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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 3 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    Actual qualified western teachers are still only paid peanut compared to their home countries. Even the top paying jobs salaries are laughable..

    International school salaries here are actually significantly better than UK state schools. Especially when, scholarships for dependents, health care, flight allowance (inc dependents) and bonuses which for some are yearly .... And add in the creative accounting by the school's accountants which reduces the tax bill and many international teachers take home £4000+ net a month. Not many UK teachers make £50000 per annum net in the state or private sector.

  2. 4 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

    Speculations are just that, speculations.


    my guess is you are just <deleted> off bc The Farang has to wait while The Asian Filipino teacher can come in.


    Sorry, just bc somebody is a white farang it doesnt mean  they are entitled to special treatment. It sucks and is highly  unfair, i know...

    I would suggest that for teachers coming from the UK, for most of them the academic year / contracts have .just ended at the end of July, so it has taken them a couple of weeks to get the paperwork, flights and visas organised with the relevent agencies once they finished at their previous schools. 


    Nothing to do with special treatment just common sense.

    • Confused 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Sorry to hear that you have an animal that sounds like it is suffering.

    We had two dogs die last week, three days apart after being with us for over 15 years, we had them at the vets before they passed, while we never asked outright I don't believe you will find any vet that can "offer euthanasia" - I believe it is illegal for them to do so?

    In Bangkok vets will put a dog down for an serious illness or condition after attempts at treatment have been made and the dog is neither responding to treatment and suffering, with poor prognosis.


    The vet may not request payment, but ask that payment for made to a local animal charity to make merit for the animal.

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  4. I guess that with the covid pandemic raging around the world and Thailand thankfully seemingly having it under control.

    The family decided to add a couple of zeros to their offers or brown envelopes , to get old Boss safe back home and away from countries infected with covid.


     I am sure that this transgression will come back to haunt him in a future life and no amount of making merit at the temples will change that.



  5. 21 hours ago, clorox said:

    don't ruin a child life just to get to stay in thailand, she's 20 is an adult, go back to swiss, i think the swiss are good to their citizen i'm pretty sure they will take care of her, she need to support herself if you cannot manage too, rent, get a job, maybe she will like swiss better then thai

    This is her home or what she identifies as her home having spent all of her informative years here. Would you like to live somewhere or someplace that was not your home?


    A home is not defined by the name or nationality on a passport, but by the human relationships, experiences and connections that an individual makes. 


    For the OP my advice would be for her to try to get a job in Thailand and the visa and WP that goes with it. I bet she speaks pretty good Thai and has made some solid friend connections from University and school. Get asking and networking, not the ideal time with covid, but might be worth a look. 


    Good luck keeping your family close to home.

    • Like 2
  6. Sorry, but an ethical politicians is just an oxymoron. Politicians are by nature unethical, look at any politician in Thailand or the world and it is fairly self evident that politicians are primed to be self interested and unethical.


    Prayut came to power via a military coup. What more needs to be said to confirm the aforementioned supposition. 

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