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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Yesterday the "fixer's" came from the Magic Land across the Gulf and made our two traffic lights operational agian here in Natorn.

    The effect was immediate, trafic flow in Natorn area immediately smoothed out, people were able to cross the rodas and make turns with ease.

    The system is doing what it is designed to do, break up traffic.

    Now if we could only get drivers to obay the lights!

    Thanks guys!

  2. Drive down to Tong-Krut, there are tour companies, they will arrange for a day tour and apicnic lunch to most ant of the Islands in area.

    Cheap, you go by Lont-Tail Boat, local fishermen are guides.

    Pick up your trash, don't throw cigeret buts into the water.

    leave it in better shape than when you arrived.

    Most are very beautiful, hopefully they will remain that way.

  3. Isn't a warrent needed from the court? Use to be.

    We have had 2 instances of these "inspections' here at our office.

    they arrived in a Van, told them anything they wanted to know go see my book keeper (gave them the contact number)

    They insisted they can inspect our office and books, I told them no warrent so you can not.

    They left in a huff and never came back and they never contacted our book keeper.

    Also had a simular phone call saying they were coming to collect overdue SS. They wanted our location, told them to call our book keeper, they hung up in a huff and never called back or contacted our book keeper.

    Strange thing the call was from a cell phone, not 077 local number.

    Be careful a lot of scams. We reported this and gave the cell phone number, but no answer and Unregistered,

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