It is unfortunately the one nearest my family. On my last year's visit I was harangued in broken English by one of the workers for putting my case on a belt five seconds before he was going to give me permission. I was 81 and roundly cursed.
'Finders Keepers'. Finished it and liked it. A satisfying ending tho' not without grounds for a 2nd series. There was no explicit sex scenes; no changes of sexual orientation; at three episodes there was little padding out; characters clearly differentiated; decent dialogue and a real plot. Now I'm looking for new suggestions: Crime Drama; Costume Drama; not into Sci Fi tho' just finished 'The Last Airbender' which ticked a few boxes.
Of course they did; 'a bag, a denim jacket, a black electric scooter, 590 baht in cash, a can of beer, two smartphones, and one roll of cannabis.' AKA SWAG.