attacking? In my new book 'Noodles at Noon', I have shown that any invasion of Thailand can be easily achieved if it occurs at midday when the whole of Thailand is shut for at least one hour.
  13. Just cancelled my TGF's Schengen application. I wanted to spend a lavish week in Spain after securing a UK Visa but the complexity overwhelmed me.
  14. I first watched it nearly 20 years ago; each time I visit my son I see it happening in plain sight and wonder how the local police have missed it all these years.
  15. I said this years ago; Thaksin & a very SENIOR VIP were interested in The Ambassador Hotel as the 1st Thai Casino. Now he has been freed, expect the plan to clear the final hurdles.
  16. These are the people who should be in the dock. By the time committees have been formed; free dinners claimed; arrest warrants issued; 'evidence' considered; appeals repeatedly considered; rinse and repeat; all the above officials will have died of a comfortable old age.
  17. More photo-cop opportunities. Meanwhile on the roads ...
  18. He's in for a surprise; expect a lot of illness with fake doctors' notes.
  19. Including on-the-spot fines; AKA Bonanza Over-time for Cops.
  20. 'Thailand must prepare for a possible influx of Myanmar’s young people' - too late. I visited Koh Samui over a year ago and every other waiter in every restaurant was from Myanmar. The good effect is it will challenge the Thais to improve their levels of English.
  21. If you are doing 60 kph in the outside lane to overtake a motorbike going at 40 and she inexplicably veers into your lane inside your braking distance you will hit her squarely in the rear. I passed my driving test by being aware of physics and the laws of momentum.
  22. I've not seen (or heard) any improvement in the pitiful lives of soi dogs.
  23. If the bike veered suddenly into his lane, the car is not at fault.
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