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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 30 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

    Pfff! The US spent two or three billion USD on the Obamacare website that doesn't work.


    If you want something to NOT work online, then leave it up to the government.


    Also, those "menial tasks" as you say are their rice bowls. 

    I think you missed the point. Using tech more effectively would free up IO from menial tasks to be redeployed to more important tasks. Not make them unemployed or cut off their rice bowl. 


    As for the US medical websites I cannot comment. But I have used a number of UK government sites for services that work really well. So maybe the website you refer to is either a one off or the US gov is to blame.

  2. I do not believe that Thailand lacks the number of immigration staff to man the booths. They are all stuck up at Chaeng Wattana and the like dealing with 90 day reports, extensions of stays and re-entry permits.  For the love of god make all 90 day reports online - mandatory they will not be accepted in person - that frees up huge numbers of officers currently doing nothing to help improve Thailand's image and development.


    Re-entry permits and extensions of stays - combine the two into a single multiple entry extension of stay - frees up officers and I am sure that extensions of stay could also be done online once you have done the initial extension in person. - Submit scans of the documents with your fee and then just have an appointment to have the stamp put in - quick and easy. If the applicant screws up the application - do it again and pay again. 


    I am amazed at just how far tech has come every time I return to the UK and then even more amazed at how Thailand is soo far behind the curve and how inefficiencies of time, money and effort could so easily be rectified. 


    The number of people in Thailand doing the most menial of tasks is monumental. 


  3. It clearly should be legalized - simply to give those involved far greater security and access to a range of support services. - and this applies to all countries worldwide, not just Thailand. By keeping it illegal you are simply giving criminals a gold plated opportunity to make money and thrive, whilst putting those in the trade a great risk with no recourse to any legal protection.


    It is utter madness that in essence - paying to have sex is illegal!! - Well it must be the only thing (other than air)  that the authorities don't want you to pay for as they charge you for absolutely everything else, including the water you drink. 

  4. 2 hours ago, djayz said:

    Don't tar an entire nation with the same brush. There are good, and bad, apples in every country/race/walk of life. 


    What this teacher did was despicable! Hitting one student is inexcusable but hitting 21?!?! The teacher in question should be sacked effective immediately! 


    And I bet this isn't the first time he's whacked the kids either!

  5. 4 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


    And yet .. the truth is that Thailand is a lot more stable with someone in charge who can control fighting parties as has been witnessed in the past ....  quite simple really.

    Is it stability or fear of what might happen to you and your family if you speak up? 

    As for the control of fighting parties... well there aren't any parties as they have all been effectively dissolved as political gathering over 5 people are banned. 

  6. 6 hours ago, steven100 said:

    The Junta's requirement in this is to keep the country's security and stability in tack.

    The red shirts have a violent reputation as everyone well knows hence the prior warnings and the extra police.


    I think if modern history of the past 40 years is to judge, then the Thai military also have a pretty violent reputation as well. 


    This really is a sham of the highest order. It reminds me of a soviet style show trial. Justice is being seen to be done, but as to whether it is actually done...well no one (other than yingluck and her millions of supporters) seems to be interested in that minor and rather inconvenient detail. This is a passive warning to any future politicians who rock that boat, by burying YL so deep in the brown stuff, that no one will ever dare upset the status quo on any future government. 


    Not overlooking the entire background of a government which by definition of a coup is actually ahem.... not strictly legal and has granted itself from amnesty from future prosecution. 


    I mean imagine if the shinawatras had tried such a stunt :shock1:

  7. 19 minutes ago, baboon said:

    How? 'Prove you won't work, commit a crime or beg, otherwise you don't get in'?

    Increasing prosperity comes with unavoidable problems of its own. Unavoidable unless you are prepared to make your country so unwelcoming that nobody wants to come, if you aren't willing to pay for deportations.

    What is the point of locking someone up indefinitely / fining them if they don't have a pot to pi$$ in? It still costs you 


    Ya know baboon give the constant stream of right wing drivel from this rabid crowd wanting someone, everyone and anyone deported for even the most minor infraction, it is almost like TVF has morphed into a low key passive aggresive electronic version of ISIS for white expats.


