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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Whatever peoples opinions of this guy it's another loss of a human being which I fear will be the catalyst for further loss of life.

    My personal opinion is that he was taken out in revenge for the deaths of other soldiers and whilst I clearly have no proof, it remains my opinion.

    There is no place for "summary justice" in a civilised society.

    Agree with you . What about his familly , wife and kids now ?

    He should had been arrested not killed .

    Agreed no place for summary justice in a civilised society, which is why summary justice is fitting for Thailand at the moment, mob rule, summary justice and not respect for law or civility.

    Yesterday at Asoke intersection, reds on motorbikes about 100 coming down from Klong Toei. All barged through the waiting traffic and crosed while the light was red, on coming cars screeched to a halt to avoid hitting the motorbikes. Simple acts just show the complete disrespect for law.

    I applauded them as they passed shouting 'very good, very good, yes i am taking the piss out of you your morons, '

    The reds smiled back thinking i was supporting them.

  2. Thanx, the UN still has fate in our PM

    Are you Thai? He is not your PM, as much as you might like him to be. You didn't vote, aren't a Thai citizen, etc.

    If you are an Expat you live here, yes you cannot vote, but you start treating it as home, as it is now your home. People start saying things about their country (thailand).

    Most of us wear yellow elastic wristbands with words on them, we stand up in the cinema, we stop when we hear the National Anthem out of respect and also we want to be accepted by them.

    Many of us pay our taxes here, we expect things to be done to accommodate us, accept the fact that this is home for many people.

  3. Whats the betting te reds will have aquired a couple of Armoured vehicals by tommorrow morning and the personal of said vehicals will be paraded opn stage. The PM says i'm gonna do this. the police negotiate the release of the hostages and we all wake up with a stinging sensation of De ja vu ob Saturday morning a its back to square one.

    The police are <deleted> useless, the army is less than <deleted> useless, Anupong is more <deleted> useless than the army and the PM, well i've run out of fecks

  4. Just out of curiosity - who's paying for the electricty and water currently being used by the reds. As far as i was aware you needed an address in order for a bill to be delivered. Hope the electricity isn't 'free' everyone else has to pay for their electricty including the reds - no double standards please.

  5. I keep noticing that in a number of threads and various replies the phrase ' government / PM...order the killing of civilians' , keeps cropping up. Does anyone have evidence that at some point in the not too distant past the government sat down and ordered the army to go and kill civilians????

    If my memory serves me right the PM ordered the rally to be dispersed in line with International standards.And was at the time very explicit that these were his wishes. Unless international standards include ordering the killing of civilians how has this phrase become accepted as the truth??

  6. So let me get this straight. The entire red shirt movement now hinges on the fact that they think it was 'unlawful' for the prime minister to order police and soldiers to disperse a protest.

    The PM has every right. That's his job, the deaths, whilst unfortunate in the extreme, were a consequence of individuals deciding to confront the 'legal forces' assembled to disperse them.

    There is no double standard here, the PM is empowered to take these decisions, especially as a state of emergency was in force.

    This is without a doubt the most stupid thing i have ever heard in Thailand. A classic.

    Ordering a protest to be dispersed does not equal ordering the murder of people.

  7. Reading between the lines of Sah dungs / Abhisit and Veeras comments, it appears obvious that a the reds have become fragmented and disorganised. The road map has split them.

    I think the final act could come soon. Veera will lead the reds who can / want to away as well as any other red leader. They will be given nominal jail sentences and instant bail after they publically distance themselves and the red shirt movement from Sah Dung and the reds left (expect Pt MP's to jump on the bandwagon here and join veera and co) . Sah Dung will be free to rant with his hardcore. The gov and army with Veera and co will unify all Thais with a common enemy / backstabbing bast**d. The army goes in with the blessing of the majority. Game over.

    Actually, I think this whole protest movement is a bunch of wasteful crap.... it doesn't matter who sides with who, or who is guilty or who is a**kissing.... they should all go to Jail for screwing up the lives of millions of other people and the economy of Thailand... pure unadulterated trash in my opinion.

    Redsunset agree with you 100% about how crap the whole situation has become. The protest has (had) some virtue in its original aims of social justice (despite the machinations of external influential people) But the way this situation continually plays out i am always mindful of the old Thai saying "No real friends, no true enemies." Expect the unexpected. It would be better for Veera et al to 're-align' with Abhisit than stay aligned with Sah Dung, in order to achieve their goals.

  8. Reading between the lines of Sah dungs / Abhisit and Veeras comments, it appears obvious that a the reds have become fragmented and disorganised. The road map has split them.

    I think the final act could come soon. Veera will lead the reds who can / want to away as well as any other red leader. They will be given nominal jail sentences and instant bail after they publically distance themselves and the red shirt movement from Sah Dung and the reds left (expect Pt MP's to jump on the bandwagon here and join veera and co) . Sah Dung will be free to rant with his hardcore. The gov and army with Veera and co will unify all Thais with a common enemy / backstabbing bast**d. The army goes in with the blessing of the majority. Game over.

