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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. " Human Reaction towards the lost of love ones who are being murdered openly without humane justice. "

    I believe the reds who have lost life with the death of their love ones and or relatives in their struggle is doing the right thing. Burning down buildings and anything that is within reach, especially government buildings.

    Before anyone starts to think badly of the remaining true brave reds who did what they are doing.Ask , if your love ones , relatives and friends who died under the guns of the armies and government. What would you do, how will you seek justice for them. And if knowing, there is no justice what other actions will you take ?????


    BloopBloop aka lemon123 - According to your theory two wrongs make a right.

    The people who were killed at Tak Bai - Should they destroy taksin house?? The families of soldiers gunned down while following orders, should they burn down the houses of red shirt sympathizers and protesters in revenge. The innocent people who had invested money in small clothing outlets in Center One and have now lost everything - should they come and burn your house down for implying support for the actions of the reds which burnt it down. No in all cases. Where is the justice for these people. You use the word justice but have no meaning of the word

    There is no excuse for the actions of those people last night. And lets be honest 44 people were killed. Those who were looting and burning were not family members just thugs hel_l bent on creating chaos.

  2. Furthermore.. If you believe those action can bring internal peace to the country.. then I hope you are correct.. From the way you typed.. I assure that you are part of the elite group in Thailand.. which earn more than those red-shirt protester.. my assumption..

    Unfortunatly i don't earn more that those red short protesters - Think Jatuporn just bought a 10m mansion so if your entire assumption as to who is red or not is based on money. I can say with some conviction that we're all red here Lemon. -See remembered your name

  3. Axx hole.. read back the old newspaper and go for internet if you do not know who bring the "hijack" idea to the red-shirt protester.. I NEVER say that the red-shirt protesters were doing the right thing.. those red-shirt protester started for those extream action after the first round killing by the government.. besides, a smart and reliable government should take better action rather than killing people just to recover the so call temporary peace.. Trust me.. if you believe those hard decision can bring peace to the country.. i lose 10 meals to you.. remember my name..

    So sorry, its the fault of the yellows for giving the reds the idea!!!!! How stupid of me!!!! The protesters had the extreme actions planned before they even set foot in Bangkok - See the link to Arisman and 1 million petrol bombs on previous posts. The government did try to take reasonable action - Televised negotiations, a road map for peace, house dissolution and fresh elections, the voice of the protesters and their grievances were heard loud and clear. But they always wanted more. Was the solution allow the reds to stay indefinite?? A forceful removal was the last resort and it was eventually the only option open to the government. I think you have a very deluded view of this if you are trying to pin the deaths of the people on the shoulders of the government. Jatuporn et al in their nightly speeches were encouraging people protesting to fight to the death. Some of them unfortunatly listened to him.

  4. Oh really? So I guess the people whose lives and jobs have been completely ruined by this two month long "protest" and subsequent burning of their city should take the law into their own hands and go to the villages of these red-shirts and burn that s_hit down, too?

    It appears you and my wife are reading from the same playbook.. she is disgusted right now with the "thai" people that did this.. she can't understand how anybody for ONE second that claims to respect the King would ever even consider doing something like is happening in BKK right now. She wondered aloud what would happen if a group of people headed up to KK or Bumfuc_k Nakon to do the same how things would go. Of course she caught herself and said what am I thinking those crazy buggers would shoot us all on site just for being born in BKK... sad sad sad... more so that its so close to the truth for some of these thugs

    Indeed my wife mirrors the sentiments of your wife as well - How can people who claim to love Thailand and the King do these things

  5. Oh really? So I guess the people whose lives and jobs have been completely ruined by this two month long "protest" and subsequent burning of their city should take the law into their own hands and go to the villages of these red-shirts and burn that s_hit down, too?

    It appears you and my wife are reading from the same playbook.. she is disgusted right now with the "thai" people that did this.. she can't understand how anybody for ONE second that claims to respect the King would ever even consider doing something like is happening in BKK right now. She wondered aloud what would happen if a group of people headed up to KK or Bumfuc_k Nakon to do the same how things would go. Of course she caught herself and said what am I thinking those crazy buggers would shoot us all on site just for being born in BKK... sad sad sad... more so that its so close to the truth for some of these thugs

    Indeed my wife mirrors the sentiments of your wife as well - How can people who claim to love Thailand and the King do these things

  6. to fire upon your own flag is unforgivable, and accepted by government,

    a true sign of weakness,

    there must be change and unity to prevent this,

    The government and soldiers deserve nothing but praise. They gave the protestors every opportunity to walk away peacefully, but they declined, and stayed to whip up the crowd with their vitriolic rhetoric to the degree that the crowd was uncontrollable. The protestors (should we be calling looters and arsonists protesters??) came looking for a fight and got one. No sympathy for any of them.

    The city and country bleeds because of their pig headed stubbornness to enter into dialogue. Interesting to read many Thai 'twitters' who are now refusing to donate blood as it will be used to treat injured 'protesters'. As Nattuwat said last week "Victory is inevitable" A fine victory indeed.

    The problem with this is where in Thailand is a leader who can unify the people??