    Still I take great solace in the fact that karma has a wonderful memory and what you wish on another human being will in some form or another be repaid back with interest



  8. 51 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    If you ever live with them, eat with them and bred with them you might begin to understand the phycology, until then you are just a liberal apologist.

    Wow. Dont know who i feel the most sorry for this poor woman and her child or you for suggesting racism is a Thai characteristic. 


    Assming you suggestion about thais is correct you must have had a horrible time living, eating and breeding with them as they must have viewed you though the same xenophobic lens and probably still do.


    I think your life is far worse then this lady. 


    And as a liberal i offer my sincere apologies.



  9. 35 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    I hope all the illegal teachers get deported as their is no control what so ever that they aren't convicted of being a sex offender.

    Give the rather poor standards that the Thai police employ for background checks there is no guarantee that the legal ones aren't either.  On that basis shouldn't all the legal teachers be deported as well? 

  10. 3 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    Well,that's not to bad on the savings front,compare that and the debt ratio's to the Uk,Thailand come's out okay.


    Well there you go - as long as you kind find another country that has a greater debt ratio, Thailand must be okay??  So keep sticking your head in the sand and borrow more cause there are people worse off than us, so we can spend more money we haven't got and follow their example, right?


    Both Thailand and the UK and tbh most of the developed and developing world are up to their necks in debt and none of it is okay

  11. 15 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

    This is not your country. You are a visitor subject to the rules that favor Thai citizens. If you want to be the center of the universe go home. 

    Spoke like a true fool.


    Looks like wakeup is speaking while sleepin. 


    I think the point eveeyone one us missing is this. If the alledged 25 million tourists had to each carry 20k and get that 20k Thai baht outside of Thailand before entry. That is going to require foreign banks to seriously stock up on Thai baht. 

    • Like 2
  12. 32 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    I thought Real Estate Agent was one of the jobs foreigners couldn't do as well.

    The other question that springs to mind.
    She who must be obeyed ("Swmbo") has relatives who have a "construction" company, mainly building normal houses. Obviously I couldn't work for them as a bricklayer, carpenter, electrician or labourer, but what if I were to just "help out" now and then on an unpaid basis (so long as I'm not replacing a paid worker) ?

    What If I decide I want to build a brick wall or enclosure in my yard, or do some electrical rewiring or minor carpentry work, is it illegal if I do it ?

    Or am I required to hire someone ? 

    The "monster in law" (who is very nice, at least for now) has some cows and chickens. They tell me if I want I can buy some calves and chicks and they will raise them with their own and we'll split the profits when they sell them. That's not really "farming" (as in me working in that occupation) but what happens if, say because of a family emergency, I'm left behind and have to feed the beasts for a day or two ? I'm not "working" (as a salaried employee) and not taking a job from anyone.
    (Swmbo keeps telling me that "it's not a problem in her village" and I keep telling her I don't want to wake up in a Immigration Detention Cell one morning to find that my Visa/Extension of Stay has been cancelled and I'm being deported because someone saw me throw a handful of chicken feed one day or carry a bag of cement into my yard.)


    Just tell em the chickens are pets. No law against feeding your pets. Simple.


    People have all sorts of odd pets. No law against that.

  13. I really think that no one has any worries about doing a bit of DIY at home or raising a few chickens or growing a few fruit trees. 


    The intention here is, is it a business? Otherwise all immigraion would just set up shop outside Homepro or Thaiwatsadu and feel the collar of every forigner leaving with tools, or a tin of paint. On suspicion of doing a job reserved for a Thai.


    Immigration has more important stuff to do than worry about a foreigner who is changing a plug.

  14. 54 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    It is a blessing that the Junta are in charge and Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha is in the top job. He has worked hard, however some farang just want to throw mud at any news article whether it's a new project being planned or anything to do with his work.


    Who kept the media and thai's continuously informed with running TV broadcasts every friday night then daily in some cases.

    Who represented Thailand at the UN General assembly and spoke in front of the US president and officials. Do you really think his predecessors were even near professional enough to do what he did ... ?

    Who managed to get the China-Thai high speed rail project up and running with 80% going to Thai contractors.

