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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. This reminds me somewhat of what old George W Bush said after the 9/11 attacks - he called on Americans to go shopping 


     A  cynical, but successful ploy by Bush,  using a prolonged credit fueled consumer binge to deflect and help keep complaints about his performance from becoming little more than a nuisance.


     It would seem the current Thai government is following the same tactic and hoping for a possible surge in popularity as the masses melt their credit cards!!



  2. "He stated preparations are being made so that the leader can gain a clear picture of the public’s feelings about the general election".


    You mean he wants to know if he can legitimately win before throwing his hat in the ring...will this courtesy of a pre election questionnaire be extended to other political parties?? Of course not! ...what's that we hear on the wind getting louder by the day?? The cries of 'double standards'...now where have we heard that before??

  3. 8 minutes ago, fgmr said:

    I wonder! Jonclark if that is an objective, well informed view? I think not.


    If it is not then Prayut and I must have more in common than i would like to admit given his frequent penning of songs, poems and demonstrations of selective memory.


    But enlighten me. 


    How did he come to power?

    Why did he come to power?


    I look forward to your  objective view. Failing that I will no doubt be able to hopefully be informed by reading about it in tomorrows editorial inThairath.

  4. 5 minutes ago, missoura said:


    During our discussion about these things,  she will usually end up saying "It's my country". And she is right. 


    If the old its my country is the best arguement she can offer reminds me of Taksins famous "the UN is not my father" quote when the UN comissioner took him to task over the spiraling extra judicial killings.


    Like Taskins reponse the "it's my country" response is pretty weak.


  5. 52 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    When is school, parents and government going to deal with this behaviour?
    It´s must be quite easy. They say that they fight to uphold the reputation of their school. In that case just see to that the ones using violence to achieve that gets expelled from the school they fight for.


    Even a dumb nut can understand that.

    If only it were that simple.


    Getting expelled does not mean that association with the school ends and therefore nothing left to fight for.  Many of the younger students are trained / indoctrinated by ex pupils and some of those ex pupils are now middle aged men. They fight for their colours - like football hooligans, same mentality, once they have signed up, they sign up for life and getting expelled or leaving the school is irrelevant. 

  6. 38 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    This thread demonstrates some pretty disgusting thoughts.


    After reading this racist garbage, I need a shower.

    My thoughts exactly. 


    But is shows just how easy it is for someone like trump or even the Nazis to gain power. Find a group of people who are easily recognisable and different, make them all the scapegoats because of a the actions of a few, unleash a few rabid comments and the weak, scared and uneducated will follow you like sheep. Pack mentality. 


    Change black to white and the comments of jail em / deport em and bloody criminals the lot of em, will change swiftly to howls of indignation and amid claims the Thais are racists etc. 


    If people are coming here to commit crimes, then the logical question needs to be asked - why? Crime is not ingrained in the DNA of the black man. I would respectfully suggest most of those who commit crimes do so because there are no other opportunities for them. And that is the issue that needs addressing - why are there not? 


    I will now wait for the comments of "it's not Thailand's problem" etc etc to flood in....When clearly it is Thailand's problem as that is the whole point of the story!



    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. Oh dear that puts the government in a bit of a rather odd position.

    On one hand they are well rid of her. But on the other she is now untouchable and legitimate as assylum is only granted to those who have been persecuted. Which supports her case that the whole trial was politically motivated and detracts from the governmets claim of justice being served.


    Expect the government to complain...just not too loudly.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Don't disagree - but this topic is about Thaksin. The point isn't how bad is has been/is compared to others and however he relates to others has no bearing on lessening his own charges. By objection is the constant attempt to divert any discussions away from Thaksin that show him in an unfavorable light and the insistence by some posters that he's some whiter than white innocent champion of democracy and honesty.


    If you read all the posts, you'll see I make that point and that there are no groups trying to drive transformation away from the current "models". And so it continues.



    At what point does the political wrangling, nashing of teeth and finger pointing stop on TVF.


    Trying to blame, shame and change the Thai political system on and English langugae internet forum is as likely to be as successful as a blind man trying to herd cats. 


    Who cares if Eric / JAG /Lannaguy / steve100 or yourself are able to put together a more coherent arguement as to the righs wrongs and all the degrees inbetween if the varied and different factions thay masquarade as governments here. It makes no difference whatsoever and you wont change each others minds. 



  9. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    What orders Eric - we, you too, have no idea of the orders given in 2010.


    However,  the then PM was more self proclaiming about his war on drugs. Presumably seeing it as a publicity opportunity!


