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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Whilst I completely concur with the sentiments of other posters and the criminality of the loan sharks. This outrage still doesn't tackle the underlying issue that for the poor, access to money in the form of legitimate bank loans etc is actually quite difficult. 


    Loans require evidence of a job (tax returns, payment slips etc), which for farmers etc may not be possible or even exist. Possible collateral - land deeds etc. and a willing guarantor which can demonstrate either one or both of the previous points. 


    So whilst it is all well and good saying they shouldn't borrow etc etc. All people need at some point in their life access to a loan of some sort or another. 





  2. Thing that tickles me the most is the 1.4 million teachers - Sheesh that is a lot of teachers considering that the entire student population (under 18) can only be about what 18 million (from a population total of 68 million). 


    That is an excessively high teacher to student ratio 11: 1 or there about - So why are classes so full with 60+ students???? 


    I am definitely calling nonsense on those teacher numbers. 

  3. Just turn them all into giant air conditioned relaxation spas for the everyone, with free wifi and comfy seats- I mean that is what most people use them for isn't it. 


    I think online shopping is fast becoming the way forward. I wish you could get online grocery shopping here. It is a personal bugbear of mine and wish there was an alternative to Big C and co. The wet market is fine for daily stuff but spending an afternoon doing the monthly shop in those awful places ...urrrgh. 


    Online grocery  shopping  anyone??

  4. 2 hours ago, pitrevie said:

    On the other hand if she doesn't that will dash the hopes of all those whose fervent wish is to see the EU fall apart as if somehow that benefits the UK. For some strange reason the Euro is still popular in the Euro zone as is  Schengen both of which are hated more by the British who are not involved in either. 

    Er yeah right.. huge numbers of British are very much in favour of the EU. So this idea that schengen and the Euro are hated by the British is a complete fabrication. 


    Just a regurgitation of the facts as seen through the filter of the Daily Mail and Katie Hopkins. Hardly a true representation.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    Brains r Working again.

    Creating Unemployment. 

    Depriving thousands of families of income.

    Depriving 80% of the working population of their easy to get meals,nay of whom are living in 1 room with no cooking facilities except microwave oven.

    It is one of BKK ATTRACTION for Tourists.

    Why not conduct courses and spend some real efforts in regulating/organising the trade.

    Health and Hygiene courses regular inspections to ensure health & safety.

    NEXT BIG 1 ON PAPER BUT NOT ANNOUNCED IS.....beautifying the riverside.  I won't be able to elaborate as it is an inside info that will be released 2018/19 which will cause enormous headache to any brave gov?

    It seems as if Bangkok is following the London model of gentrification. Which has seen historial working class areas lile Hackney and Shoreditch beutified and redesigned. Driving up house prices and rents making it unaffordable for the locals. 


    Is Bangkok going to become the hipster hub of the East. Thai men sporting lumberjack shirts and beards while drinking deconstruted coffee??? 

  6. 25 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    As if civilian run governments, all over the world, do such a great job.

    That is hardly a good counter arguement. Because unsurpringly yhe huge majority of civilian governments do a far better job than any military government despite the huge imperfections in the civilian system of government.


    If all of the civilian run governments were replaces overnight with military run ones. Do you think the world would actually be a better place? 

  7. Yup those boys at the BMA are on to a winner. In their haste ro beautify Bangkok to lure the tourist dollar they have oveelooked the fact that pretty much the entire working population relies on street food to get them through the working day. And we all know how much Thai folk like to nibble. Street food arose as a cultural reaponse to the Thai obsession with food.


     It seems that this dictate has arisen from another  Thai cultural feature of putting absolute dicks with  no understanding of the world aroumd them in positions of power. 


    This will soon bw forgotten once the man or women who thought up this idea realises he or she will soon have to walk more than 50 yards to get something to eat if this plan is ever implemented.




  8. It should be obvious to all that changing such and object in such a prominant geographical location is either a very very ballsy and brazen action by a small group of independent individuals. Or it was approved by someone very high up in the government. 


    Designing, producing and installing said object clearly of the two options indicates state involement. And the silence from the state is very noticable. 


    A historical rewrite as part of the reform process perhaps?

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