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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 9 hours ago, steven100 said:

    good job Khun Prayut Chan O Cha ....  basically telling him to shut his trap  !!   lol


    Debate, scrutiny, transparency, accountability, responsibility, and upholding the constitution (even if he can't get the oath correct) comes with the territory prayut. If you don't like it you can leave.


    I find his response rather telling. He seems quite thin skinned, possibly deeply vain and  lacking self confidence.. For a military man.

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  2. 45 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I live in Thailand, I dont forget my mask as i said before makes us all look bad. However forgetting it when getting out of a car is normal. I almost forgot a few times too.


    But i do get the fact that some Thais are now scared of us. 

    If you forget your mask - it does not make me look bad; but you do as you must, live and let live as they say. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Not talking about superiority, though many farangs on this forum seem to think masks are not important (think they have superior knowledge and dont to follow the rules look). I don't care if they are important or not it makes us look bad as a group. These guys are doing us a disservice. I hate the mask but keep it on even if some Thais don't. As a foreigner your always under more scrutiny by some so why give them opportunity. 

    Well the post I was replying #35 to was talking about superiority so when you agreed with that post the logical inference is that you also beleive it is to do with superiority. So lets stick to the topic and not move the goalposts. 


    If you have any evidence that these two individuals pulled their masks down due to a feeling of superiority or due to 'superior knowledge' please do share it. Otherwise I will stick by my reply to post #35. 


  4. For my twp cents worth. 


    Make sure you have some type of health insurance in Thailand. Good medical care is expensive, government hospitals and the staff who work in them are massively overstreached and under financed and conditions on a ward will vary from adequate to poor. I have heard many good things about government hospitals, but also my fair share of shockers too. 


    Thai health insurance is very limited in covering pre-existing conditions - Diabetes, HIV, Heart Disease etc. So if you have a history of any pre-existing condition check your policy carefully. If you have a pre-exsting condition my advice would be get the most basic Thai policy and then back that up with a solid international one. Allianz etc. These all have agents / links to the big private hospitals and will pay those hospitals directly - but the hospital may initally ask for a copy of a credit card. 



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  5. 20 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    You insult your hosts and in the same breath demand to be let back in the country.


    Bizarre behaviour.

    He is not insulting his / her hosts - He / She is pointing out critically, that these rules are nonsense. (And rules being a creation of human conciousness have no feelings so cannot be insulted)- Face masks on a beach utter <deleted> madness. If the threat of a disease spreading is so significant that you need to wear a facemask on a beach, close the beaches - I mean think of the tan line on your face. 


    With no local transmission cases for the past 2 weeks - who is going to give me the virus? I volunteer - find me someone in Thailand (not an overseas returnee) who has the virus. 

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  6. I would imagine that it is the Chinese efforts to roll back the agreements they made over HK and implement their National Security laws there, that have given the UK government a nice excuse to do a U-turn. If China rolls back that agreement then by association Huawei promises of non-interference by the Chinese government holds no weight at all. 


    Either that or the UK givernment are concerned that 5G Huawei network will mean no apps from google play!!

  7. If the photo in the OP is the 'Thai Shopping Mall' experience, the I can add - never going to a shopping mall to my list of temporary behaviours. I dislike queing at the best of times, but queuing to get on an escalator - @#45!!& Nah not happening. 


    btw - new normal, this is not normal, this is abnormal and baseless fear mongering. I do not fear being in contact with my fellow human beings, despite the range of unusual and communicable diseases we are all able to give one another.  

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