    Who cleaned up areas of Sukhumvit which were once plagued by street carts and almost impassable to pedestrians.

    Who is looking to implement road safety rules with the banning of persons riding in the back of pickups.

    Who is chasing previously convicted criminals to recover millions or billions of baht taken from the thai economy and taxes not paid.

    Who is keeping the country running so it is not plagued with lawlessness, protests that block the streets and affect everyday thai's just wanting to go about their business. Who is chasing those suspected of fraudulent rice schemes that cost Thailand billions of baht which can never be recovered because of prices promised and never delivered.


    I could go on with more .....   there are dozens upon dozens of activities that Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha has achieved or is pushing to achieve.


    But some farang are never happy with the way things are no matter how hard the government works they will always whinge. This shows one's lack of understanding Thai politics and the reason someone such as the Junta and Khun Prayuth has to be in charge to control the troublemakers.

    Those whingers and whiners wouldn't even hold a candle to the General. They wouldn't know the first thing about his job.


    I think the current government is doing a good job. It is certainly much better than his predecessors. As such one can only hope that the Junta stay in control for as long as possible and hopefully at least 10yrs or longer.


    Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha :wai:

    ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ pics of Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha

    Steven, I assume you have already got down on one knee, ring in hand and asked for the good generals hand in marriage as well?

  15. 2 hours ago, Wake Up said:

    Let me wake up in a foreign country every day and rush to my computer to be the first to denigrate the foreign country and their people so I can get "likes" from other unhappy bitter expats. Must be a great life in Thailand for you.  You left your home country to live in a country where you despise the country and its people. Your home country must really suck for you to endure life in a country you hate and feel the people are below your intellect.  Life is short and then you die. Spending you last moments denigrating others and espousing your superiority--- to you priceless.  Best of luck to you. 

    I think you have read a bit too much into comments on TV.


    Many Thais recognise, like the supposedly miserable expats, that Thailand has many many faults. 


    I love living here. But that doesnt stop me having a good moan about aspects of life here that occasionally annoy me. And those annoyances wont cause me to leave. 


    People in my experience use TVF to blow off a bit of steam with others. Pretty harmless really.


  16. 17 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


    Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


    Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


    The picture is not as black and white as you paint it when you consider the following points.

    1. Thailand has an unemployment rate of less than 1%.

    2. Thailand has an aging population and declining birth rate.


    These two points indicate that there juat aint enough thais to do the jobs needed to keep the country developing. And that in itself maybe a bigger threat to the lives and property of Thais than the superficial threat being painted here.

  17. 40 minutes ago, 1SteveC said:

    I doubt that Nate has a work permit for selling clothes and hats in Thailand.




    The problem with Thailand is that its work permit system is just not fit for purpose. Does anyone really give a crap if he sells at most a couple of hundred items of clothing - I mean printing them no doubt put pennies in the hand of the Thai screen printer, which fed his family and paid his bills.  The work permit system functions more as a deterrent to work legally than as a useful system to encourage gainful, tax paying employment. 


    And when you compare it to the brown envelope system of patronage encouraging people to look elsewhere here it just smacks of utter, utter hypocrisy to say one is illegal and the other is acceptable   - Just a nonsense. 


    As for cruelty to animals - This is Thailand - The front page of another newspaper today commented on elephants at an open zoo, being forced to swim underwater for the amusement of visitors who watched the spectacle from behind a specially designed glass viewing area! And those old pachyderms are forced to do it several times a day, each and everyday while annoying kids bang on the glass window and the parents coo and take photos of the whole thing. Cruelty???  Again total hypocrisy. 


    BTW - I'd imagine the cat has forgotten the whole thing by now. 



  18. This is great publicity for him.


    Bet his youtube channel get a load more clicks and as a result his monthly royalty cheque from you tube gets bumped up. 


    As for whether he is working well  before you all jump on the band wagon screaming for his deportation - just remember that if you post a video that get popular on youtube and they pay you advertising royalties you too could be deported for working without a permit! Pretty messed up i'd say!


    As to whether the royalties go into a Thai or US bank well that should make proving his status interesting.


    Obviously the bloke is a complete tool, but that's another bag of worms altogether. 



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