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Posts posted by Boater

  1. it seems to read like a cheap date, let it go and spend your next 1k on a happier ending.

    When I first read the post and saw the magical amount of 1000 thb , I thought it might be something else

    I had a friend once who was scammed this way in green mango , 1000 thb for a chat , and she didn't speak English , he had only been in thailand 2 days

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  2. havin watched the CCTV images, it appears to be a young Thai travelling with no care in the world with no road sense , and just carering straight into them, and it is clearly visible to be the Thai's fault ...

    This is why , when driving a motorbike in thailand, i NEVER wait in the centre lane to turn Right, i wait on the side till all the traffic is clear , then ride across, as to many crazy drivers out there can crash into you ( mainly drunk TRUCK drivers )

    No one said it was his fault. I just like to know where the Australian Embassy was during the aftermath of the accident.

    The police report is ...

    They won't inform the embassy if they are trying to stitch someone up , and if no other foreign influence is aware if the arrest

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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    • Named Cabbages and Condoms the new eatery has opened in Bicester, Oxfordshire
    • Diners will be given leaflets and encouraged to buy condom-themed merchandise - with proceeds going to charity
    • It even has the slogan 'and remember our food is guaranteed not to cause pregnancy'

    After a nice meal out you might get the added bonus of a mint or a chocolate when your bill arrives at the end of the night.

    But when it comes to paying at a new restaurant in Oxford you might get a little more than you bargained for.

    That's because health conscious eatery Cabbages and Condoms is set to become the first in the UK to issue leaflets on protective sex when your meal ends.


    Bizarre: The unusual idea has been launched in the UK following success in Thailand


    Sex advice with that sir? Cabbages & Condoms Thai restaurant in Bicester hands out advice on family planning at the end of the meal


    Cosy atmosphere: The interior of the Cabbages and Condoms restaurant

    In a bizarre initiative started in Thailand, the restaurant aims to promote sexual health alongside its food - following success in six restaurants across the south east Asian country.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2DKo5fL9V

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  3. Why Thai women cut off their husbands' penises

    An epidemic of penile amputations in Thailand led researchers to inquire into what was going on

    Marc Abrahams, The Guardian

    About once per decade, the medical profession takes a careful look back at Thailand's plethora of penile amputations. The first great reckoning appeared in a 1983 issue of the American Journal of Surgery. Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam, by Kasian Bhanganada and four fellow physicians at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, introduces the subject: "It became fashionable in the decade after 1970 for the humiliated Thai wife to wait until her [philandering] husband fell asleep so that she could quickly sever his penis with a kitchen knife. A traditional Thai home is elevated on pilings and the windows are open to allow for ventilation. The area under the house is the home of the family pigs, chickens, and ducks. Thus, it is quite usual that an amputated penis is tossed out of an open window, where it may be captured by a duck."

    The report explains, for readers in other countries: "The Thai saying, 'I better get home or the ducks will have something to eat,' is therefore a common joke and immediately understood at all levels of society".

    Full story at The Guardian:


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  4. This might cause more to kick off http://www.dailymail...n-tomorrow.html

    I doubt it will make a difference. Rather expected behavior when catching spies during wartime in an Islamic fundamentalist society like Gaza, wouldn't you say? Hope they really were spies and weren't murdered for nothing. Somehow I doubt they got fair trials.

    Highly doubt they had a fair trial

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  5. A SUSPECTED drug dealer was found dead with a bullet wound in the neck at the back of a house in Bophut.

    Police Lt.Col. Thawatchai Phromthep, investigator at the Bophut provincial police station, identified the body as that of Mr. Phongsak Phrommuang or Bon, 30, from Suratthani province.

    Mr. Phongsak is believed to have been involved in drugs and police say his name is on the blacklist of the Koh Samui police.

    Police are still searching for the owner of the rented apartment who has reportedly been missing, it was gathered.


  6. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced recently the Suratthani Rajabhat University’s Samuibased International School of Tourism will be developed as the center of tourism studies in the south with an initial annual funding of Bt20 million as Thailand gears up to attract more foreign tourists.

    Dr. Prayote Kupgarnjanagool, vice president for planning and development at the International School of Tourism, said the prime minister who presided over a Cabinet meeting on Oct. 22 on the campus, asked that the institution develop training programs that will compliment Thailand’s growing tourism industry.

    “They would like to turn this as the main school for tourism,” Dr. Prayote told Samui Express. “The government thinks tourism is very important for Thailand to become a world-class destination. We can make a lot of money through tourism.” IST currently has over 300 students. Some of them are from China, Burma, Laos and Cambodia.


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