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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. I think the mere fact that these proposals exist - especially the one for the high end condos and PR (remember that currently PR is limited to 100 people per nationality) speaks volumes about the scale of oversupply at the more expensive end of the condo market. My suspicion is that there is a rather large property bubble starting to expand and this smacks of a desperate measure to try to shift unsold stock. I think there is a liquidity crunch. 


    I have read recently in Khao Sod newspaper, that given the increasing levels of household debt many Thai banks are now being far less 'forgiving' in martgage aplications for Thais seeking mortgages for 2nd or 3rd properties and this may be feeding into this move.  If you put down 20% on a 10 million baht property. A 15 year mortgage works out at about 70K a month and a 20 year mort 62K. There are not a huge number of people who can afford that level of mortgage locally.


    The ony place less stagnant that the new condo market, is the second hand condo / property market which has some bargins but has basically flatlined. So if you do buy a condo - You may well be stuck with it unless you sell it for probably far less than you pay for it. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    I still wear one when out and about, maybe it will stop a "one in a million" chance of stopping a Covid infection...

    but it definitely stops PM2.5 and me swallowing concrete/dust particles all day long.

    I don't think a mask is meant to prevent you from catching covid, but rather if you have covid it reduces the risk of you passing it on - as the mask will catch some of the water droplets if you sneeze, cough or exhale. 

  3. 2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


    Not true regarding the toxins. Just as in all mammals, toxins are treated by the liver and kidneys and the break-down products excreted.


    Only water soluable toxins are treated by the liver and excreted via the kidneys - Persistant Organic Pollutants, (such as insecticides and herbicides) are fat soluable (as the farmer wouldn't want them washing off in the rain after they have been applied,), are stored in fat its a process called bioaccumulation and it was the concept which underpinned the famous book by Rachel Carson; A Silent Spring which focused on DDT. 


    Of more concern probably is the anti biotics and hormones that commerical famers tend to stuff into their pigs which also get partially passed on when we consume the meat. 


  4. 57 minutes ago, KhunKenAP said:

    Best to carry a copy of your passport, visa and arrival card. Anyone looking like a foreigner, will be stopped if not wrist band. Police State!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Right so after a visa amnesty for however many tens of thousand stranded foreigners, the arrival of plane load of wristband wearing chinese is going to cause all police to check foreigners for wristbands. Honestly???

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  5. I hope the good Dr also asks the police who were there to follow the same procedures and self quarantine for 14 days. Last thing we need is police out and about doing their duties and infecting the rest of us. I mean that is the implication the Dr. is making that people who attended the rally and the police,(all 2000 of them), did ,in their role of maintaining orderliness and security, attend the rally. 


    14 days sick for the rozzers to self quarantine?  


    BTW notice how the narrative is now shifting from 14 days self isolation to prevent covid 19, to 14 days self isolation to prevent any disease. Subtle but telling, almost like being under house arrest. Sorry to cynical for a Monday morning I know. Have a good week ya all. 



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