    You are really one of the biggest axx hole I have ever seen to encourage for the attack.. What will you feel if you family or anyone die for just protest? You should be ashamed for your entire life who posting this comment..

    And you need to read what i wrote.. How can i encourage something that has already happened? I support the action taken by the government. They didn't just die for protest. They died confronting soldiers; They died looting, burning, stealing and intimidating ordinary citizens, They hijacked a major business center, blocked roads, set up illegal check points and searched cars; They cost many people their jobs and livelihood; They ignored a state of emergency. If you think that is protesting well i will do a quick bit of cut and paste and say....

    You are really one of the biggest axx hole

    So yes the government and soldiers deserve praise for taking the hard decision to restore the rule of law.

  7. Oh really? So I guess the people whose lives and jobs have been completely ruined by this two month long "protest" and subsequent burning of their city should take the law into their own hands and go to the villages of these red-shirts and burn that s_hit down, too?

    It appears you and my wife are reading from the same playbook.. she is disgusted right now with the "thai" people that did this.. she can't understand how anybody for ONE second that claims to respect the King would ever even consider doing something like is happening in BKK right now. She wondered aloud what would happen if a group of people headed up to KK or Bumfuc_k Nakon to do the same how things would go. Of course she caught herself and said what am I thinking those crazy buggers would shoot us all on site just for being born in BKK... sad sad sad... more so that its so close to the truth for some of these thugs

    Indeed my wife mirrors the sentiments of your wife as well - How can people who claim to love Thailand and the King do these things

  8. to fire upon your own flag is unforgivable, and accepted by government,

    a true sign of weakness,

    there must be change and unity to prevent this,

    The government and soldiers deserve nothing but praise. They gave the protestors every opportunity to walk away peacefully, but they declined, and stayed to whip up the crowd with their vitriolic rhetoric to the degree that the crowd was uncontrollable. The protestors (should we be calling looters and arsonists protesters??) came looking for a fight and got one. No sympathy for any of them.

    The city and country bleeds because of their pig headed stubbornness to enter into dialogue. Interesting to read many Thai 'twitters' who are now refusing to donate blood as it will be used to treat injured 'protesters'. As Nattuwat said last week "Victory is inevitable" A fine victory indeed.

    The problem with this is where in Thailand is a leader who can unify the people??

  9. That aside the fact is what was once a symbol of Thai pride and a source of valuable income is gone - Where the hel_l are we going to go to watch the world cup now!!!

    On television maybe?

    :):D lol - Good answer but i haven't got a beer garden and my front room is way too small for the 1000's of others to sit down in - I won't even mention new year

  10. Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

    Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

    I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

    Foreigners cannot vote. All we can do is sit back and bitch.

    Quite a lot of foreigners do have full citizenship but what I really meant was for foreigners to dissaprove of the red movement in any way.

    We may not have the vote but we are sure as hel_l able to influence how the wife votes. And possibly the rest of the family using the tried and tested Taksin way - Foreigners - buy the votes of family members.

    That aside the fact is what was once a symbol of Thai pride and a source of valuable income is gone - Where the hel_l are we going to go to watch the world cup now!!!

  11. Yesterday the government cut off the money source and today banks are burnt down - Go figure. This is a very sad day for this country and the whole situation is being played out by a few people in front of the worlds media, even the BBC and CNN have changed the tone of their reporting over the last 24 hours.

    This will I feel be a bloody night, but no one can have any complaints in the morning. I personally know of one individual who has set off to help light fires and his is and always has been s**m with no interest in politics.

    Thoughts with all the soldiers who have a tough night ahead of them and also with his majesty who must be weeping painful tears as the people and country he loves and has served for many years tear themselves and the country to pieces.

  12. The remaining UDD leaders on stage, Nutthuwut and Kwanchai, are encouraging protesters to create unrest elsewhere in the country.

    Yes, if they can win one way, they'll try another.

    They want the whole shooting match and civil war is one way to get it.

    Desperate chacters do desperate things.

    Unfortunately clearing BKK of the hard liners will not solve the core problem for the UDD or the hard liners that have created mayhem, it will drive them (Hardliners) back to the provinces where more protests and more mayhem will occur, i am in Chiang ma at the moment and am already seeing it on the news, BKK style barricades are already being set up.

    This was always going to be the case. They got more press in Bangkok,

    but they live up north and their rage is against all government functionaries

    connected with Bangkok. Brainwashed, but fortunately a minority.

    Without wanting to belittle Chang Mai, it is less important strategically than Bangkok and (as happens with the southern troubles) it is easier to sweep this news under the carpet and down play its significance. Not saying that, that is the right thing to do, but out if sight out of mind.

    I hope that now the situation is under control the PM quickly presents the people with a plan for reconciliation which all political parties will be responsible enough to endorse, by listening to the needs of the land (and not their wallets) and which will eventually lead to new elections in the not to distant future.

