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Posts posted by Boater

  1. What about Samui... There are lots of gun related crime and foreigners caring guns that threatening people there... Wake up

    What? Lots of foreigners caring guns and threatening people on Samui???? I've never seen or heard about one. Who? Where? When? Sorry .. I just woke up.

    Been a number of Thai shootings , one down fisher mans village when it was packed with tourists and also solo and green mango I think ... But the point being each shooting there where alto of tourists around and one could have been hit by mistake ...

    If the Thais want to shoot each other , that is fine , but they shouldn't do when there are hundreds of innocent bystanders near by

  2. AT least seven beggars with physical disabilities believed to be from Cambodia were taken out of the streets of Koh Samui after some residents complained about their activities asking tourists for alms.

    The local police said they acted on the complaint out of concern for the image of the island and to neutralize the gang that could be behind them.

    Police identified the beggars as Mr. Kaew, 46, Mr. Chai, 23, Mr. Burin, 22, Mrs. Gagai, 48, Mr. Sna, 40 and Mr. Chatser, 53.


  3. The local police are warning the public to be wary of the so-called ATM hacker gang which to date has looted more than Bt3 million.

    Pol. Lt. Col. Phitsanu Biakaew, Koh Samui tourist police superintendent, said about 19 people, both Thais and tourists, lost money from their ATM accounts.

    An investigation launched in several ATM booths in Chaweng and Maenam revealed the hackers use ATM machines maintained by Kasikorn Bank.


  4. ]

    Could have been because one of Bollywoods biggest stars was and still is in Samui ? - http://thelinkpaper.ca/?p=25153

    It's no doubt unconnected but why does this guy always make me itch.

    Is it because he is always provocative?

    Or just because all he ever posts is nasty, aggravating, provoking, contentious, negative stuff that lacks in harmony and cheer?

    OH. This is some sort of . . . flog blog tam or blat?

    What do we call it?

    Oh, Right.

    He is a troll.

    Got it.

    Not allowed to TROLL. Sorry.

    I am absolutely not trawling Boathead.

    Thanks and sorry.


    did we get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning Rob??

  5. Crystal Bay is the best beach in Koh Samui and both travelers and expats agree! I lived on the other side of the island for 6 months and would come swimming and snorkeling here every weekend. Before leaving the island we spent a couple nights here and absolutely loved it! Not only was the service superb but the facilities were...



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  6. Anyone know what the exct finaicials are per year for the mayor ?

    Salary of a mayor depends on the budget of the town. Ranges from 14,000 a month for smallest towns, to 75,000 for large cities. Based on the little money that reaches Samui, I dare to guess that the mayor wouldn't be a lot higher than 14,000 baht per month (so he doesn't pay income tax, hahaha)

    And total kickbacks ...? do the police have to share tea money with major ? Or the land department ? Or taxi mafia ?

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