  9. The PAD have not been prosectuted fully over previous demonstrations.

    This has been a big complaint by the reds.

    The reds now want the same treatment that they complained against.


    Surely BOTH should be prosecuted, although in the PAD case, I would imagine given the length of time that has passed a successful prosecution would be harder.

    Why would prosecuting PAD take any less time than prosecuting Thaksin took?

    It's still less time by a year or so.

    If you want a national reconciliation and start a new chapter for Thai History, you have to be generous, except for those who have blood on their hands.

    I think Thailand could do with having a look at the South African Truth and Reconciliation Committe, where all parties (in thi scase the reds and yellows) put all their cards on the table and all information is divuldged to the public, through public hearings TV etc. A line is drawn under the incidents and a new chapter is started. In effect starting from year zero.

    As abhorant as it maybe to some, those with blood in their hands may walk, if it is deemed to be for the greater good. However those with blood on their hands must puiblically admit their sins before they walk as part of the truth and reconciliation process.

  10. The PAD have not been prosectuted fully over previous demonstrations.

    This has been a big complaint by the reds.

    The reds now want the same treatment that they complained against.


    Surely BOTH should be prosecuted, although in the PAD case, I would imagine given the length of time that has passed a successful prosecution would be harder.

  11. This is good news - At least there is a plan and that plan is aiming for reconcilliation - People shouldn't be too eager to shoot this down, after all peace and reconcilliation is what we all want, right?

    Lets wait and see how things progress and then give critisism or praise. If all parties except this and are responsible for past actions and the overall picture is reconcilliation. Good he has my support.

  12. Just a thought but why doesn't the government offer new ID cards, 500 Baht and a bus home to those reds who want to leave (but can't) Buses leave every hour from various locations around the city. :)

    good idea like this all the mislead would have a way out. but i also think there is a lot of peer pressure on this guys. what would they say at home?

    I reckon 'Fancy a couple of Chang Abhisit just gave me some cash.' would relieve all pressure and after a couple of hours all will be back to normal.


  13. Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

    BANGKOK: -- A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

    Kirkkiart Kulthonbodi came to the Democrat head office at 4 pm.

    He said he joined the rally on Tuesday and was told he would be paid Bt200 or Bt300 a day.

    He said he has not received any money so he and 24 friends decided to go home but they did not have money.

    The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

    Kirkkiart said he will have to return to the rally site to sign his name at 6 pm before sneaking out again.

    Democrat MP from Phichit, Naraphat Kaewthong, took the man's phone number for contacting him later.

    Sorry for stealing this from the rally update, but this is classic. I'm sure this fella will have nothing but good things to say about the rally when the democrats help him and his friends home. Looks like the cash is starting to run a bit low.

    But, i pity this poor bloke, probably joined the rally to get some cash for his kids to go to school, by the so called champions of the poor. Tut can't trust anyone these days can you

  14. They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

    Nobody was hurt

    No damage was done.

    The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

    They have offered a public apology

    They have admitted that it was wrong.

    They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

    They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

    The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

    People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

    Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

    they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

    I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

    next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

    range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

    Oh, this is a classic. I don't feel the need to comment. I will not used more better languages to insult you.

    Just remember as well the world and all the other Thai people are watching you as well. You will surely <deleted> up again as well as you so eloquently pointed out. Seeing as the red leaders have little control over their followers and run away when the going gets tough.

    The longer this goes on the more you'll <deleted> up, so yeah i will stay tuned to watch the reds implode.

  15. What's the latest on the hospital breach?

    Just the usual -- Red Shirt leaders saying they didn't order the action and criticising the guy who led the invasion.

    Nothing new, then, just more denial of responsibility, hypocrisy, and cowardice shown by these Red goons.

    Gee, busting into a hospital and frightening nurses, bet that makes them feel important and proud of themselves.

    Totally agree RickBradford. The leaders can deny any responsibility all they wish, but each and every one should be held accountable, including PT, for this shocking act. They are the ones who called for this "protest" at the start. If their leaders and protesters get out of hand, they must carry that burden since this is what they wanted. Win at any cost. The continual denials and lack of responsibility over the past month is staggering.

    The red leaders thus far have been the only chanting the same mantra over and over again, "Crackdown is imminent, crackdown is imminent." I now hope they get their wish.

    Exactly if the reds hold abhisit accountable for the bloodshed then the red leaders are accountable for the choas they encourage.

  16. Words fail me today.... the actions of the reds push me further from their sympathies with every passing day. I find myself (a liberal) wanting military intervention. The police.... what a joke, wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

    So angry at the ineptness of the BiB. The PAD must being gaining followers with evey ill thought through red action.

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