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Posts posted by Boater

  1. 'America's most wanted deadbeat dad' arrested after fleeing to Thailand to avoid $1.2m in child support payments


    Caught: Robert Sand was arrested for failing to pay more than $1.2million in child support for his three children.

    The man who earned the dubious honor of being the federal government's 'most wanted deadbeat dad' has finally been caught.

    Robert Sand was arrested on Monday for failing to pay more than $1.2million in child support for his three children.

    His troubles date back to 1996 when the first legal complaints were filed against him for not paying child support to either of his two ex wives, and he fled to Florida and later Thailand to avoid the payments.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2FVFntkSy

    --Daily Mail-- 2012-12-19


    • James Mason, from Essex, was 39 stone when doctors told him he had five years to live
    • By the time he was 27, he was wearing XXXXXXXXL clothes and trousers with a 58-inch waist
    • But now, thanks to a Thai boxing camp, he is less than half the man he was

    In 2011, James Mason was so dangerously obese he was given just five years to live.

    At 27, and already tipping the scales at 39 stone, the death sentence finally proved the spur he needed to shed the weight.

    Now, just over a year and a half on, and Mr Mason, from Hockley, Essex, is less than half the man he was after shedding a huge 23 stone during nine months at a Thai boxing camp.


    In 2011, James Mason was so dangerously obese he was given just five years to live. But he quickly changed his life around by packing up and moving to a Thai boxing camp

  2. Back in 2005 , lamai was packed , every bar was full .. Last time I was there around a year ago , ghost town

    Just noticed the famous Irish pub has now reduced it's asking price online , plus the ark bar of lamai is up for sale ...

    Is the place slowly becoming lest attractive ? , and people are wanting out ?

  3. I would hope each of them had at least a small amount of money on their person. Otherwise, that's just sad. What if they felt like some noodles or something? I applaud the local BIB for their diligent zero tolerance for DOMINOES crime fighting program!

    Now if they put that effort in to jet ski scams ect ect .....

  4. Sorry, you and I must close, It's the law.

    If you want to change it run, for government.

    I am not Thai, so cannot run for government. And I do not run a bar, but obviously living in Samui I know plenty of people who both run and work in bars. They are doing it pretty tough at the moment.

    Just get permanent residency and after that apply for citizenship and then run for office.

    Has this ever happened in thailand before ? I. Know in Spain it has from Brits with residency

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  5. Can't seem to edit , but 2 words above auto corrected on iPad

    or the business owners losing income everyday day, or the Thai employees who probably rant being paid due to there guineas closing ...

    Should read

    or the business owners losing income everyday day, or the Thai employees who probably are not being paid due to there buisness closing ...

  6. Nothing we can do about it other than make good use of the power when we have it. Charge phones, cook, hot shower etc

    No point complaining to the Internet.

    I don't think anybody has noticed that its stopped raining.

    It's an island.. Shit happens.. Ever been camping before.. The Thais aren't worried because they know how to live from basic means watch them and we might learn something...

    At times like these rather than complain why not try to do something constructive instead help someone out give the neighbors some candles.. This forum is great for keeping people up to date but fuc_k there's a lot of people winging...

    Try saying that to a tourist who has probaly spent the good part of 100,000 thb coming here for a holiday , or the business owners losing income everyday day, or the Thai employees who probably rant being paid due to there guineas closing ...

    Yes shit happens , but certain problems are preventable , this being one as it isn't the first or probably the last time it has happened !

  7. The British Embassy joins forces with Thailand’s Ministry of Tourism to tackle tourist scams.

    Thailand’s Ministry of Tourism and Sports recently launched a television campaign to encourage Thais to be good hosts to foreign tourists. With over 850,000 British tourists visiting Thailand each year, British Ambassador Mark Kent jumped at the opportunity to be involved and highlight some of the problems tourists face when visiting Thailand. Mark joined the filming of the campaign with Chumpol Silpa-archa, Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism and Sports Minister. The television campaign (insert link to youtube video of commercial) will run until the end of December.

    Mar Kent, British Ambassador, said:


  8. What a difference wind or solar power plant on the island could make in cases like these...

    Solar power doesn't generate enough to make a difference, and if wind power means miles of those hideous windmills ruining the skyline, no thanks.

    Solar power can make a serious difference if enough people do it . Put every roof in solar panels and probably 50% of every home creates enough elec for it's own , while industries or hotels ( and aircon rooms ) need extra . Windmills are not ugly . They are very relaxing to look at from a distance , and when grouped together they only show up in 1 area ( for the people who think they are ugly ) . At 1 point in time ( sooner then you think ) everybody will have to make the choice . Nuclear energy i used to think it is the solution but over the years i certainly changed my mind ( i do work in a chem company ) . You cannot guarantee the safety . At least in a chem company , when you do have a fatal accident , the infected area is relatively small , and or cleaned up pretty easy . In case of a serious nuclear accident , and they will/do happen the infected area is large , and remains infected for generations to come . The nuclear waste itself is a not used energy source and is just put underground for the next 10000 years ( 10000 years is longer then recorded history , way before most civilisations could write ) . Send it to the moon , they have thought about it in the past but the idea was passed away because of safety issues when a launch fails . There are no easy solutoins to the energy question . Energy fusion is still many decades away , and the term of people who do work on it is only getting longer the longer they work on it .

    All new build in the costa blanca needs to have solar panels .. The law should be on samui as well

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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