  13. I have to correct myself, Thaksin has just claimed that he is not involved at all - so I guess those 800 Million cash his family here took out was really mend for amulets and lottery tickets


    yes, and he is in contact, according to his own words, with the red leaders on a daily base to discuss the lottery numbers and the latest of fortune tellers. :D

    Anyone know which lottery the tickets were for. Just i fancy a flutter myself cause the jackpot must be MASSIVE if clan Taksin is willing to fork out millons in cash for the tickets and chance to win :D:D

  14. So where can i pick up one of them brooms Big C, Carrefour or are the mail order. <deleted> me i've heard it all now, just when you think it can't get anymore surreal a gun becomes a broom. Has my coffee been spiked with acid.. Its all too much starting to feel like I'm in a Pink floyd nightmare.

    If it is a broom i hate to think what his wife is sweeping the floor with back home.

  15. Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

    This is the most amazing video I have seen.

    Did you also see the red who empties a machine gun clip while the string of firecrackers is set off???

    Who would be filming these? Maybe the video comes from a confiscated camera.

    I did watch this Video several times. First I thought its a machine gun, but I am not sure about that anymore. If not the Protesters are trying to provoke the Soldiers. Provoke them to shoot back. In a Situation like this you will not make sure if something looking like a weapon pointing at you is a weapon or just fake. You most probably will shoot. With pictures like this I am actually proud of the Thai Army that there are not more casuatlys.

    Now I was thinking why isn't the Army going in and put this to an end. We all know that there are many older People, Woman and Children there. I am sure the Government is scared to go in because of them. That's the only explanation I have. I am also sure that the Protester know that and use them as Human Shields. As long as they are there the Army will not go in in full force, because the Government is (rightly) afraid this Group would be harmed. Thats not what they want anyway. At the moment the Government is stuck with a lot of brainwashed "inocent" people beleiving in the Red Propaganda and some hundrets Criminals. If they want they get some Tanks rolling, the barrikades are no Problems for them and get thouse Criminals out. They cant do it because of the Human Shield the Reds are using and abusing.

    I was not against the Red Shirts till the moment they refused to end there protest when they got promised early election. Its not possible to do election in just 2 weeks, the country has to get back to normal (as far as that is possible) the different Parties have to organise them self.

    The army is bringing it to a quick end because their tactic from day one was set up a defensive perimeter and contain the protest site. Which they have done and continue to do. The conflicts and deaths arise when people on the outside of the site attack the soldiers positions in an attempt to break in

  16. The military have taken up a strategy to contain and defend their positions. The ones on the offense are the reds trying to push the army away. If the red didn't attack they wouldn't get shot. Simple really.

    As for the Canadian reporter in the Youtube clip, feel really sorry for him, but as he more than anyone else would or should know reporters sometimes put themselves in the line of fire for the picture or story they are after. He as a reporter should have been well aware of the risk and consequences of what he was doing. I remember John Simpson during the Gulf war in a convey which was struck by an American air-strike killing a colleague and others, and he himself only narrowly avoided serious injury. But he was in a war zone and he understood the risk.

    In the heat of battle people make mistakes, bullets ricochet, some soldiers have poor aim and people get hit by friendly fire.

  17. An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

    Thanks for that frodo. I had a series of questions I was hoping was asked, but wern't but then he made his point at 5:02-5:03 with just a few words.

    hear , hear. Backed away at a million miles an hour when pressed. No credibility.

    All lawyer speak, mouth moves, but actually says nothing - How much does a sniper cost? <deleted> a snake just like Taksin. Addressed the needs of the rural poor. Exploited their needs more like it.

  18. Official press release from Amnesty:


    Related article:

    Associated Press (AP): "Thai protests expose military rifts, incompetence"


    Excellent, this will begin the process of bringing to trial those civilian leaders responsible - primarily Abhisit, & Suthep - for the massacre of largely unarmed civilians we have just witnessed. If not eventually in Thailand following a change of Government, then perhaps at the Hague.

    The next Government will also need to investigate (perhaps using international investigators & accountants for the sake of impartiality) corruption in key ministries, and the improper granting of contracts to companies connected to prominent coalition politicians. Again trials of those presiding over this corruption as well as those specifically involved should begin once the evidence emerges - asset seizure would seem an appropriate partial punishment of those found guilty.

    As far as I am concerned protesters are only peaceful when they disperse peacefully. Notice amnesty gives the murdered soldiers pretty short thrift. Who will be brought to trial for their deaths. Abhisit?? Jatuporn?? or no one?? This amnesty report is basically liberal nonsense based on the workings of an ideal world. The world is far from ideal. Massacre - not really - Songkran road carnage, now that's a massacre. If you confront a solider with a gun in a riot situation, and you are armed or not, don't be surprised if you get shot. Common sense if someones got a gun, get out of there quickly, don't stand around people who are throwing things and generally being aggressive towards the soldiers

  19. It is sad to see this country in such a mess. I have to say I think the Thai Army has done a very good job of containment, which is what they set out to do. The mobs that have sprung up have tried to get the army to react, but they have stayed put and slowly they are squeezing the life out of the rally site. Once the rally site is gone, the police and army will move to clear out the remaining areas.

    The mobs are just that - mobs, very little to do with the protest, just young men looking for a ruck

    Tyre burning whilst it looks good and makes the protesters feel powerful (Think Tom Hanks - Castaway) is not really effective against an army or Saddam would have given it a go.

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