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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. I think the question any potential grower of legal hemp would want answering is....is anyone gonna come round and check you are growing hemp in 6 months, 2 years etc. down the road?  As every single grower will want to stick a couple of proper weed plants in with every harvest. For one thing its a nice additional and lucrative income, especially for a poor farmer etc.

    • Haha 1
  2. Well lets just hope that Covid doesn't turn out to be one of those pesky influenza type viruses that rapidly evolves and mutates, so that a new vaccine is required every year, otherwise this proposal probably won't work, as it would require the production / updating of a new passport every year. 


    I mean there is only one strain of covid isn't there? (rhetorical question). 

  3. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Growth is measured against previous year. There are few causes for optimism that 4% is achievable. Thailand 2nd largest trade partner is China and their economic turnaround has been quite remarkable  after successfully containing the pandemic. US under Biden will support global trade and benefit Thailand export. The ASEAN trading partners have also more or less managed the pandemic well. Then there is the vaccine positive effort on hospitality and leisure industry. I can see some improvement in business sentiment in my contacts with the export companies. Let's hope this will be the year that the world can recover from the pandemic. ????

    Eric I genuinely hope Thailand (like the rest of the world) can recover from this pandemic. 


    I am a little less optimistic than you for two reasons;

    1) I always take Chinese economic data with a large dose of salt. Pretty much all the official data from China is apporved by CCP before its made public. Its neither transparent nor scrutible. But i think Biden will be more global and less protectionist than the lame duck al orange, who has just vacated the white house. 

    2) Whilst the vaccine will make things way better, the tourists themselves simply won't have large amounts of money to spend on overseas holidays, combined with many governments are pushing for domestic tourism (just like Thailand) and i think in Europe espeically, staycations this year will be what most people can afford or risk. I am also waiting to see how effective this vaccine is against different strains in the longer term. Influenze provides different versions of itself every year, which is why at risk groups (immune compromised, old and frail) etc require yearly vaccinations as influenza adapts and evolves very quickly. If Covid follows as similar evolutionary pathway to influenza  (and recent data suggests it is fairly good at evolving) then that opens up a new tin of worms. We get vaccinated, but next year the vaccine is ineffective Then what? 


    But I hope we can recover quickly from this pandemic - there are too many people suffering economic hardships both in Thailand and globally. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, Antonymous said:



    Canada-based academic and developer Loy Chunpongtong on Sunday told Thai media that the government’s drive to control the app meant that it was not serving its original purpose, leading the developers to withdraw from the public-private team.


    Medical technologist Parkpoom Dejhutsadin on Monday said “various agencies” were allegedly putting pressure to keep some infected users’ status as green in the app, effectively hiding their status from other users, rather than changing it to orange or red and allowing others to avoid a risk of contagion.”


    So users of this app can now rest assured that the Thai govt has their best interests at heart.


    Government interference...in Thailand...never. If this is true and I stress IF, this is a total deriliction of the givernments duty of care to its people. Basically means the app is worthless and not fit for purpose. No wonder the digital economy minister is scrabbling to put out a press release denying everything. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Natai Beach said:


    Not really Jon. 
    They were here illegally, border jumpers. Which caused the recent Chaing Mai covid outbreak.
    And they were illegal workers in Bangkok. Which caused the recent Samut Sakon covid outbreak. 

    In the link it says the men were from Pakistan and India, both being countries with a large covid problem, and they most likely came through Myanmar where most of the recent covid cases have come from. 

    And they were breaking an emergency decree, sharing hookers, which is an activity that is likely to spread covid. 
    The 42 Thais were all females. 

    The 42 Thais were fined 5,000 baht for breaking the decree. The Indians and Pakistanis were fined 10,000 for breaking the decree and will have to pay more for the other charges before being deported.


    Get rid of them. 



    As I said 85 people were detained for breaking the emergecy decree that is the simple story here.


    Anything else is just deflectionist hyperbole to spread fear, distrust and suspicion that all of Thailands woes are not of Thailands making and that the finger of blame should be pointed elsewhere. Thank you for reinforcing my point with a brilliantly crafted response. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, smedly said:


    I believe they are both considerably more expensive and more likely the reason Thailand will exclude them 


    There is a cost difference. The sinovac is 10 dollars a shot and needs two shots.  Astrazeneca is between 4 -6 dollars a shot and needs two shots. The Russian sputnik is 10 dollars a shot and also need two shots. Modern a is the most expensive at about 35 dollars .

    • Thanks 2
  7. Just now, jonclark said:

    All you need to know about why competing vaccines are being negatively portrayed and questioned while the Chinese vaccine is not being as scrutinized as much.


    "Sinovac Biotech made headlines in early December 2020 when it secured US$515 million in funding for production of the vaccine from China-based Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd, a subsidiary of the Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group."


    If you wish to know more about the people behind CP group and their place in the echelon's of Thailand fixed social hierarchy. Google it. They are pretty high up.

    • Thanks 2
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