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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    That is true, but it never said anything about cost. Why not make it mandatory and let the foreigners who don't work and pay thai wages tax pay for their own vaccination.


    Your right that from an outbreak point of view its better, but paying for it is a different story.


    I just feel that only people who pay into a system are entitled to benefits from it. People like me who chose to live somewhere else can be expected to pay for it if they are not paying into the system (vat does not count).



    Rob I agree with you in most instances that people who pay into the system should receive. But this is different. In order to move forward and rid ourselves of this pox all people have to be vaccinated, whatever there nationality, in national vaccination programs. 


    Last thing anyone wants is for people to not get vaccinated for whatever reason, cost, unequal access to timely healthcare, fear, visa status etc. and they contract it and it mutates and the new strain is resistant to the vaccine and it spreads in the general population again. The economic cost of the lockdowns and distribution to businesses in Thailand is many orders of magnitude greater than the cost of vaccinating every single man, woman and child in Thailand. Vaccinating everyone cheaply is the most economical way forward. How much has the government spent supporting business with its cash handouts, 50:50 co payment schemes etc over the past 12 months . Compare that with the vaccination costs for everyone in Thailand. 

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  2. This is brilliant. 300 baht and you get medical insurance without the need for a prior medical for underlying conditions. I am telling my parents to get on a plane asap and skip the horrdeous waiting times in the NHS. 


    Come to Thailand, feign an illness get into hospital and get treated for the underlying condition. Result. 


    Because all know exactly what hospitals do when the know an insurance company is involved $$$$$$$ - greed extends beyond the walls of government in Thailand and if it can be skimmed, it will be skimmed. Just use it to your advantage. 


    And for those moaning that 300 baht is a lot  - if it includes insurance, which it does according to the minister, thats a lot cheaper than having to pay for travel insurance for your country of origin. 


    Right gonna phone my parents

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    This is very good news, let's hope it is rolled out nationwide and then opened up to all.  Only then will there be a true picture of how widespread this virus has become and they can start the closures as another OP says should be done.  Waiting on all of those who have bashed me for recommending further testing by this Goverment to bash this OP as well.  Thank you SSO for stepping up to help the people here in Thailand get an actual idea in order to solve the issue.

    Why are you thanking the SSO and government? We should not have to thank them for doing their job. I would have thought the Office of Public Health would have done this earlier. 


    Glad it is happening. Apparently 17000 were tested in Nontaburi yesterday and 800 or so came back positive. The source was Thai social media (hardly reliable I know). 


    This is not bashing as you are clearly very sensitive about that...just a difference in opinion. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

    The OP is presented as a translation of the Thai news source, by Thais.


    The “hiatus” narrative and headline was a fabrication of the translator, who I assume is a farang, and has no truth. Then you commented about the fabricated “hiatus” as if it really happened.

    Apologist? Sorry about that. My sincerest condolences. 

    It seems QAnon has arrived in Thailand.

  5. From some of the social media 'gossip' doing the rounds - and this news is actually two days old. It broke on Wednesday on local social media as I saw that exact same krungsiri announcement on a Thai twitter feed. A member of staff at one of the branches tested positive for Covid. But that staff member had also been in contact with bank employees from the other branches as well, so they closed all of them. No mention of how many customers came into contact with the staff member.


    This is based from social media twitter feeds.  


    Now where would a banker get covid from? We all know bankers love to play with money? 

  6. 14 hours ago, Crossy said:

    And then the flip-flop, Thai only at present but I'm sure the English press will have it soon. Google Translate does a "reasonable" job.




    The U turn has now been completed. It is not compulsory. All a big misunderstanding and Anutin has spoken to Prayut to come up with new guidance.



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  7. 32 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

    it is only going to get much worse and sadly I do not think the Thai government is ready for it. Also late getting any vaccines ordered.

    I think it will a going to get worse, but I do think you will feel find that Thailand will be far better prepared than most think. Though not without problems and bumps in the road. The vast majority will follow government advice as many people have had the fear of God put into them over this virus through local media 


    We will all be okay and we will all get through this. Stay safe, wear mask and stay home as much as possible..and use the time to plan your next big adventure...or learn Thai as there are many online courses available now.

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  8. 58 minutes ago, welshguy said:

    I think I could just about! "do"! the A.S.Q. (a balcony would be really really good I reckon?)   No way would I fancy going into one of these "wards" or whatever they are called though!


    I also wouldnt have 100% confidence in a thai covid test result.



    The photo shown is the field hospital set up at Samut sakorn market. I do share your concerns about staying there though. Those are not beds, but wooden benches with the thinnest of mattresses (and I use that word matress in the most liberal sense) with a pillow. 

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Most foreigners are wanting to become permanent residents with absolutely no interest in fulfilling basic immigrant criteria such as assimilating into the local culture, learning the language, working here, paying taxes, having Thai friends, eating local food etc. 


    It's just more Western entitlement that we see so often on this forum. 


    The permanent residency requirements are perfect the way they are. Keeps out the riff-raff and the client/worker couples.

     Well Mr. Grumpy you need to turn that frown upside down today. 

  10. I think the mere fact that these proposals exist - especially the one for the high end condos and PR (remember that currently PR is limited to 100 people per nationality) speaks volumes about the scale of oversupply at the more expensive end of the condo market. My suspicion is that there is a rather large property bubble starting to expand and this smacks of a desperate measure to try to shift unsold stock. I think there is a liquidity crunch. 


    I have read recently in Khao Sod newspaper, that given the increasing levels of household debt many Thai banks are now being far less 'forgiving' in martgage aplications for Thais seeking mortgages for 2nd or 3rd properties and this may be feeding into this move.  If you put down 20% on a 10 million baht property. A 15 year mortgage works out at about 70K a month and a 20 year mort 62K. There are not a huge number of people who can afford that level of mortgage locally.


    The ony place less stagnant that the new condo market, is the second hand condo / property market which has some bargins but has basically flatlined. So if you do buy a condo - You may well be stuck with it unless you sell it for probably far less than you pay for it. 

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    I still wear one when out and about, maybe it will stop a "one in a million" chance of stopping a Covid infection...

    but it definitely stops PM2.5 and me swallowing concrete/dust particles all day long.

    I don't think a mask is meant to prevent you from catching covid, but rather if you have covid it reduces the risk of you passing it on - as the mask will catch some of the water droplets if you sneeze, cough or exhale. 

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