    As this topic is about Thaksin and the various criminal cases he's avoiding, do try and keep on topic. Whatever anyone else has or hasn't done is irrelevant. And we're all aware of the Thaksin lovers inclination to divert topics they can't defend!

    taksin, prayut, yingluck, samak, abhisit;  they have all been equally bad in different ways and lets not beat around the bush here.


    Noneof the above would loose any sleep over the lost of civilian life if it could extend their time in power.


    If you honestly think one is better than the other then you are symptomatic of the polarization that dogs Thai politics. 


    They are equally terrible and once that truth is understood.maybe..just maybe Thalands political progress can mirror that of its prowess in building shopping malls.

  10. 1 hour ago, Maggusoil said:

    This is one of the areas that alcohol plays its role on such a regular basis, its happening as we speak all day, every day, 24 hours a day all over the world. If we had the ears for it, we would be listening to the car crunches, one after the other, while we are having our morning coffee. All day every day. Like a ruthless killing machine.


    On the other hand, for people who want to puff on some weed and drive half the speed, and probably more carefully, or chill out with some heroin and contemplate the garden of eden, or just have a few dreams with opium or hashish, or even speed up a little in the mind for dancing on a little meth; they risk getting put in the pen for twenty years to life or being EXECUTED by the state. That means the State make you Dead. Finished. Reducing you to a memory for your family.


    Thou Shalt Drink Alcohol and Nothing but Alcohol for Your Pleasures.

    Thou Shalt Have No Other Drugs Before Me. etc etc


    Something is not right here. The law and people's priorities are so bent out of shape, the plot has been lost completely.

    Before the wowsers, start tsk tsking and wagging their great pudgy or bony fingers, sure any drug can be abused, but we cannot prevent the odd people from going to excess on anything or buying the wrong stuff because it is illegal and there are no quality controls. Its human nature to make mistakes, but getting some rationality in the law wouldn't be a bad thing. Would it?


    I know of a tall, handsome, personable young Pakistani man wasting his time away in one of the worst places on earth, a Philippine jail, because he got caught with a bit of meth and refused to sleep with the disgustingly obese, pimply, greasy daughter of the local Chief of Police. Well he did it once in desperation before making himself sick and taking his medicine like a man. She must be pretty awful.

    How's that for the so called Law and Justice set?

    So what's life like for him now? He gets his meth in the jail and probably has to have his sex alone.

    While BIG ALCOHOL'S death drum beats in his ears at night, rumbling away in the distance endlessly.

    What a waste.


    Probably not worth asking if you fancy a beer then?

  11. 2 minutes ago, VillageIdiot said:

    "Shin innocence" isn't even believed in by the Clan's redshirt supporters.

    Typical of that attitude is my wife, who says: all politicians are crooks.

    What is at issue here is government by corrupt civilians or the default military regime.

    Tell me again how many army coups there have been since 1932.


    Thank goodness someone talks sense here.

    Any and all politicians  be they military or civilian have done far more harm than good by their alledged well meaning interventions and policies in Thailand. And that has never  been more obvious or apparent than during the past 15 years.

    Utter shysters the whole lot of em

  12. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree .....  :cheesy:


    What a fool Taksin is. He should have granted himself immunity from prosecution when taking power eh?  Then he could have done whatever he wanted free from the shackles of justice which us mere mortals are bound to.  Then he would have lived his life as a free man and that infographic would have never existed.


    Old Prayut and co well they can do what ever they wish as they were not so daft. They have immunity from any and all actions. The justice system will never touch them. 


    Which raises the question of they are so good...why would they need immuity from prosecution in the first place? Unless they knew what they were /are/ will doing might be in some way illegal. 


    As Steve pointed out quite correctly..the apple indeed doesnt fall far from the tree.  Good point Steve thanks for making it.

  13. 2 hours ago, halloween said:

    Let me correct you. The STATED aim was to help the poorest farmers, but it did no such thing. The poorest farmers EAT the rice they grow. Less poor farmers suffered from the lack of a rent freeze and price increases which nullified any gain they may have made. OTOH the lack of input limits meant that those wealthy farmers with large farms got most of the small percentage that went to actual farmers.

    I don't care what they di in the EU, this was an electoral bribe and a scam in Thailand.

    Yingluk was a puppet fro a criminal. Tell me why I should have sympathy for someone whose purpose is to enable crime to flourish?

    Enjoy your beer.

    I will enjoy my beer. You enjoy your bittenerness and anger.  I know who will end the day happier.


    But i willend with this observation. As you stated that you dont care what they did in the EU it shows me that you simple dismiss anything that doesn't fit with your narrative or worldview. And that my friend shows you have a vert closed mind. 


    Now where is that ice.

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