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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. New normal. That is a very dangerous and misleading logo. Inferring that the actions taken to contain this virus are normal and should be viewed as such is a gross violation of the computer crimes act by spreading untruths and causing public confusion and panic. These measures should only ever be viewed as temporary until we can return to our 'old normal'


    The Chinese released a virus that has curtailed the rights of people around the globe. Well played China we are all marching to your tune it seems with tracking apps and curfews in place to pacify the populace. Global conquest without a shot being fired. Well played indeed. 

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Letseng said:

    TUI collected full payment 3 weeks before your holiday starts from what I remember. First payment is due when booking, usually months before the holiday.

    TUI i would imagine are being hit left, right and center from the customers who paid for holiday upfront now wanting a refund as they were /will be unable to go due to co-vid. I know the OP states that hotels want payment for completed stays, but all businesses rely on cash flowing through it in order to function - and that flow has stopped and many travel business are haemorrhaging cash and their insurance companies have headed for the hills at lightening speed.  Hence the proverbial well is dry. 

  3. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Sad that the man was killed, but to say his death was bad for the image of Thailand, is beyond funny.

    The actions of police and immigration here does a lot more damage to the countries image.


    The lack of sensitivity is truely staggering. I would hope that the context and translation have been poorly expressed in the OP. The levels of reporting are sadly poor (and thats being complimentary)  and plenty of spin is put on 'facts' especially by the second and third tier publications. 77kaoded, like Nanlaew, make the Sun (the notorious harbinger of utter bull in the UK) look positively erudite and factual. 


    I would put this down to very poor reporting that has been highly selective with the "facts"

    • Like 1
  4. Where is the party? From the photo its' 7 people sat around a table -  If 7 people sat around a table outside is a party, then I am in deep poop as I have more people around my table for a family meal every evening...and we drink, laugh, play music and have a jolly good time. Utter nonsense. 


    All of the cops need to be re-educated as well for failing to enforce social distancing amongst themselves judging by the photo. 


    I hope the insinuation isn't that because there is a curfew individuals who live in the same place need to be all tucked up in bed by 12:30am and if you are sat together having a drink it is classified as a party.

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    • Confused 1
  5. Just now, jonclark said:

    Now what you are saying maybe good advice, but sarcastic and mocking comments directed at Prayut are simply symptomatic of a people who have lost faith in their leaders. And when people have more faith in the idle gossip of food cart ladies than the PM... Well, we are all in deep ****... together. 


    Private Prayut has become a big disappointment. I wish we had Trump.. And that is not a compliment for Trump. 


  6. 51 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

    They are the one's making the decisions (whether right or not). So do you have a better idea of who to listen too...the food cart lady, your neighbour, every poster on TV?

    Be sensible, its not just you going thru this, so just go with the rules and regulationss, as and when they are reported.

    Now what you are saying maybe good advice, but sarcastic and mocking comments directed at Prayut are simply symptomatic of a people who have lost faith in their leaders. And when people have more faith in the idle gossip of food cart ladies than the PM... Well, we are all in deep ****... together. 


    Private Prayut has become a big disappointment.

    • Like 1
  7. Right that is it, I am starting to grow weed.


    Fed up with these spunktrumpets and <deleted>wombles who run the country and are only managing to make a bad situation worse for everybody.


    I beleive the poor young lady who committed suicide after calling the PM heartless and uncaring spoke for each and every Thai person. 


  8. 3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Only Thai ones? If you mean that, it's racist.

    But is it true? If it is, does stating the truth make you racist? That a philosphical quagmaire. 


    Personally I canunderstand why truck drivers - in all countries - get a bad rep, I imagine spending the whole day on the road dealing with Joe public and the myriad of driving skills would be enough to test the patience of a saint. 


    I think the video is funny as!

  9. I feel I must live in an alternate reality someday. Apart from the lack of water splashing, life seems to be continuing exactly as it would every other day. Roads are busy, markets full, all the local shops are open...and I can still buy beer at any time of my choosing. 


    This has led me to one conclusion. Covid 19 just doesn't like Thailand.. It's just too dam hot for the virus. So whilst prayut can bask in the glow of his own self adulation,  I am happy to bask in the glow of the sun and my proximity to the equator and be thankful for its protective properties. 


    Just hope the rainy season doesn't start for a few more months, although many farmers are desperate for it. 



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