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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Just the facts!

    After you reach 70+ it is better to Large, (Not Obese) The study that took 30 years to complete in Europe shows.

    Longer life expectancy and less chronic health problems as you get older.

    I can send the study, I won't debate it.

    Glad i never was bothered by weight, 105 kg at 17, 103ks at 73 !

    Only problem here in the LOS is buying shoes in size 48-50 and wide size.

  2. You have the dates about right. I looked at the plant operation and maintenance in 2002-2003.

    The plant was operating very well but there was not enough garbage to justify it's operation (only 25%) capacity.

    I also don't think anyone was paying for the use of the plant. The operation was expensive as was the maintenance.

    A figure of 8,000,000 a year to operate the plant was thrown around by staff.

    I got the feeling that those who used the plants services were not paying.

    Has anyone (engineers) taken a look and see what it would take to get the plant up and running again?

    I imagine a lot, but not as much as the alternative, what ever that will ever be.

    I also remember around 2007-2008 I needed a weight check on my truck, the official scale was the Incinerator plants weighing station. Evidently only a receipt from them was allowable by the Transport people.

    They were not willing or able to fix it because no one wanted to pay what it would cost repair and no one could or wanted to deal with, the logistics of getting it up and running again.

    To bad a great plant when it was in operation.

  3. When we work we can repair almost anything, the right way or the fast, cheap or easy way.

    We employ a "what if" mentality when we repair, analyze the consequences and or long term effects of what we do and what it may effect either down the line or in the future.

    It's called thinking and being responsible for the consequences of your actions.

    It is Professionalism and taking Pride in your work.

  4. I visited the plant when I first moved permanently to Samui.

    It was clean, efficient and no pollution.

    The biggest problem was not enough garbage.

    I was asked to propose maintenance for the plant in about 2002.

    But nothing came of it.

    It was expensive to operate and maintain, but not as expensive as it it will be to get rid of the mess they have made.

    I remember a long time ago a Thai Visa post, article about the smell when it was raining!!!

    The problem was they bought trucks that would not seal to the dump doors.

    An amazing piece of technology abandon for lack of for-site and knowledge if the plants operation and maintenance.

    Fix it, long term a far cheaper option than other options, of which there seem to be none.

    A Modern marvel, to bad no one knew what to do with it.

  5. Evaporative Cooling, add spray head above the water line to basically spray the water like a lawn sprinkler.

    Don't know your pool, be inventive, it works I did it in Florida. Do It Your Self, most will say it won't work!

    Pool inlets generally will take PVC just pushed in to them (gently).

    Now your problem will be high water loss due to the evaporation.

  6. Compensation to tourists?, where else in the world?

    Require all tourists to show proof of Travel Insurance to get a Visa.

    Require proof of Travel Insurance when entering Thailand.

    Provide means to purchase Travel Insurance at point of entry into The Kingdom.

    The amount of money owed by tourists to the Thai Health System is staggering.

    Make Travel Insurance Mandatory and let the Insurance Companies sort out and "Compensation"

    They get paid to do it, make them do their job.

    Traveling is not easy anymore so adapt or stay home.

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