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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. To check if your number is registered.

    dial (on the phone with your SIM card installed) *151# , wait a message will come up with the SIM number and if it is registered the (usually) last 4 numbers of the identification used. If all Thai text following the SIM number, probably not registered.

    Have a Thia read the message to you.

    Register it or loose it, the number that is, if you have credit on the SIM it can be applied to your new number when you buy a new SIM card and register it.

    Oh Ye of little faith, don't register and take your chances you will know AT MIDNIGHT ON 31 July, 2015.

    The registration has been required for almost a year now, the grace period is ending 31/7/2015.

  2. I get an instant sms or e mail from my Thai Bank, and my U.S. Banks as soon as my cards are used any where in the world.

    Also never let your card out of your site, the only time I had a problem was 15 years ago in Malaysia, the clerk ducked under the counter to swipe my CC. within 4 hours charges began appearing on that card.

  3. For King and Country.

    I would like to Congratulate All of the Thai Athletes.

    Thai Athletes Made Thailand proud at the S.E.A. games in Singapore.

    Congratulations on your accomplishments in representing your country.

    You won the Most GOLD and respect of many with your accomplishments.

    All of you deserve a warm reception on your return home from Singapore.

    I know I speak for everyone and a Job Well Done

  4. search thaivisa and you will find that some Thai's were caught registering SIM cards for other than them selves, it is against the law.

    Q&A 6 on the Thai website in nebula's at best it says on August 1, 2015 non registered SIM cards can not make calls, send SMS's only make Emergency calls (obviously to registered emergency numbers), receive calls, receive SMS.

    it says this is to perverse any credit that may still be on the number. Unregistered numbers are receiving SMS messages to register. You can dial a number to check if the number is registered.(don't remember it right now)

    In what I have been told, register or loose the number, source seriousness of the situation with unregistered SIM-Phone There were 48,000,000 unregistered numbers the last time i checked

    Please remember it against the law to register a SIM card in some one else name.

    Yes they are very serious, yes they will now know who made the call or used the number.

    If you don't do anything wrong, why worry!

    Privacy, sorry that doesn't exist anymore, so get over it and comply.

    Tourists just need to register to get a SIM card, they must show a passport the number will be registered to it. Thai's their ID Cards.

    For you conspiracy theory people out there. They already have a copy of your passport it was scanned and is in the data base at immigration.

  5. you can call your provider and for 2 baht a month extend the time the number will stay active. I put 48 baht on my DTAC standby sim and it is now good for 2 years. Yes still need to top up as / if needed to make calls.

    yes it is registered.

    If you do not register your SIM card by 31 July, the number will be cancelled and can not be recovered.

  6. Pay Thai S.S., 1,500 a month 50/50 with company, have had for over 30 years. never a problem at any Gov. Hospital, if they don't have the facilities they send you to a Gov. Hospital they does.

    Some requested things you pay a small fee for now, but over all I have never paid, I patiently wait with the Thais until my turn comes up. Easy

  7. So what is the standard requirement? It seems each Fifedom make up it's own rules, sepecially here in the "Country of Samui".

    It seems that each ministry should come up with a standard set of rules, requirements and "set them in stone".

    Each person has thier own idea of "what they want", write it down and enforce it according to the rules.

    90 day reporting is a perfect example, in this day and age how difficult can this simple operation be. Log on to a web site, like your bank, (example) log in name, password, verification code sent, fill in the form on line, have a receipt for the transaction sent to your phone. Siplified explanation but such a simple thing occupies a lot of time and resources, forget to do it, that why there is a calendar and reminder application on your phone.

    Why does it have to be so difficult, the less you see the Immigration faces the better.

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