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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. So the Drs are expected to crack open a Chang and apply the contents to an open wound? Is that the idea?
  2. "MTGA" ..."catered to the whities too long" As a fluent Thai speaker reader, and writer who has lived here for over 25 years, please do not be offended when I politely suggest that you are talking absolute boll**ks. To add..please remember that legalisation if cannabis was a flagship election policy of BT party which recived 5 million votes (highest number of votes it has ever received) in the last election.
  3. What? Was it a Christmas present? 'Happy Christmas dad I've got you 1 kg of smack, and its In the post'.
  4. I am utterly gobsmacked that so much has been revealed about this poor young lady's medical conditions in the press - surely all the conditions and ailments she was suffering from are confidential and cannot be reported by the media under threat of legal action. Remember this? Report on Thaksin's illness Sadly it seems she was returned to the corrections department hospital as it was thought her life was not under threat...unlike Thaksin whose doctor claimed his life was at threat if he returned to the corrections department hospital. So he who lived it up in the VIP room of the Police hospital returned home cured as soon as parole was granted and then showed great energy and vigor rushing around Chiang Mai and Phuket meeting and greeting one and all, before trying to get involved in solving Myanmar crisis. Expect his daughter / PTP spokesperson to say it is unfair to Thaksin to compare the cases as he had nothing to do with the decision the dept of correction made and is allowed to keep medical information confidential...
  5. Ahh mental health issues is it - Let's add social media to the mix as a leading cause of mental health issues amongst the young, as a source let's add the highly respected journal (The Lancet Psychiarty) - oh that's the same one as the OP used, excellent! So social media is a leading cause of mental health issues amongst people, especially the young. I look forward to the banning and rescinding of all forms of social media to protect the public. I hope the government will pursue this outright ban along with cannabis to protect the public from foreign interference and ideas and preserve their mental health. Anything less would be a gross violation of their duty of care. Point being. There are a huge range of things that can cause mental health issues in people. Pinning it solely on one 'drug' is utter folly. And let's not forget cannabis will still be freely and openly available if it is every recriminalised, just as it was prior to its decrimilization. It will now be solely for the profit of criminal organisations rather than the government (although you could argue that there is not too much difference between either i guess). The quality of the OP is utter tripe and is just a wish list of things that government wants the public to accept as truth without any further discussion or debate.
  6. Where the hell does he talk of putting refrigeration units in the oceans? Plastics are not the biggest problem facing the world - climate change is. Natural climate change occurs over thousands or tens of thousands of years. Not in the space of 20 - 30 years. It is the rate of warming and change that is alarming, not climate change itself.
  7. Global warming is the mechanism of change that underpins Climate Change, they are not seperate ideas. So the cult never changes their mantra did they - An Ice age (also climate change) would also cause sea temperatures to drop and coral reefs to either go deeper (such as off the coast of the UK) or for tropical coral species to die in a similar fashion to the current bleaching events. Explain how sewage kills corals - i bet you cant without the help of google.
  8. Firstly - Your facts are not correct - This mess (lack of regulation) was not (surprisingly caused by Anutin). September 2022 The house of representatives withdrew cannabis from the agenda to be debated in parliment. As a result there was never any legislation passed to control the use of cannabis. This was the fault of all MPs. The MPS felt there were too many unknowns, so rather than trying to fix it, they left it in a legal gray area and moved on. As for your solution being the only viable one - again in correct. Cannabis can be sold at shops - which must be conseraive in appearence, so as not to appeal to the young, and photo ID must be provided by all customers (even 70 year olds like me) and all customers must be over 20. There can be no direct advertising of cannabis (just like alcohol and cigerretes) and no cannabis can be smoked in public, with 10'000 baht fines for those who do. If you ban it outright ( and remember there is a huge oversupply issue) it will just go back on the black market for sale and society will receive no benifit at all.
  9. He had asked for permission to visit myanmar...are people on parloe allowed to visit other countries???? ..
  10. Judging by the tone of this response..i am not surprised they take issue with you asking them to stop. Maybe you should reflect on how you ask? May i suggest not using the term "cigarette pig" when you ask them to stop. (However i am sure you are only that brazen when posting annonymously on the internet )
  11. I think you'll find its not just weed shops with neon signs in Pattaya. Hua Hin and Phuket - The non-weed shop neon signs 9restaurants, bars, petrol stations etc) are probably far greater in number. Do you find those offensive as well? Please remember that just because you find them offensive, it doesn't mean the signs are offensive to everyone. As for not wanting to breath that sht - Mate - everyone who lives in Thailand breaths sht far, far worse than weed smoke - but i get your point. As a courtesy to other people all smokers should be discreet and smoke in private areas away from people who do no wish to inhale second hand smoke.
  12. The issue is not smokimg weed recreationally or otherwise. But the lack of regulation and those selfish few who think it is okay to smoke openly on thr streets, parks and beaches. A bit of thought and consideration as well as discretion in smoking would go a great deal towards pacifying those who find it a nasty activity. Simple to make consumption at home or in private legal and fine. But in public spaces no. Just like alcohol and fags. Also id required to make a purchase. Thau id card or passport to ensure no one under 20 can buy legally and shut down shops that cannot follow this.
  13. But that was because MF stuck to its principles and would not drop its election pledge 112. Whereas PTP despite promising to never join with the uncle parties during the election campagin turned coat and joined the uncle parties.
  14. Ah taksin. The self deluded man who thinks because a few old ladies remember him in Chiang Mai, the whole nation loves him. PTP glory days are a distant memory and all of Thailand is wise to the lies of the shin clan. PTP and Takain a 2nd place party.
  15. And what will they ask for in return?? A 100 year concession on the deep ports Thailand may build for its land bridge project. Perfect for Chinese warships....and the colonisation of Thailand by China will be complete.
  16. 1st April right? This government has shown it is very bad at sticking to self imposed deadlines. Digital wallet anyone?
  17. What happens if they discover they dont like muay thai and stop the class. Can they still use the visa until it expires?
  18. Once deported - The videos will be reposted no doubt. Then what will the Police do???? But in all seriousness - tarnishing Thailand's image - really??? What a strange set world we live in when the person highlighting the problem, is considered to be a bigger problem, than the problem itself. These charges have only brought more attention to his criticisms and magnified Thailand tarnished image and created an even bigger threat to National Security. TBH if a half a dozen half baked and badly produced youtube videos can be considered a threat to National Security, Thailand must be very, very insecure.
  19. Goat - please mate, stop your constant whinging about Brits. If you don't like the Brits here, maybe you should move. Ironic that you say you dislike people who complain and whinge all the time, and you then spend most of your post complaining and whinging about Brits. All he is doing is following the mantra of all newspaper - Bad news sells better than good news. How many good news stories do you see in the newspaper - virtually none.
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