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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Adequate fuel supply to Samui assured

    The Nation

    SAMUI: -- PTT has dispatched 10 oil trucks to Koh Samui, to address the acute demand for fuel on the tourist island.

    Samui’s power system went out on Tuesday, prompting each of big business operators to stock up 3,000-6,000 litres of diesel for their power generators.

    The company said that the the 10 trucks have already loaded about 150,000 litres to the five stations on the island and another shipment is due early morning tomorrow.

    PTT said that the company is closely monitoring the situation and will ensure adequate fuel supply until the island’s power is back.


    -- The Nation 2012-12-05

    Then you should tell the gaas stations. I could not buy diesel today.

    so that is only enough diesal for 25 hotels,

  2. generator 20k baht. A paltry expense when tacked on to a house build

    on the basis you have enough diesal to fill it !!,

    solar is the way forward

    Therein lies the problem. I could not buy diesel on Samuui for my truck today. All going to hotels.

    thats what happens everytimr there is a long power cut, they run out of diesel !

    Anyone for some solar panels?

  3. Ok. I am truly bored now, and candles are getting short, and sparing my last bit of gasoline for the genny. Anyone now of a bar that is open (perhaps even serving a cold one -after 12am?) on the east side of the island?

    Bondi in both Lamai and Chaweng have posted on FB they have enough diesel to last 5-6 days, so chilled beer and burgers, plus the TV is working there

  4. I wonder why the 'how' has not been addressed. How was the supply 'ruptured' in the first place and what steps will EGAT or the Govt take to address that issue to stop further difficulties? Last question being - watch the pump pricing as no doubt the operators will be scalping due to the 'urgent' need.

    they wont, that is called ' Forward Thinking '

  5. hat exactly does a cable rupture mean? How does the cable rupture?

    not the first time this year , happened on the 12th May 2012, just do a google search of what you ask and it links to BKK post

    But could be caused by a number of things, cheap wires, fishing boats hooking on to the wire and damaging it ...


  6. With 2 out of 5 planned nuclear power plants being in the south of Thailand (Sichon, Nakhorn Sri Thammarat and Tha Chana district in Surat Thani), this power outage might win over some people who were unsure whether to approve of those plants. "remember those serious power outages, we need sufficient power for tourism".

    On the other hand, it should concern people. If a problem like this can not be dealt with faster, what would happen in the event of difficulties with a nuclear plant ...

    could you trust Nuclear power on the Island? esp with all the flooding !

  7. Sounds like the business owners are trying to push a case for 'compensation' due to lost revenue from all the departed.

    Actually, business is down because there's a lack of ice for chilling the beer.

    they should stock up on self chillin beer ! - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2165903/Now-men-longer-need-fridges-First-self-chilling-beer-sale-UK.html

  8. Aldhouse must have had a deal to return ! Be interesting to see ...

    But it seems strange on the day 2 people where released from uk prison for robbing a student in london , which was caught on CCTV , but a judge ruled it wasn't enough evidence, he may have agreed terms that certain evidence cannot be used ,

    Interesting to see how this one will turn out

  9. At first glance, the picture seems to show a typical tourist enjoying the attractions in a bar in Thailand. With two scantily-clad young women snuggling up to him, he looks as though he doesn’t have a care in the world.

    But the story of Gary McNeish – and his reason for setting up home on the other side of the world – is not quite so simple.

    For yesterday he became the subject of a legal first when he and his business partner were fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office using new powers to clamp down on firms which send spam text messages.

    While sources close to the 25-year-old web designer this week said he was ‘living like a playboy’ in Thailand, he now faces the prospect of being pursued through the courts here for £140,000. His business partner Chris Niebel has been fined £300,000.


    The good life: Gary McNeish, seen with two female friends relaxing in a Thai bar, faces being pursued for a £300,000 fine

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2DcMncfL0

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